Originally Posted by Ohio Pastor
We were just starting to get along.......
We still can. I do love ya, Bro. But the "integrity" thing is still a fresh wound that you inflicted. You did that.
You had NO RULE for cross posting. When I did that I was banned - that's your prerogative. I can live with that. But - DO NOT call my integrity into question. I did what I've been doing ever since before there was a public Internet and I used to access newsgroups from my office at a UPC church by dialing up a local bulletin board that then hooked me up to News through the Darpa Internet at Los Alamos.
I've been yammering away like this for
that long. If you want a rule against cross posting, fine! But make it a RULE
before you start to besmirch innocent folks who stumble into a conversation with you.