Originally Posted by rgcraig
It's to be expected that a candidate in Congress will miss votes during a campaign Renda.
Let's be fair in our reporting:
61.4% McCain's Votes: 412 votes missed (64.1%),
231 votes cast
45.9% Obama's Votes: 295 votes missed (45.9%),
348 votes cast
Over 100 more votes difference
We just did not stumble this week unto a financial crisis ....
Truth be told both candidates are IN WASHINGTON TODAY ... to talk about this .... and not because McCain asked ... THE PRESIDENT DID.
They both have designer like planes that can shuttle them for official business at a moment's notice ... with instant access to the airways
Presidents multi-task .... don't try to a act Presidential ... and then can't walk and chew gum at the same time.
If there was a need for a vote to be cast .... both candidates could get a debate done and still vote ...
that's the reality of this ...
This is not the first time we have had a "crisis" during a Presidential year ... but please don't use is it as a political card ... in an attempt to pretend you are a legislator first ... when
a. this crisis did not just spring on us
b. his campaign has hinted the economy was not as bad as some were saying. "We are a nation of whiners" , etc.
c. you have missed many votes during this time of "crisis" - more than any other.