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Old 03-15-2010, 12:21 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
I'm still pretty sure you're going to hell for your opinions!

But seriously, yes you're correct. For a guy to raise up from the dead after 3 days is quite a miracle, but that's kinda my point. The bible pretty much says, "Hey, big miracle happened here." But it doesn't say that with Noah's 41 quadrillion animals who ate, drank, pooped, and peed.

The way the bible flows, it clearly points out the paranormal. I don't think there's any question if the early authors of the bible had had any chance to point out a miracle, they would have done it. In examining the flow of other texts, I can easily see it saying, "And the animals all marched onto the boat and as they did, they laid down and slept for 40 days and nights." But it doesn't do that.

It seems to me that every chance any author gets, in the bible, to say, "Hey folks.....MIRACLE!!!!!", they do it.
They didn't seem to indicate that longer lifespans were miraculous either. Some things just aren't spelled out for us.
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Old 03-15-2010, 12:27 PM
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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
They didn't seem to indicate that longer lifespans were miraculous either. Some things just aren't spelled out for us.

Because it wasn't a miracle then. Everyone lived long. If the life expectancy is 82, why would it be a miracle of my next door neighbor were 81?
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Old 03-15-2010, 12:28 PM
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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Great question AQuietPlace. You’ll probably get many different answers. I’ll share my thoughts. What if the Gospels were shown to have bits of myth mixed in? What if the Bible recorded Jesus as having built the ark and a flood destroying the entire Roman Empire instead of him rising from the dead?

I think if we’re honest it boils down to a lack of faith. I’ll be honest… when it comes to Genesis, sometimes my faith struggles and I find myself lacking faith. Genesis is massive in its implications and with science beating their drum day and night so easy to honestly develop doubts or at least questions. I don’t believe these doubts make one unsaved or makes one incapable of loving God. But I think they are definitely clouds that hinder God’s message from being received as easily as if they believed the Word in its entirety.

I'll be honest...the highlighted irks me a little. You seem to be implying that your faith is greater. Am I seeing that incorrectly?
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Old 03-15-2010, 12:41 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
I'll be honest...the highlighted irks me a little. You seem to be implying that your faith is greater. Am I seeing that incorrectly?
No. You're not seeing that correctly.

I'm saying that my faith in the story as it reads is more today than when I was a Day Age believer. I don't see a lack of faith, and being honest about it, as a negative thing. I see it as relatively normal.
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Old 03-15-2010, 12:43 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
Because it wasn't a miracle then. Everyone lived long. If the life expectancy is 82, why would it be a miracle of my next door neighbor were 81?
Remember, this was penned by Moses. I'm sure if Moses knew of all the scientific ramifications of the flood he'd have written it noting what he believed to be miraculous. Moses most likely simply saw it as an "Act of God".
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Old 03-15-2010, 12:50 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Great question AQuietPlace. You’ll probably get many different answers. I’ll share my thoughts. What if the Gospels were shown to have bits of myth mixed in? What if the Bible recorded Jesus as having built the ark and a flood destroying the entire Roman Empire instead of him rising from the dead?

I think if we’re honest it boils down to a lack of faith. I’ll be honest… when it comes to Genesis, sometimes my faith struggles and I find myself lacking faith. Genesis is massive in its implications and with science beating their drum day and night so easy to honestly develop doubts or at least questions. I don’t believe these doubts make one unsaved or makes one incapable of loving God. But I think they are definitely clouds that hinder God’s message from being received as easily as if they believed the Word in its entirety.
Believing the Word of God in its entirety? Hmmmmm.

What Religion or person on Earth does this?

I don't think this is even possible.

If I say I take the whole Bible litteral, someone else will come along and say I don't because I see the plan of Salvation, holiness, Heaven, Hell, the Rapture, the Sabbath, Tithing, Fasting, different than they do.

At what point can we determine, we believe the Bible in its entirety? Isn't this the claim of a Religious sect or Faith based organization; We believe the Bible in its Entirety....We have it....No need to look any further....
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Old 03-15-2010, 01:12 PM
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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by NotforSale View Post
Is the Ark a possible feat?

One Elephant can eat 200 lbs of food per day, and drink 50 gallons of water. Currently there are 3 species of Elephants, which would make a total of 6 on the Ark. To feed all six, for only the 4 month stay on the boat, the total food needed; 72 Tons of food, and 6000 gallons of water.

This does not include the food needed to sustain the six animals once they land on high ground. The earth being covered by water for almost 4 months would devastate the Earths eco system for food.

We also have an exercise problem. In the wild, they can cover up to 50 miles in a single day if food is scarce, but usually travel a few miles every day. But Elephants require exercise or they die prematurely.

We also have the maintenance problem. Animals in captivity require human care. With only 8 on the vessel, this floating Zoo housing millions of species is understaffed. (San Diego Zoo has about 400 Species.)

We also have the "Bathroom" problem.


Besides the Elephants, we have other species on board needing a special "Environment" to keep them alive. Penguins need land, water, and cold temperatures. Hippo's need land and water and warm temperatures. Oh, and don't forget the "Bathroom" problem, and the food problem (Penguins need fish, Hippos need plants, and enough for 4 months of being on the high seas, plus the time of a whole new eco system developing).

We also have a Boat load of meat eaters. Tigers, alligators, Bears, Snakes, Dogs, Wolves, Ferrets, hyenas, mongooses, and so on. These fanged creatures lose their cool when they get hungry!!

And the "Bathroom" problem.

Estimates prove, the Ark could never house the millions of creatures, lacking room, food supply, sanitary conditions, exercise, and man power to care for the amount of life on Noah's Ark. Next time you go to the Zoo, look at the effort required while keeping animals in captivity.
What if most the animals on the Ark we younger animals that required much less of the food than that of an adult? If there were enough adult female animals that produced milk such as Goats and cattle, they could have kept the entire population of animals alive. Along with much less vegetation needed for the smaller animals...
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Old 03-15-2010, 01:20 PM
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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
No. You're not seeing that correctly.

I'm saying that my faith in the story as it reads is more today than when I was a Day Age believer.
I don't see a lack of faith, and being honest about it, as a negative thing. I see it as relatively normal.
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Hebrews 11:6
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Old 03-15-2010, 01:31 PM
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Re: Noah and the Ark

Timmy, I think you're being extreme. The Scripture says...
Hebrews 11:6 (King James Version)
6But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
I'm not saying that it's a good thing to be without faith. I'm saying that it's normal that we sometimes lack the faith to accept a given teaching or passage.
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Old 03-15-2010, 01:57 PM
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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Timmy, I think you're being extreme. The Scripture says...
Hebrews 11:6 (King James Version)
6But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
I'm not saying that it's a good thing to be without faith. I'm saying that it's normal that we sometimes lack the faith to accept a given teaching or passage.
Hehe, yeah, I'm just goofin' around. (Or am I? )
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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