Brother Chair...Chairma...huh, Brother Pastor Vee...
WHEREAS, there seems to be a general consensus against a general consensus, and
WHEREAS, there could be a general revolution against any semblance of a general revolution, and
WHEREAS, there has in the past, and no doubt, again in the future, a sincere hatred for the word, "WHEREAS," and
WHEREAS, this august (not the month, but the adjective - after all, I am the Chief Parlimentarian!!!), organ...huh, fellowship is hereby established on sound and revealed Truths, and
WHEREAS, there is a clear shortage of additional WHEREAS paragraphs,
THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED, that the word, "WHEREAS" will no longer appear in any official organ, piano or other publication of the ALLURE or any of its subsidiary affiliates.
Brother Chair...huh, Brother Pastor Vee... I move for the adoption of this revolut...I mean, resolution.
W******, there is a need for full clarification of the absolute most apostolic among us, and
W******, there is a spurious and outrageous claim by one, Daniel Alicea, that he is the most apostolic among us, and
W******, such an inaccurate and totally unbelievable assertions is without merit, evidence or any other means of real or genuine proof, and
W******, there is an insincere and totally self-serving motivation on my part, and
W******, without controversy, great is the apostolic character and attributes of one, RevBuddy, as well as, incomparable intellect, talents, skills, vocabulary, and inherent good looks, and
W******, RevBuddy is the obvious choice of the general consensus of ALLURE to hold and carefully maintain the position of "Most Apostolic"
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that RevBuddy, in the official exercise of his office of Chief Parlimentarian for ALLURE, that the additional and sacred office of "Most Apostolic" be awarded to him exclusively.
Brother Chair... huh, Brother Pastor VEE, I move for the adoption of this resolution.
Note: At any time that RevBuddy is unable to fulfill the responsibilities of his office as "Most Apostolic," that any other ALLURE member or minister in good standing or sitting shall be able to fill this critical organ...fellowship position, EXCEPT, of course, those who are clearly not qualified...i.e., Dan Alicea.
Brother Chair...Chairma...huh, Brother Pastor Vee...
WHEREAS, there seems to be a general consensus against a general consensus, and
WHEREAS, there could be a general revolution against any semblance of a general revolution, and
WHEREAS, there has in the past, and no doubt, again in the future, a sincere hatred for the word, "WHEREAS," and
WHEREAS, this august (not the month, but the adjective - after all, I am the Chief Parlimentarian!!!), organ...huh, fellowship is hereby established on sound and revealed Truths, and
WHEREAS, there is a clear shortage of additional WHEREAS paragraphs,
THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED, that the word, "WHEREAS" will no longer appear in any official organ, piano or other publication of the ALLURE or any of its subsidiary affiliates.
Brother Chair...huh, Brother Pastor Vee... I move for the adoption of this revolut...I mean, resolution.
Do I have a "second?"...
Yep. All in favor of the motion, stand up, spin like a top, shout Hallelujah 3 times, and insert your favorite smiley now. AND THAT'S AN ORDER!
W******, there is a need for full clarification of the absolute most apostolic among us, and
W******, there is a spurious and outrageous claim by one, Daniel Alicea, that he is the most apostolic among us, and
W******, such an inaccurate and totally unbelievable assertions is without merit, evidence or any other means of real or genuine proof, and
W******, there is an insincere and totally self-serving motivation on my part, and
W******, without controversy, great is the apostolic character and attributes of one, RevBuddy, as well as, incomparable intellect, talents, skills, vocabulary, and inherent good looks, and
W******, RevBuddy is the obvious choice of the general consensus of ALLURE to hold and carefully maintain the position of "Most Apostolic"
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that RevBuddy, in the official exercise of his office of Chief Parlimentarian for ALLURE, that the additional and sacred office of "Most Apostolic" be awarded to him exclusively.
Brother Chair... huh, Brother Pastor VEE, I move for the adoption of this resolution.
Note: At any time that RevBuddy is unable to fulfill the responsibilities of his office as "Most Apostolic," that any other ALLURE member or minister in good standing or sitting shall be able to fill this critical organ...fellowship position, EXCEPT, of course, those who are clearly not qualified...i.e., Dan Alicea.
All in favor, say AYE!!!
Uhhhh....Mr. Pimentoarian...I think it would be best if we refer this issue to a committee comprised of equally represented oppositional Apostolics from diverse ends of the kaleidoscopal spectrum....the goal herein being to study the potential impact of the passage of this resolution upon the overall membership and financial standing of ALLURE.