Aaron, welcome to the discussion!
I appreciate your input, and based upon the explanation given of the selected scriptural passages, I can easily comprehend, albeit not agree, with your pov.
The unanswered question, not given but that must be the focus of
Romans 11:23, is "when" will national Israel (referring strictly to the legitimate "blood-related" descendant of the Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob ONLY; not those of mixed heritage or Gentiles who, of their own volition have converted to Judaism), no longer "abide in unbelief," for this, or so it appears, will be the factor that determines God's grafting them back into Himself, who is the "natural" Olive Tree.
Romans 10:1-3 Paul acknowledged that his fellow Jews possessed "a zeal of God," however recognizing that this zeal was NOT according to knowledge (attributing this, albeit not stated, of course, to the results of that judgment of "gross spiritual blindness" God imposed upon their minds because of their rebellion against His commandments which was the major contributing factor in their rejection of Christ Jesus as their promised Messiah).
As a direct result of this devastating and far-reaching judgment, the whole of the Jewish nation was rendered "ignorant" of God's righteousness, and have, since that generation, gone "about to establish their own righteousness, (and) have NOT submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God" which would save them.
Such are those Jews who have become as part of the movement commonly known as Messianic Christianity. These are, for the greater part, Jews, including those of mixed heritage and Gentiles who have converted to Judaism, are of the Trinitarian persuasion, therefore they worship "another Jesus," but NOT the One True Son of God, who is the visible manifestation of the Almighty Spirit embodied in human flesh.
A careful study of the fundamental tenets of their teachings reveals a mixture of Jewish customs which were integral parts of the Law mixed with Christian practices. However, missing are the fundementals of the "apostles doctrines" as expressed by Peter and recorded by Luke in
Acts 2:38. For these reasons, among many others which neither time nor space allows me to elaborate here more fully, I feel justified in rejecting them as just another subtle effort of the enemy designed to decieve the unlearned and unstable who wrest with the scriptures to their own destruction.
Will ALL of Israel ber saved? Absolutely! But only AFTER the coming glorious appearance of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and His triumphant physical return to the land of Israel! Until then we find that the scriptures disclose that ONLY 144,000 ("natural") Jews will be "sealed in their foreheads" and become one of the "two witnesses" of
Revelation 11, with their brethren remaining "spiritually blinded" until His coming!