Originally Posted by RandyWayne
You mean we cannot use our sailor and "lady of the evening" costumes?
True story: The police responded to an urgent 911 call placed by a pastors wife to their home. Once they got there they found her tied up on the bed dressed in a 1920's style outfit and long black hair wig. Her husband was knocked out, and in the closet, dressed in a Superman costume. He had gone in there with the intent of popping out and "saving" Louis Lane but while in there something dropped from the top shelf and knocked him out. His wife was tied up and had to use her foot to reach the phone to call the cops.
So the question on the table might be... was their "game" a "sin"? It's make believe and nobody is actually "lusting" after another. But others might say otherwise.
If it is a "sin"...when children play "cops and robbers" a "sin". Robbery and theft was a sin last time I looked it up. What about video games and other entertainment games that include the taking of life? Is that a "sin". Is it a "sin" to play "Grand Theft Auto" on PlayStation? Why do we enjoy thriller novels and movies that often involve theft, murder, etc.? Do we not vicariously live through the characters?
Is make believe a "sin" in all contexts or is it simply using one's imagination?