Originally Posted by Stephen Hoover
Are you aware that very, very few scholars reach another conclusion than you? Nearly all agree that a literal veil is in question in Cor. 11.
The application for today can be debated I suppose... at least it is, but very few with a more than cursory knowledge of scripture will agree that hair is the covering Paul is teaching. He clearly left that to nature.
Archaic ignorance? ... nevermind.
PRECISELY! Just a few hours of study on the subject taking my preconceived organizational pat answer, and putting it aside (Not discarding it, just being willing to look at the other side of the coin) left me with not a shadow of a doubt as to the intent of this whole passage.
What was really intriguing to me is that virtually every discussion of this subject has to start at the end and work itself forward to reach the common American UPC conclusion, but when I was willing to start at the beggining, and work my way forward addressing each verse in the light of OTHER Bible Verses it became abundantly and startlingly (to me) clear that HOLD ON TO YOUR SEATS! I WAS WRONG in the pat "A womans hair is given her for her covering and that settles it" response to the veil issue.
Love the way that those who don't see a veil here virutally without exception have to call the intelligence and understanding of those who do into question.
I was on the veil thread a while back and noticed that even though I presented the thorough and widely recognized as probably the top in the field of Greek New Testament commentary definitions the only response or actually attempt at defense my "opponent" could come up with was that I was ...."A VICTIM UNTO REGURGITATION" (Which I love so much I almost want to change my name on the group from TCSQ to Victim Unto Regurgitation)
Anyway I am with you on this. The meaning is clear to me and it is disconcerting that those who feel differently about the issue have to resort to impugning intellect, character, and relationship with God!