Read your Bible drummer boy, what part of no don't you understand!
If they have anything to say, they need to politely ask their husband at home if they can speak, then, with downcast eyes and a humble spirit, politely ask their husband the question!
and after Paul quoted that "oral tradition" back to them (some in the Corinthian assemby), he said, "What?" and then went on to assure them that what he had told them about women praying or prophesying in the church was from God and not from men. No body (woman or man) was to be forbidden to speak with tongues, interpret, or prophesy publicly as long as it followed the guidelines he had given them.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis
Apostolic in doctrine
Pentecostal in experience
Charismatic in practice
Non-denominational in affiliation
Inter-denominational in fellowship
When they are praying for the Holy Ghost, we have a little side room that we take them to. It is decorated like a front room, sofa etc, that way they can speak in a HOME atmosphere and we are not violating the Word!
When they are praying out loud they have to rush to that room so that everything is in order.
Sometimes it gets a little busy, women rushing back and forth, but it is Biblical!
We have a man who monitors the situation, and if the women get out of hand he sends them backto their husbands for control!
Everything done decently and in order!
How is it done at other churches?
OK, now I know you are not for real. OK, I think I know. Hard to tell sometimes, but this is (I think) too far over the top. Are you a fictional character? You look like a spoof I might make up!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Can females be used in the office of a Christian pastor and in Eldership roles ?
Yes or No ? What say ye ?
They can but they are wrong-- just like Trinitarians who are used by God are wrong. God has mercy and uses both anyway, but this doesn't change His Word.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
and after Paul quoted that "oral tradition" back to them (some in the Corinthian assemby), he said, "What?" and then went on to assure them that what he had told them about women praying or prophesying in the church was from God and not from men. No body (woman or man) was to be forbidden to speak with tongues, interpret, or prophesy publicly as long as it followed the guidelines he had given them.
and after Paul quoted that "oral tradition" back to them (some in the Corinthian assemby), he said, "What?" and then went on to assure them that what he had told them about women praying or prophesying in the church was from God and not from men. No body (woman or man) was to be forbidden to speak with tongues, interpret, or prophesy publicly as long as it followed the guidelines he had given them.
And one of the guidelines was that they had to do that at home! Under the headship of their husband!
Whoop you church sounds alot like the corithian church lots confusion...all the running around to this room and that room.....
Women sitting quietly under the headship of their husbands, quietly, humbly, .... something that does not happen at all those other "Worldly " churches!
Sometimes there is a lot of activity, we mainly have two lanes going to the little room for ladies! Don't you have a little room for ladies at your church where they go to talk? Most Pentecostal churches have that little room!
Women sitting quietly under the headship of their husbands, quietly, humbly, .... something that does not happen at all those other "Worldly " churches!
Sometimes there is a lot of activity, we mainly have two lanes going to the little room for ladies! Don't you have a little room for ladies at your church where they go to talk? Most Pentecostal churches have that little room!
Yes,we have this little room in our Church...
Whoop I hate to be the one to tell you,but Honey,that's the Lady's Rest Room
There is tongue talking going on in this little room,where else can we gossip!
__________________ John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counsellor to be with you for ever 17 The Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
OK, now I know you are not for real. OK, I think I know. Hard to tell sometimes, but this is (I think) too far over the top. Are you a fictional character? You look like a spoof I might make up!
I have thought this from day 1. LOL
Of course I also realized Bill Price was playing a game with everyone as well.....
Although I still think Bro Ogatt is REAL. His advice just makes too much sense!