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Old 09-23-2015, 11:00 AM
Rudy Rudy is offline
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Re: They have no shame

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
there are lots of inspired, independent churches now.
There is a thread on "a list of grace giving churches" if you know of any post them there.



Go here on tithing----->


If it is God's will for your illness then why are you seeking medical attention to get rid of it?

Last edited by Rudy; 09-23-2015 at 11:08 AM.
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Old 09-23-2015, 11:06 AM
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Re: They have no shame

Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord View Post
Yes, they can live of the gospel. But nowhere in the NT is a specific amount designated that must be given to one man pastoring a church, now is there????
We started a church. I'm the only one supported in it. When the church grows other ministries will be supported as well.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 09-23-2015, 11:13 AM
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Re: They have no shame

Originally Posted by Rudy View Post
so by your own words food could be given. If I cut and package half a beef and deliver it to you would you take it?
Not if it does not support me as an income. What is this crops and cattle thing, when the economy in the bible worked with that but it does not today? If we're going to be that wooden in our beliefs, then let's all wear robes and discard our cheques and cash for crops as well. The point is the INCREASE of the people then was crops and cattle. So they gave that. If your increase is not cash but crops and cattle, then yes.

So the jab backfires. lol If you insist we do it the bible way with crops and cattle, then you cannot receive case or cheques from your place of employment either.


Now about being disingenuous. Mike if we use Mosaic Law to promote tithing you can't change it to do whatever you want it to do or say.
It's whatever the manner of increase of the giver is. So, I insist it is disengenuous.

This is how the religious world is so messed up. Make it say something else. God made it clear what he wanted tithed, period.

Also, here in these United States it was not all that long ago where food items were used to pay doctors, laborers, mid-wives, farm workers,etc. It's nothing new.
But the person paring the food would also have to be paid food by his or her employer to be consistent.

To show how this turns the whole principle on it's ear, can you picture a person in the old testament getting paid American dollars and expected to offer tithes of cattle and crops? Where would he get his cattle from if his increase is American money? Same thing!

Because of the times we may find ourselves doing this again.
Sure. If the person giving is in turn paid that way, then nothing wrong with supporting ministry that way. But it is inconsistent and unfair to demand Old Covenant commerce in tithing when the tithers are not being paid from their employers the same thing.

No, there is nothing wrong with tithing money, you're right. But here is what happens much of the time. The person that gives let say 5% gets shunned more times than not. I know the guilt trips used to persuade the masses.

That's not the problem of tithing. It's a people problem.


It would seem to me to be more fun to do away with mandatory tithing and see what God will do!!!
It's not mandatory in our church. No one is shunned if they don't. And there are some who don't

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 09-23-2015, 11:18 AM
Rudy Rudy is offline
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Re: They have no shame


Clement of Rome 100
Didache 100 (also see my site and book)
Justin Martyr 165
Tertullian 230
Origen 255
Cyprian 258 (my site)
Waldenses 1150+-
Thomas Aquinas 1275
John Wycliff 1384
John Huss 1415
German Peasants 1520
Anabaptists 1525
Erasmus 1536
Otto Brumfels 1534
Martin Luther 1546
Philip Melanchthon 1560
Separatists Amsterdam 1603
John Smythe 1609 Baptist
John Robinson 1610
English Parliament 1650+-
Puritans & Plgrims Mass 1650+-
John Cotton 1652 Puritan
Roger Williams 1636 Baptist
Little Parliament 1653
Oliver Cromwell 1658
John Milton 1658 Puritan
Particular Baptists 1660
John Owen 1680 Baptist
Francis Turretin 1687
John Bunyan 1688 Baptist
Quakers 1768
John Gill 1771 Baptist
John Wesley 1791 (my site)
Adam Clarke 1832 Baptist
Charles Buck 1833
J C Philpot 1835 Baptist
Charles H Spurgeon 1832 Baptist
Parsons Cooke 1850
Samuel Harris 1850
Edward A Lawrence 1850
John Peter Lange 1876
Henry William Clark 1891 Engllish
S H Kellogg 1891
G Campbell Morgan 1898 Congregational
Albert Vail 1913 Baptist
Frank Fox 1913
David MaConaughy 11918 Episcopal
William Pettingill 1932
John Harvey Grime 1934 Baptist
John T Mueller 1934 Lutheran
H E Dana 1937 Bapt Historian (my site)
R C H LENSKI 1946 Lutheran
Lewis Sperry Chafer 1948 DTS Foundeer
W E Vine 1949
James F Rand 1953
Francis Pieper 1953 Lutheran
Ray Stedman 1951
L L McR 1955 Catholic
Paul Leonard Stagg 1958 Baptist
Hiley H Ward 1958 Baptist
Roy T Cowles 1958
Elizabeth P Tilton 1958
R C Rein 1958 Lutheran
Robert A Baker 1959 Bapt Historian
Wick Bromall 1960
John Byron Evans 1960
Norman Tenpas 1967
James Edward Anderson 1967
Alfred Martin 1968
Jerry Horner 1972 S Baptist
Pieter Verhoef 1974
Dennis Wretlind 1975
Jack J Peterson 1978 Pres
Donald Kraybill 1978
Jon Zens 1979 Baptist
Richard Cunningham 1979 S Bapt
Gary Frieson 1980
Paul Fink 1982
George Monroe Castillo 1982
Tony Badillo 1984
James M Boice 1986
Michael E Oliver 1986 Rest
W Clyde Tilley 1987
Scott Collier 1987
Ronald M Campbell 1987
R E O White 1988
William McDonald 1989
Charles Swindoll 1990 Dallas Seminary
Rhodes Thompson 1990
Jerome Smith 1992
CRAIG BLOMBERG 1993 Denver Seminary
J Duncan M Derrett 1993
Walter Kaiser Jr 1994 Gordon-Cromwell
Moises Silva 1994
Benny D Prince 1995
Brian K Morley 1996
Linda L Belleville 1996
Ron Rhodes 1997
Ernest L Martin 1997
Michael Webb 1998
R Johnston 1999
Mark Snoeberger 2000 Baptist
Stuart Murray 2000 Eng
George W Greene 2000
Old Line Primitive Baptists 2000
Jaime Cardinal Sin 2000 Cath Archbishop
Jonathan Kitchcart 2001
Frank Viola 2002
George Barna 2002
Michael Morrison 2002
Elliott Miller 2003
Matthew Narramore 2004
David Alan Black 2004 Baptist SEBTS (my site)
Andreas Kostenberger 2007 Baptist SEBTS (my site)
Danny Akin 2007 Baptist SEBTS (my site)
Mark Driscoll 2008
Roman Catholic Church
Jehovah’s Witnesses
New Worldwide Church of God


Go here on tithing----->


If it is God's will for your illness then why are you seeking medical attention to get rid of it?
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Old 09-23-2015, 11:23 AM
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Re: They have no shame

When did head-counting determine what doctrine is correct?

Originally Posted by Rudy View Post

Clement of Rome 100
Didache 100 (also see my site and book)
Justin Martyr 165
Tertullian 230
Origen 255
Cyprian 258 (my site)
Waldenses 1150+-
Thomas Aquinas 1275
John Wycliff 1384
John Huss 1415
German Peasants 1520
Anabaptists 1525
Erasmus 1536
Otto Brumfels 1534
Martin Luther 1546
Philip Melanchthon 1560
Separatists Amsterdam 1603
John Smythe 1609 Baptist
John Robinson 1610
English Parliament 1650+-
Puritans & Plgrims Mass 1650+-
John Cotton 1652 Puritan
Roger Williams 1636 Baptist
Little Parliament 1653
Oliver Cromwell 1658
John Milton 1658 Puritan
Particular Baptists 1660
John Owen 1680 Baptist
Francis Turretin 1687
John Bunyan 1688 Baptist
Quakers 1768
John Gill 1771 Baptist
John Wesley 1791 (my site)
Adam Clarke 1832 Baptist
Charles Buck 1833
J C Philpot 1835 Baptist
Charles H Spurgeon 1832 Baptist
Parsons Cooke 1850
Samuel Harris 1850
Edward A Lawrence 1850
John Peter Lange 1876
Henry William Clark 1891 Engllish
S H Kellogg 1891
G Campbell Morgan 1898 Congregational
Albert Vail 1913 Baptist
Frank Fox 1913
David MaConaughy 11918 Episcopal
William Pettingill 1932
John Harvey Grime 1934 Baptist
John T Mueller 1934 Lutheran
H E Dana 1937 Bapt Historian (my site)
R C H LENSKI 1946 Lutheran
Lewis Sperry Chafer 1948 DTS Foundeer
W E Vine 1949
James F Rand 1953
Francis Pieper 1953 Lutheran
Ray Stedman 1951
L L McR 1955 Catholic
Paul Leonard Stagg 1958 Baptist
Hiley H Ward 1958 Baptist
Roy T Cowles 1958
Elizabeth P Tilton 1958
R C Rein 1958 Lutheran
Robert A Baker 1959 Bapt Historian
Wick Bromall 1960
John Byron Evans 1960
Norman Tenpas 1967
James Edward Anderson 1967
Alfred Martin 1968
Jerry Horner 1972 S Baptist
Pieter Verhoef 1974
Dennis Wretlind 1975
Jack J Peterson 1978 Pres
Donald Kraybill 1978
Jon Zens 1979 Baptist
Richard Cunningham 1979 S Bapt
Gary Frieson 1980
Paul Fink 1982
George Monroe Castillo 1982
Tony Badillo 1984
James M Boice 1986
Michael E Oliver 1986 Rest
W Clyde Tilley 1987
Scott Collier 1987
Ronald M Campbell 1987
R E O White 1988
William McDonald 1989
Charles Swindoll 1990 Dallas Seminary
Rhodes Thompson 1990
Jerome Smith 1992
CRAIG BLOMBERG 1993 Denver Seminary
J Duncan M Derrett 1993
Walter Kaiser Jr 1994 Gordon-Cromwell
Moises Silva 1994
Benny D Prince 1995
Brian K Morley 1996
Linda L Belleville 1996
Ron Rhodes 1997
Ernest L Martin 1997
Michael Webb 1998
R Johnston 1999
Mark Snoeberger 2000 Baptist
Stuart Murray 2000 Eng
George W Greene 2000
Old Line Primitive Baptists 2000
Jaime Cardinal Sin 2000 Cath Archbishop
Jonathan Kitchcart 2001
Frank Viola 2002
George Barna 2002
Michael Morrison 2002
Elliott Miller 2003
Matthew Narramore 2004
David Alan Black 2004 Baptist SEBTS (my site)
Andreas Kostenberger 2007 Baptist SEBTS (my site)
Danny Akin 2007 Baptist SEBTS (my site)
Mark Driscoll 2008
Roman Catholic Church
Jehovah’s Witnesses
New Worldwide Church of God

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 09-23-2015, 11:45 AM
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Re: They have no shame

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
We started a church. I'm the only one supported in it. When the church grows other ministries will be supported as well.
Doesn't this seem just a tad bit odd to you?
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Old 09-23-2015, 11:53 AM
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Re: They have no shame

What's with the crops and cattle thing? Because that is what tithing was all about. People earned incomes in the Bible days. There were craftsmen, artisans, carpenters, construction workers, hewers of wood and stone, drawers of water, etc etc etc.

They did not tithe on their income or wages. Only those producing crops or cattle tithed. In fact, the Bible explicitly declares that if a person could not carry the cattle or produce to Jerusalem to pay the tithe, they were to turn it into money (sell the stuff for cash) and bring the cash to Jerusalem.

But they did not give any cash to the Levites or priests! They were to BUY FOOD PRODUCTS and tithe THAT!!!!

God already took into account the concept of cash/coin in relation to the tithe, and he REFUSED TO ACCEPT CASH AND COIN.

What is taught as 'tithing' today simply has no Biblical support. Not that 'tithing' isn't taught in the Bible, but that what IS CALLED TITHING NOWADAYS is simply NOT BIBLICAL TITHING TO BEGIN WITH.

It is also rather curious that tithing was developed during the medieval catholic era as a means of supporting full time bishops and clergy. When it was introduced it was NOT introduced as 'we must obey the Bible'. Likewise, here in the west, tithing was not introduced until the 1870s!! And it too was not introduced AT FIRST as 'we must obey the Bible' but as an ALTERNATIVE to the disappearing sources of income previously enjoyed by churches. It wasn't until later that it was back-engineered into the doctrine.

It really is a new thing. If it was clearly apostolic none of this history would exist. There never would have been various attempts to 'introduce' tithing in Christendom. In fact, the earliest pre-catholic records indicate that ministers were expected to literally 'live of the gospel' meaning they were expected to OWN NOTHING but subsist on the freewill offerings and gifts of whoever was willing to feed, clothe, and house them.

Hardly the way things are today...
Visit the Apostolic House Church YouTube Channel!

Biblical Worship - free pdf http://www.pdf-archive.com/2016/02/21/biblicalworship4/

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Old 09-23-2015, 12:02 PM
Rudy Rudy is offline
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Re: They have no shame

Yes, the disciples were not to take anything with them. They were supported as they went.


Go here on tithing----->


If it is God's will for your illness then why are you seeking medical attention to get rid of it?
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Old 09-23-2015, 12:02 PM
houston houston is offline
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Re: They have no shame

YeRs ago I read a post by a guy named Isaias. It helped solidify my belief that tithing in the NT is not biblical. I haven't seen him around in ages.
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Old 09-23-2015, 12:03 PM
Rudy Rudy is offline
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Re: They have no shame

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
When did head-counting determine what doctrine is correct?
Just showing any newbies they are not alone.


Go here on tithing----->


If it is God's will for your illness then why are you seeking medical attention to get rid of it?
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