Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
If I study World Religions or anthropology in college does it mean I cannot use some of my experiences and eduacation as a Minister of the Gospel ... CC... I think no one would deny the counseling should be bible-based but to say that we can't learn from the secular world is to be oblivious ....
No one said we can't learn from the secular world. However, we also can't take worldly wisdom, values, beliefs, philosophies (such as psychology) and bring them into the Church as if they were Truth. Bringing psychology into the Church is like bringing the philosophies of Plato or Nietzche or Ayn Rand or Bertrand Russell into the Church or like bringing in evolution as a theory of origins or bringing in Buddhism or Taoism.
Worldly philosophies are not entitled to consideration as absolute truth (not that there's any other kind of truth). Not even "science," which even most Christians seem to accept without question, is entitled to the elevated status of absolute truth.