I quoted scripture above jeffery out of the bible as a matter of fact I used the two portions of scripture given by blume..
Scripture is loaded with evidence in opposition to the perversion of sodomy and same-sex relationships.
Read the text you posted. "Shameful lusts" punishment for their "perversion."
This is not God's design or plan for mankind. There are many scholarly papers out there, one written by a man with the last name Dallas. I suggest you research it. The Bible alone as at least a half-dozen such references. We find God's truest intent for male and female in the order of the creation story.
Impossible for one to be both mother and father. I know folks say it but can not be done.
If you haven't been there and done that, you really can't comment, IMO. Not meaning to sound ignorant, but I've been living it for the better part of 18 years.
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I, for one, already stated it brings a spiritual atmosphere into the house that other sins do not bring, since this involves a sin that is explicitly stated to be associated with those who choose to deny God of glory. Other sins are not mentioned in that light. And I already stated that such an issue may not involve actual care intended for children, but it is for this other reason that the parenting skills are affected. Care for children involves affection. How can those of "vile affection", as Paul put it, be proper parents, anyway, though?
The 'vile affection' is in regard to the individuals themselves to each other, not in regard to their affections for others, whether it's children, parents, or friends.
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If mom was a hooker, would that matter? I mean, she's a good parent (whatever you base "good parent" on). Sexuality doesn't matter. If she enjoys swinger parties and her escort duties, no harm. Right? WRONG.
The elements of sin brought into a home, particularly with the perversion of homosexuality are awful, and to couch them in the guise of normalcy by have two same-sex parents attempt to replace husband and wife is shameful.
In fact, don't even go back to read the post, just read the above statements. Sexual orientation matters nothing with the nurturing of a child = same as traditional family. No difference here.
You have a habit to keep talking out of both sides. Just say what you mean, and mean what you say.
Single parents have no partner at home to aid in the nurturing of a child. For the sake of argument, let's just say there isn't any sexual orientation with those people. Should they also not be parents because their lack of sexual orientation somehow affects their parenting skills?
Let's say that a single parent has been gay in the past, but is raising a child by him/herself without having a partner. Tell me how this person's parenting skills are any different than the single parent above based on their sexual orientation alone, in spite of having no relationship with anyone.
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My point was made in the first post I made on this thread.
So just ignore all the other dozens of post since your first one?
Okay.. so what you said is sort of ambiguous (clarified by your many other posts, which we will ignore though). You don't have as much a problem with same-sex couples raising children as you do with heterosexual couples that don't take care of theirs.
I don't get the either/or thing. Heteros should take care of their children -- check. Now, what do you find acceptable with same-sex couples? I'll ignore your very explicit posts that suggest you see sexuality as making no distinction in the quality of parents (somehow parenting only being action, and not modeling).
Single parents have no partner at home to aid in the nurturing of a child. For the sake of argument, let's just say there isn't any sexual orientation with those people. Should they also not be parents because their lack of sexual orientation somehow affects their parenting skills?
Let's say that a single parent has been gay in the past, but is raising a child by him/herself without having a partner. Tell me how this person's parenting skills are any different than the single parent above based on their sexual orientation alone, in spite of having no relationship with anyone.
You're making me dizzy now.
Just say what you mean. Please.
If they aren't active in their proclivity toward the same gender, and it's not manifesting itself or influence into the children, that's a whole lot different than a child having two "daddy's"
They can't. They offer a substitute, but a mommy will never provide the things daddy can provide. Realizing this is a key point for counseling single parents or they will find frustration a familiar thing.
Maybe not in all things, but I have filled the role of father in many ways.
Those of you without experience really have no idea.
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