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Old 11-05-2008, 11:51 PM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by A_PoMo View Post
No, the people in the campaign are the original source as they told these things personally to Fox News. Fox News has known about this 'for weeks' but by their own admission kept it under wraps. That's fantastic reporting! Yay for journalistic integrity!
Good grief....Newsweek is the original NEWS SOURCE. I didn't mean they made it up.
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Old 11-05-2008, 11:54 PM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Didn't Algore blame Clinton too ?
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Old 11-06-2008, 12:00 AM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by Stephen Hoover View Post
So here is the quote...

One night, Steve Schmidt and Mark Salter went to her hotel room to brief her. After a minute, Palin sailed into the room wearing nothing but a towel, with another on her wet hair. She told them to chat with her laconic husband, Todd. "I'll be just a minute," she said.

Seriously, am I the only one who sees no problem with this? Obviously, "nothing but a towel" is a figure of speech - unless she revealed a naked body beneath... of course not. There is nothing to suggest she was nude beneath the towel. She likely added that to whatever else she had on underneath. Nice hotels have huge towels and she is petite so was likely better covered than any of the females on "The View".
I must confess, I was shockingly unshocked by this as well. I suppose I'm more of a heathen than I thought! It's hilarious that if she were to appear in a bathing suit fresh from the pool, no one would say a word, but if she covers up with a towel, suddenly that's scandalous?

Even if she did behave badly (which I doubt, since her approval ratings in Alaska tend to point to a people-pleasing, gracious nature), the McCain campaign is really showing its tail end by trying to shovel all the blame her way after the fact. It smells.

And as for her acting "icy" last night--I agree with PO--I didn't get that impression at ALL. She was near tears during much of the speech.
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Old 11-06-2008, 12:07 AM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by A_PoMo View Post
Please! For a moral conservative like Palin to enter a room with nothing but a towel is hypocritical and innappropriate and if it was Hilary that did it you guys would be all over it and making all sorts of hay about it. Stop the ad hominem attacks and just man up that your heroine maybe isn't everything you all thought she was. Hypocrite is a two way street.
Why so vicious? All because of a towel? Are you expecting conservative Apostolic dress "standards" from an Assembly of God????? Do you really believe it's immodest to be seen in a towel, with only your knees and shoulders showing? I doubt you really feel that way.

Think about it, A_PoMo. Use your head. She has a great approval rating in Alaska--do you think she got that by acting like a spoiled brat or diva? Something's rotten in Denmark, and it isn't Palin. I smell sour grapes, plain and simple.
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Old 11-06-2008, 12:14 AM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by A_PoMo View Post
...This is one of my pet peeves. How apostolics jump on bandwagons w/out the slightest clue as to the facts. We join the latest hair brained schemes, invest in Nigerian Ponzi schemes, cash in life insurance on our own church members to pay for buildings we don't need, and support political candidates merely because they're one of us. It's stupid and reveals a serious Achilles heel in regard to lack of wisdom and prudence (rooted in an institutional inferiority complex?) among too many of us and I'm glad that the egg is on our face as evidence of our immaturity.

Will we learn? Probably not.
My goodness. Speak for yourself.

As far as I'm concerned, McCain fared better than he would have if Palin hadn't been on board. He was a political dud until she joined the campaign.

And Sarah Palin "one of us?" Since when?
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Old 11-06-2008, 08:00 AM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

I just saw Newsweek's explanation of their dirt digging on NBC. I find these kind of reports no better than the "rag magazines" that you see when you check out at the grocery store. I think we should call Newsweek now the Star/ Newsweek magazine, Inquiring minds want to know! I am not surprised that Newsweek and NBC would stoop so low, just surprised that they waited until after the election.
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Old 11-06-2008, 09:18 AM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
My goodness. Speak for yourself.

As far as I'm concerned, McCain fared better than he would have if Palin hadn't been on board. He was a political dud until she joined the campaign.

And Sarah Palin "one of us?" Since when?
Are you kidding me? (except for the second point, I agree w/you on that).
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Old 11-06-2008, 09:24 AM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Palin in a bath towel is more holy than a legalist in their longest and widest skirt.

McCain screwed up. He can't blame Palin. McCain is a liberal in Rebublican clothing. As long as Republicans support liberal candidates, they will get their backsides handed to them. McCain lost it when he supported the bailout package. Republicans lost because they supported a bad plan. Palin had nothing to do with McCain's poor decisions. McCain's handlers dropped the ball. They thought Palin would be a pushover when give the spotlight. She is the one coming out of this smelling like a rose. Not a bad fragrance for someone stepping out of the shower.

Originally Posted by A_PoMo View Post
I saw that one too. There were about three or four other reports by the same guy in which he was much more detailed about what the McCain people were saying about her and in one report they named the names of the people that were in the hotel room (same as the Newsweek article) and they named the guy who was fired and then rehired by the campaign in an effort to keep the dissent quiet.

The McCain people are the ones that put the 'diva' label on her. And they are right. Imo.
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Old 11-06-2008, 09:32 AM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

I will miss seeing Sarah Palin in the media. I like her energy!
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Old 11-06-2008, 09:37 AM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
Why so vicious? All because of a towel? Are you expecting conservative Apostolic dress "standards" from an Assembly of God????? Do you really believe it's immodest to be seen in a towel, with only your knees and shoulders showing? I doubt you really feel that way.

Think about it, A_PoMo. Use your head. She has a great approval rating in Alaska--do you think she got that by acting like a spoiled brat or diva? Something's rotten in Denmark, and it isn't Palin. I smell sour grapes, plain and simple.
You really need to take those remarks within the total context of the whole thread and understand my original question as well as the vicious attacks one of the posters was making on me personally.

And approval ratings don't mean squat. Clinton had GREAT approval ratings, was he a GREAT President? Good approval numbers primarily mean you are a good poltician and/or you're fortuitous and things went well during your term even though you may have had little to do with it. Or visa versa. Some would argue that Bush is a great President even though his approval ratings are consistently in the toilet.

You're right, personally I don't give a rip about a towel or a bathing. The towel I think it was inappropriate and I'm sure made those guys feel uncomfortable, but it's not a huge deal in itself. If you think I'm saying otherwise you've missed my point by a mile. My original question was how ultra-cons who were orgasmic over Palin would react to this news.

I don't know about how she acted in Alaska (other than some stuff I heard about some funny stuff about travel expenses and such) but I do know what three separate news orgs reported yesterday about what she did in the last two months or so. Maybe the whole national exposure thing went to her head and the worst came out of here. Perhaps I'm projecting a little because I've seen the same sort of behavior from preachers, their wives, and their children when they achieve a modicum of 'success'. Perhaps it's human nature.

Whatever. It happened. Claim sour grapes or whatever. It makes no difference why people have revealed it now, that's an ad hominem arguement. It happened, it's reality. And, to me, it's revealing (and not just in a towel sense ).

Let's put it this way, if I had been inclined to vote for McCain (and I wasn't for two reasons; Iraq and her) and I heard this stuff I would have changed my vote because for me this is revealing of character and capability. These are the two most important requirements, for me, of a candidate. I don't think she could have handled the pressure or the complexity of WH situations. If she can't handle an interview with Katie Courac, where she's given the questions ahead of time how can she handle economic policy? Maybe in four years she'll be more ready. I certainly don't doubt her intellectual capacity to get up to speed, nor do I really doubt too much her ability to campaign or to lead. It just seems to me, that based on these reports that she's not ready right now and I wouldn't want her as a VP.

Feel free to disagree.
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