Originally Posted by tbpew
if they are it may be dumbest thing they can do (particularly if they are in the back 2/3's of their mortgage).
If the "federal note" dissappears in value, short term inflation will rocket skyward, but the debt on our homes will stay the same while we pay it off with fictious paper things called 'dollars'.
I was more inclined to buy land and figure out to grow chickens and soy beans (bio diesel) but I am torn because I do not think God is impressed with survivalists.
Yes sir... but there is a fer piece of difference between a survivalist and someone who makes the decision that to put their faith in a fiat economy is no longer something they can feel comfortable with.
Farming as a way of life and having a life more dependent on Gods creation than mans has been the way of man for most of our history.
I don't think God is particularly impressed with a people who have no means of support outside of the continuance of a man made system of finance either.
Also... the major difference between a survivalist and someone getting back to a simpler life has more to do with attitude and mindset than anything else.
I have purchased my land and home free of any debt. I plan on raising animals and growing vegetables & fruit etc. This move, in my estimation, is a wise one. If I do this because I have put my trust in these things then that same action is now a foolish one.
Also... on the issue of paying off debt possibly being a foolish one... I would never have agreed with that but this is increasingly becoming my thoughts as well.
My wife was talking about how we can pay this off and pay that off once we sell our home in Louisiana and move to the home that is free of mortgage. This has been my mantra for years. But now.. all of a sudden... I don't feel it is wise. Lets get the things done to the house that we need done... drill a water well with a solar powered pump, get the fences mended, animals going, garden going, solar panels etc... things we want to do and things that will help lower our expenses on a day to day basis...
Then... having those things done will make us even more ready to pay off debt but we will have kept the main thing the main thing.