Can someone provide a translation for me ? I dont think i caught one word.
Ok. I have the gift of interpretation....
We're not gonna drink of anything that the world puts on the table. But we're gonna step back to that fountain of living water that gives life. Jesus said, "If you drink of this water that I give you, you will never thirst again." I'm just gonna hunger and thirst after righteousness. We're not satisfied with just what we can feel or just what makes us feel good. All we want to drink from that source is ... that well or that living water that's living on the inside. Somebody say, "I've got a river, I've got a flood living in my soul."
(WOMAN PREACHING LIKE A MAN) "All those that do hunger and thirst ..." what? "Shall be filled!" How 'bout you. I'm thirsty, I'm, thristy, I'm thirsty. I feel like I've been thirsty. I felt like I've been in a dry and a desert land. a might long time. I feel a like a well has been trying to go dry. But I'm thirsty. Hallelujah. And my thirst for him is causing me to let go. I've let go of everything that's holding me back. I've let go from everybody said. I've let go of what they say. I let go of what they believe. Leave me alone! And let me call on the name my God. Hallejuah. Let me go and call on Jesus!
(THIRD DUDE'A!) I feel like for a long time'a..., I've been down there'a... at the bottom of that'a... dam'a..., rolling that crank all alone'a.... But I know'a... that some people got to helping me turn the wheel'a... And the gates'a... of that dam are raising'a... And the flood's about to come'a... And you know'a... when the'a... walls of that dam are raised'a...., it's going to flood everything below it'a... I'm telling you'a.... Ohhh... Somebody say'a..., "The water'a... is rising'a..."
(Had a bit of spare time today.) lol
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
Photographic evidence, eh? Will have to ponder this.
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
The Bible promises signs, and warns about false signs. But there is no way to tell them apart. Weird. Discernment itself is just as uncertain: some with discern differently from others, and then what do you do?
As for "you cannot have a fake unless there is a genuine"? I feel I can go out on a limb here and say with utter certainty, that is wrong. You absolutely can have a fake anything without the need for the real thing to exist. It is entirely possible to have fake leprechauns, even if no real leprechauns exist.
For those in antiquity the idea of a "sign" existing was already a given. It was a part of the cultural milieu. And so, it ends up being a discussion of "real" versus "false." And notice, I said "false" and not "fake." The Bible primarily warns us about the "false" and leaves "fakes" to a more general denouncement.
A "leprechaun" in the Bible's world would have probably been more of a "false" sign, whether actual leprechauns existed or not. They were a facet of a folklore that employed symbols and imagery alien to the culture of the writers of the Bible.
We're not gonna drink of anything that the world puts on the table. But we're gonna step back to that fountain of living water that gives life. Jesus said, "If you drink of this water that I give you, you will never thirst again." I'm just gonna hunger and thirst after righteousness. We're not satisfied with just what we can feel or just what makes us feel good. All we want to drink from that source is ... that well or that living water that's living on the inside. Somebody say, "I've got a river, I've got a flood living in my soul."
(WOMAN PREACHING LIKE A MAN) "All those that do hunger and thirst ..." what? "Shall be filled!" How 'bout you. I'm thirsty, I'm, thristy, I'm thirsty. I feel like I've been thirsty. I felt like I've been in a dry and a desert land. a might long time. I feel a like a well has been trying to go dry. But I'm thirsty. Hallelujah. And my thirst for him is causing me to let go. I've let go of everything that's holding me back. I've let go from everybody said. I've let go of what they say. I let go of what they believe. Leave me alone! And let me call on the name my God. Hallejuah. Let me go and call on Jesus!
(THIRD DUDE'A!) I feel like for a long time'a, I've been down there'a at the bottom of that'a dam'a, rolling that crank all alone'a. But I know'a that some people got to helping me turn the wheel'a. And the gates'a of that dam are raising'a. And the flood's about to come'a. And you know'a when the'a walls of that dam are raised'a, it's going to flood everything below it'a. I'm telling you'a.... Ohhh... Somebody say'a, "The water'a... is rising'a..."
(Had a bit of spare time today.) lol
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
We're not gonna drink of anything that the world puts on the table. But we're gonna step back to that fountain of living water that gives life. Jesus said, "If you drink of this water that I give you, you will never thirst again." I'm just gonna hunger and thirst after righteousness. We're not satisfied with just what we can feel or just what makes us feel good. All we want to drink from that source is ... that well or that living water that's living on the inside. Somebody say, "I've got a river, I've got a flood living in my soul."
(WOMAN PREACHING LIKE A MAN) "All those that do hunger and thirst ..." what? "Shall be filled!" How 'bout you. I'm thirsty, I'm, thristy, I'm thirsty. I feel like I've been thirsty. I felt like I've been in a dry and a desert land. a might long time. I feel a like a well has been trying to go dry. But I'm thirsty. Hallelujah. And my thirst for him is causing me to let go. I've let go of everything that's holding me back. I've let go from everybody said. I've let go of what they say. I let go of what they believe. Leave me alone! And let me call on the name my God. Hallejuah. Let me go and call on Jesus!
(THIRD DUDE'A!) I feel like for a long time'a..., I've been down there'a... at the bottom of that'a... dam'a..., rolling that crank all alone'a.... But I know'a... that some people got to helping me turn the wheel'a... And the gates'a... of that dam are raising'a... And the flood's about to come'a... And you know'a... when the'a... walls of that dam are raised'a...., it's going to flood everything below it'a... I'm telling you'a.... Ohhh... Somebody say'a..., "The water'a... is rising'a..."
On the flip side, I wish I could talk you into flopping after you flipped many years ago. You were not completely happy before you flipped. On the flip side, you will never be completely happy until you flop back. Did you ever think that there might be a comfortable zone somewhere between the flip and the flop? Consistency is not always a virtue.
Luff ya, brutha David.
You are a strange man..........
__________________ "I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it."
But he luffs ya. (I think that's a fourth type of love, in addition to agape, phileo, and eros. )
If you had known his Father as well as some of us, you'd have to luv da hole famlee. Great people to be sure. I need to talk to this David Jr. about Brutha Calvin. If I ever get back to San Diego or El Cajun, I'm gonna look 'im up.