Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Dan, I was raised around some very interesting individuals and gained perception from these people that have often come to be a great help in my apostolic life. Lord bless Elder Strange, for his kindness and speaking in your defense. Lord sweetly bless Elder Strange. Dan, there's no problem with me on your level of displays of dislike. I could care less what anyone would say about me or to me. I understand totally how people let their fingers do the talking and not their brain. I have been misunderstood on this forum as well as you.
Dan one thing, you really don't like me at all and I have noticed and so have others who informed me that you don't like me. That's cool and I don't expect you to lose sleep over it. I understand that their are people on this forum who are in no way shape of form even close to being or wanting to be Christian. I have been around these forums long enough. In saying all that and without wanting to bore you any further, I just want to say it's been interesting. Nothing taken personally on my end. I just wanted to let you know that I know how you feel towards me and that I will no longer go back and forth with you or anyone else on this forum to that point that everyone gets thrown out in the parking lot. I have strong feelings about what I believe and I make those feelings known. You have strong feelings about what you believe (shudder) and you make those feelings known.
I'm not at all insinuating anything Brother Daniel I'm stating a fact Bro.
It's all good, and Brother go forward and continue with what ever you please.
I am just telling you that you and your Mickey Mouse can have a good time.
I will no longer place myself in a position to get my self banned because you wanted to dance on the table with me with a lampshade on your head.
Brother Benincasa
You know....you had me until once again you cannot go without the dig and the slam.
The bolded parts were quite unnecessary.....
I have never ever said I did not like you personally....however we have crossed swords over ideologies. and thats ok.
You dont have to say "shudder" and you dont have to ad the fact that we are at disney and you certainly dont have to add the "table with the lampshade comment"
Are you not even able to explain yourself, and even reach out to someone without being like this?????
And please..please stop with the digs and end everything you say "In Jesus Name", because I can assure you Jesus has Nothing to do with alot of what comes out of your mouth and does not condone it nor does he smile upon it.
I am sure that can also be said of some of my posts......but I certainly dont justify MY stupidity at times by invoking that greatest name under heaven.
Oh well.....Thanks Bro Strange for your words.
I do know that while you will not defend one liberal bone in this body...the important thing is that I know you love every bone in my body and THAT makes it all worth while!
I agree Benny, its not worth a ban to continue to listen and even respond to some of your nonsense.....so lets just have a mutual respect for each other, I for one am quite able to do that.