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Old 08-10-2017, 03:19 PM
Lanny60 Lanny60 is offline
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
its my view that of something is important enough to reference a curse when demanding it be followed in New Testament times, it should be followed exactly how it was in the period of time the curse applied.

Dont threaten me with a curse for not following a Old Testament tax and welfare program when you have taken the liberty of modifying how it was collected, what was collected, how much was collected and why it was collected.

Yes I believe in giving and I give like crazy, freely out of the kindness of my own heart.

Stingy? I started a company just so that we COULD give and a heck of alot more than 10%

Of course now you will have people say, "But muh established principles before the law was written!"

Abraham tithed on things that was NOT his increase as a battle tax, one of the other patriarchs made a conditional vow to tithe IF God blessed him...

I think a bigger effort needs to be made teaching and encouraging financial responsibility and entrepreneurship in churches NOT "the more you give the more you will be blessed." just doesnt happen like that,sorry.

People will disagree and say,"Well you didnt give enough" or "You're not living right" all kinds of excuses.

Walking in your blessing takes effort other than the effort it takes to pull out your wallet or write a check.
I'm a little confused...did I threaten you with a curse? Not sure why you quoted my post and then said that. Like I said, new here so I may be missing something.
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Old 08-10-2017, 03:26 PM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by Lanny60 View Post
I'm a little confused...did I threaten you with a curse? Not sure why you quoted my post and then said that. Like I said, new here so I may be missing something.

NO! Im sorry! I was addressing en mass sermons I heard threatening curses and hell when tithe wasnt paid.

Sorry that all was toned wrong.
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Old 08-10-2017, 04:33 PM
Lanny60 Lanny60 is offline
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
NO! Im sorry! I was addressing en mass sermons I heard threatening curses and hell when tithe wasnt paid.

Sorry that all was toned wrong.
Whew! OH good! I thought I stuck my foot in my mouth already! lol. There seems to be a magnetical force between to the two.
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Old 08-10-2017, 06:42 PM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by Lanny60 View Post
Whew! OH good! I thought I stuck my foot in my mouth already! lol. There seems to be a magnetical force between to the two.
my ankle tastes awesome lol
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Old 08-11-2017, 05:01 AM
Lanny60 Lanny60 is offline
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
my ankle tastes awesome lol

I was doing more thinking and reading on the topic last night. A few random thoughts:

If we are to follow the tithe in the N.T., should it be followed exactly like it was in the O.T.? Where did it say for us to change the method?

If that is the case, we should be tithing in crops, animals and other tangibles, right?

And if the O.T. instructions are still in order, should not stoning and the like also be continued? ()

I didn't really think these through, like I said, just random thoughts. But for those who say we should do the tithe because other O.T. activities like prayer, fasting and the like are in order, does that me we can just pick and choose to our liking which O.T. rules we follow? I say prayer, fasting and worship are supported and talked about in the N.T. Tithing is not instructed to us there.

Since the N.T. church was also made up of Gentiles, wouldn't the Apostles of had to teach and instruct them on tithing, encourage them to do it because it was not their way of life as it was for the Jewish people? You would think it would be talked about/recorded in the N.T.

I just don't see any support of tithing in the N.T.

Last edited by Lanny60; 08-11-2017 at 05:04 AM.
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Old 08-11-2017, 05:13 AM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by Lanny60 View Post

I was doing more thinking and reading on the topic last night. A few random thoughts:

If we are to follow the tithe in the N.T., should it be followed exactly like it was in the O.T.? Where did it say for us to change the method?

If that is the case, we should be tithing in crops, animals and other tangibles, right?

And if the O.T. instructions are still in order, should not stoning and the like also be continued? ()

I didn't really think these through, like I said, just random thoughts. But for those who say we should do the tithe because other O.T. activities like prayer, fasting and the like are in order, does that me we can just pick and choose to our liking which O.T. rules we follow? I say prayer, fasting and worship are supported and talked about in the N.T. Tithing is not instructed to us there.

Since the N.T. church was also made up of Gentiles, wouldn't the Apostles of had to teach and instruct them on tithing, encourage them to do it because it was not their way of life as it was for the Jewish people?

I just don't see any support of tithing in the N.T.
Could this scripture to used to support bringing money that can be exchanged for whatever is useful. Deut 14:24-27

The Apostolics did not have to teach on tithing because they lived as families and shared all things in common, supporting widows and orphans and giving to the necessities of the saints. Acts 2:44-45 Acts 4:32 Romans 12:13
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. ~Tolkien
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Old 08-11-2017, 06:15 AM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
Could this scripture to used to support bringing money that can be exchanged for whatever is useful. Deut 14:24-27

The Apostolics did not have to teach on tithing because they lived as families and shared all things in common, supporting widows and orphans and giving to the necessities of the saints. Acts 2:44-45 Acts 4:32 Romans 12:13
The apostolics did not teach tithing becauae they knew that it was a tax to support a levitical system that no longer existed in that te veil was rent from top to bottom.

Why would they copy a system that God brought them out of when the giving system that was Spirit led was so much better and effective by giving liberally and cheerfully unhindered and uncompelled by law or threats of curses?
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
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Old 08-11-2017, 07:26 AM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
The apostolics did not teach tithing becauae they knew that it was a tax to support a levitical system that no longer existed in that te veil was rent from top to bottom.

Why would they copy a system that God brought them out of when the giving system that was Spirit led was so much better and effective by giving liberally and cheerfully unhindered and uncompelled by law or threats of curses?
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. ~Tolkien
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Old 08-11-2017, 07:48 AM
Lanny60 Lanny60 is offline
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
Could this scripture to used to support bringing money that can be exchanged for whatever is useful. Deut 14:24-27

The Apostolics did not have to teach on tithing because they lived as families and shared all things in common, supporting widows and orphans and giving to the necessities of the saints. Acts 2:44-45 Acts 4:32 Romans 12:13

Thank you for the Scriptures.

I believe they did live as families and share all things in common for a given time during the original outpouring of the Holy Ghost. After that they dispersed and went home. I believe that is why the Apostles traveled to various cities, ministering to the saints in different locations.

The Apostles did talk about giving several times in the N.T. (Those Scriptures have been shared by others in other posts here.)

The church that I came from originally was very rich in goods. It is a large church with the best furniture, the pastor has a beautiful house, a caddy, expensive clothing. They eat at restaurants all the time. This would all be fine except that he is living far above where the people in the congregation are living. There is a great difference in lifestyle. Also, I've known many, many families in that church who have faced dire financial, health, and career situations and I've not seen money come back down to the people in any way. During the business meetings, the pastor's salary would not be revealed, but lumped into a catagory with other expenses so the people did not know what he was getting. It just left a bad taste in our mouths.

You've got to wonder about Rev. 3 where it talks about being rich and increased with goods.

Anyway, this is my .02 on the topic. I know there are many differing views and it is certainly interesting to hear them. I'm glad there ia place we can come to discuss them. We were never "allowed" to ask questions or disagree in any way with the way the church did things. If you did, you were shunned and shamed. I enjoy being able to express my thoughts and feelings here and I thank this forum for giving us the opportunity to do so.

Last edited by Lanny60; 08-11-2017 at 07:50 AM.
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Old 08-11-2017, 08:17 AM
Spiritwarrior Spiritwarrior is offline
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Tithing is such a touchy subject. But here is some questions and thought.

First: I do believe in paying at least 10% of my income. I always have and feel good about it. Is it biblical? not everything in the old Testament was done away with or yet fulfilled. Does that mean we cut out the old Testament? No.And the Tithing does carry over in the New. Didn't Jesus say give Caesar that is Caesars and God's the things that are God's? Yes, I know this was referring to taxes, but what are the things of God? Taxes? I think not.

Second: I'll talk about my Church. We would have a building if people didn't tithe. We would have a pastor how could go out and visit the sick and the people that are having problems. Doesn't tithing bring a good feeling into the church? we've been able to pay our church off in about 6years. We have a wood ministry to give to people in need. That also means people that aren't in the church as well. we have members that give their time(tithes) also. You see tithes are more than just giving money, it can be your time, talent, going and visiting people. it's giving of yourself. But what ever you do, do with a cheerful heart or it's for not.

Lastly: Do I believe in giving 10% of my income? Yes I do. Can I fully back this up, No. But I believe God isn't going to keep repeating himself. He doesn't do that. And I'm not going to take the chance and one day stand before God and answer to that. I'd rather Tithe now, then find out I didn't need to. once it's over you can't go back and undo.
And I love his blessings also.
Remember The time and money we give goes to further his Kingdom. Without it we don't send people out to preach, teach and bring people to hear the word.

If your giving your 10% or more begrudging than it's not doing you any good. bring it to the Lord in prayer and put on the Helmet of Salvation. Conquer your mind and heart. Walk as He walked, Talk as He talked, Think as He thought. You're see and may even find your giving more of yourself and even any extra money you get in blessings you may find yourself giving it back to God or his mission.
May God settle this in everyone's heart. For you see we have greater things to get on with. We having people drying everyday without the Lord. This is a side trail that we don't need to be on. Watch That the devil don't keep you on things that have no worth.

So in closing, is it a Command? Does it matter? I want to be part that sends out and raises mighty men and women of God to do the work I can't do.
If a man of God at the local Church says we need to tithe 10% than obey.

I have to say this. I feel someone is reading this feeling bad about not being able to give more than they do. Read Mark 12:42-44 She gave all she had. I'm not saying for you to do that. Only God knows where you're at in life, but I can say this to you. You can give of yourself. Help out in the church, help out an older couple or person with something they can't do for themselves anymore. All this is counted toward your tithing.
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