Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
Define Preferences. My leadership standard is not a preference, it is a mandate. To be used, I demand adherence.
The manual has no such mandate. The issues mentioned are preferences. The only exclusion is television ownership by ministers.
So, Dear Friend, you will need to try harder next time.
Good try though.
Your good kid, your real good. But you'll never be good enough.
Please understand that I am not accusing you! Preferences is nothing more than a pet word for My way or the Highway!
But at the same time these pastors that are excusing themselves from the AS with some absurd disclaimer are a have sent mixed signals to some. It is absolutely hypocritical.
Does the AS also ask that you preach what it stands for as well? I really don't know.
Believe me sir I do not have to try harder. I have witnessed enough hypocritcal inconsistancies in the last 6 years to last a life time. And to say the least has brought me to a point in my life that I never thought I'd be.
You just may be an exception as may be your neighboring sectional brother. I have no problem with a Pastor setting guidelines for his church and his platform. I can wholeheartidly accept that. I do however have a problem with him demanding things from me in my personal life. So if there are disagreements lets just be friends and spare me the months worth of sermons on sin that are aimed in a particular direction.
Set your mandates... and hopefully for you they line up with the word!