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Old 04-02-2007, 07:13 PM
Whole Hearted Whole Hearted is offline
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Originally Posted by Truly Blessed View Post
One of the things that disturbs me about you is that you speak so many things as if you know what you are speaking of and yet you have no clues at all. Just because someone doesn't believe the fallacy of your three steps to being born again doctrine and abhors your love for finding anything you can to condemn everyone else, doesn't mean we don't take our stand for truth.

I know what it is to give up everything to stand for the truth. Organizational affiliation of 23 years, the fellowship of friends and colleagues, being abandoned by family, the loss of church property including housing, etc. You have no idea.

I preach a strong message of faith, repentance, baptism by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues, as well as a life that reflects a Spirit-filled life of sanctification.

I just preached this on Sunday and baptized three adults on Sunday. If the members of our congregation heard you make the kind of ridiculous statement made here, they would consider you a liar. They would certainly know you have no credibility at all when you make such statements.!

I don't teach that being sincere gives anyone a pass into the kingdom of God. A person can be sincerely lost.
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Old 04-02-2007, 07:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Whole Hearted View Post
The more I read, the more I believe that the ultra-cons just don't understand the PCI position.

The difference to me, is the means to the end. The end result is the same.

It's not where you are at that matters to some. It's how you got there that matters most!
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Old 04-02-2007, 07:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Pianoman View Post
The more I read, the more I believe that the ultra-cons just don't understand the PCI position.

The difference to me, is the means to the end. The end result is the same.

It's not where you are at that matters to some. It's how you got there that matters most!
My friend I understand what you call 'PCI' doctrine and if they preach it with the same emphasis their forefathers did it would accomplish the same but most very seldom preach it at all thus they do not have the same results.
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Old 04-02-2007, 07:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
My friend I understand what you call 'PCI' doctrine and if they preach it with the same emphasis their forefathers did it would accomplish the same but most very seldom preach it at all thus they do not have the same results.

kind of reminds me of the AoG. i read a article about how alarmed the leadership was over a poll taken. in it they found that 73% had never recieved the baptism of the holy ghost. we have a lot of COGIC people coming to our church and when i have asked several of them if they have spoken in tongues, some say yes some say no. I remember when it was taught that it was essential. they use to have "tarrying services". it was Charles Blake who changed their thinking on that.
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Old 04-02-2007, 07:39 PM
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I, at one time was a firm believer in the Branham mesage. Attended Braham Tabernacle and Junior Jacksons church. I believed the Serpents Seed and EVERYTHING Bro. Branham said simply because he was a prophet. No. He was THE Prophet. But, as I matured in the Lord, and began to read the Word for myself, I began to see errors in Bro. Branhams teachings. What he taught simply did not align with God's Word. So, I left. I still regard Bro. Branham as a prophet, but, like Balaam, he was prophet who went into error. Later in years, I preached at a church (non-Branhamite) and the Lord led me to speak on "The Serpent Seed". I preached that the Serpents Seed is the Word of God that Satan had perverted to say what it doesn't actually say. Just as the Serpent did in the garden. He took God's Words, changed them a little, for the purpose of decieving, just as he does today. Thats why its important to preach the Word, not someones conviction or "revelation".

Yes, there are doctrines that will cause a person to be lost. But no matter how "doctrinally correct" we are, we'll be lost if we don't keep a Christlike spirit about us.
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Old 04-02-2007, 07:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
kind of reminds me of the AoG. i read a article about how alarmed the leadership was over a poll taken. in it they found that 73% had never recieved the baptism of the holy ghost. we have a lot of COGIC people coming to our church and when i have asked several of them if they have spoken in tongues, some say yes some say no. I remember when it was taught that it was essential. they use to have "tarrying services". it was Charles Blake who changed their thinking on that.
This is true they are quickly losing their distinction. I read the same survey put out by the AG. Most pastors have say they have never spoken in tongues. I think the PAW will follow this path.
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Old 04-02-2007, 07:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
My friend I understand what you call 'PCI' doctrine and if they preach it with the same emphasis their forefathers did it would accomplish the same but most very seldom preach it at all thus they do not have the same results.
Bro. Epley, I respect and honor you as a man of God. I believe you are sincere in your assertions, and do so without malice.

That being said, I don't always agree with your assertions. Blame it on experience of meeting and knowing other sincere, dedicated, sold out to God saints of differing beliefs. They are just as convinced that they are right, as you are convinced you are right.

They can use scripture to defend their position as much as you can to defend yours.

I have decided to follow the way that I believe God has shown me with much prayer and fear. Some things in my heritage I have dismissed because it lacked scriptural backing. Other things from my heritage I will NEVER dismiss, as I have experienced for myself the power of the Holy Ghost.

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Old 04-02-2007, 08:25 PM
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Another false doctrine prevailent in the church is hte doctrine of NO doctrine.
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Old 04-02-2007, 09:56 PM
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I remember when I was in North Carolina they had what they called the "Cloud Doctrine". It was that Jesus had returned in the "clouds", and that they were the clouds. I found out they were clouds.......without water. The same group also believed the "never die" doctrine until one of the men died. They kept his body in the church for several days expecting him to raise. They finally had to bury him. The same group now believes the "ultimate reconciliation" doctrine. Several have told me personally that even the devil will be saved in the end.

In typing this, I have just realized that this group has continually embraced one false doctrine after another.
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Old 04-02-2007, 09:58 PM
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Originally Posted by stmatthew View Post
I remeber when I was in North Carolina they had what they called the "Cloud Doctrine". It was that Jesus had returned in the "clouds", and that they were the clouds. I found out they were clouds.......without water. The same group also believed the never die doctrine until one of the men died. They kept his body in the church for several days expecting him to raise. They finally had to bury him. The same group now believed the "ultimate reconciliation" doctrine. Several have told me personally that even the devil will be saved in the end.

In typing this, I have just realized that this group has continually embraced one false doctrine after another.
Was that the "Midnight cry" bunch???? If so he was a distant follower of Branham.
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