Originally Posted by NotforSale
Wow, I'm trying to figure out where you're at......Lot's of finger pointing here, and claims that "Your" Church has got it all figured out...So, do you go around with a score card and record who's speaking in tongues and who isn't?
You know I love you bro, right?
I do not claim my church has it all right. I do affirm that my church has an awesome mixture of growing saints and firmly established older very conservative saints that have found a places of work and influence. When I am considered an old conservative saint, the last thing I'd want to do is leave a place I've called home-- unless they sink into apostasy.
Originally Posted by NotforSale
I'm just a little troubled with people being so straightforward, no matter which side of the fence they are on. I've pastored for 14 years and appreciate when people pray for me, but I don't like it when people over-do it. I'm just a man. Please, don't play the card of "Praying for me" until worship is going in the wrong direction.
Somethings only change through fasting and prayer.
If a church is going in the wrong direction, the leadership should encourage the "seasoned saints" to stand in the gap for that church and for that Pastor.
Encouraging folks to leave a church because things aren't going the way they like is a bad thing to do-- especially if we're talking stuff that is not "cut and dry".
Originally Posted by NotforSale
After 31 years of hearing the demanding, dogmatic preaching that leads people to "All Hail" the man of God, to be quite frank, this has led to a sick relationship between saints and the Pastor.
I beat my chest just like any other sinner who needs God's grace. I don't want to be to harsh, but you make it obvious that you carry a chip on your shoulder. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I don't think I've presented myself as a person with a chip on my shoulder.
When I understood what PM was saying, and as I look back on some of the negative attitudes that some of the "cons" have, and as I ponder that they would NOT just leave a website, but leave their home church just because things
aren't going the way they like, I was stirred on the inside.
Just think! If all of the conservative saints that love the Lord and know how to worship and know how to pray and have the wisdom and are able to express that wisdom-- if they all were encouraged to leave your church, wouldn't that upset you?
Now for the ones who would leave, I question their love for God and for the Body of Christ-- if their reason for leaving their church is something that is not cut and dry.
Why couldn't PM "SOUND THE ALARM" for the older saints, for the conservative saints, to pray for their fellowship-- locally and globally?
The ones who are inclined to leave will leave anyway!
We should be encouraging folks who know, to do what they know.
Originally Posted by NotforSale
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. JC
I am not being unmerciful.
Those who would leave their church without a good Biblically sound reason are the ones who are ultimately being unmerciful.