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Old 10-22-2007, 09:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Sheltiedad View Post
A byte is 8 bits. A bit would be the smallest particle of data that you can get to, being either a "1" or a "0".
right. technically they are the same size but being that a zero is less than 1 can a zero bit be smaller than a 1 bit?
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Old 10-22-2007, 09:33 PM

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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
right. technically they are the same size but being that a zero is less than 1 can a zero bit be smaller than a 1 bit?
Nope, they take up the same amount of room... however, I wonder if you weighed a hard drive filled with "0"'s, if it would weigh more or less than a hard drive filled with "1"'s? :D
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Old 10-22-2007, 09:37 PM
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Ugh. 01010111110000001010101010111111. < Data? Or Datum?
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Old 10-22-2007, 09:38 PM
mizpeh mizpeh is offline
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Originally Posted by Sheltiedad View Post
Nope, they take up the same amount of room... however, I wonder if you weighed a hard drive filled with "0"'s, if it would weigh more or less than a hard drive filled with "1"'s? :D
Is that like a pound of rocks weighs more that a pound of feathers?
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Old 10-22-2007, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Sheltiedad View Post
Nope, they take up the same amount of room... however, I wonder if you weighed a hard drive filled with "0"'s, if it would weigh more or less than a hard drive filled with "1"'s? :D
so which is which?
is Carp the '0' or the '1'?
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Old 10-22-2007, 09:45 PM

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Originally Posted by mizpeh View Post
Is that like a pound of rocks weighs more that a pound of feathers?
Not exactly... an air tank filled with air but at 0 p.s.i ( or the same pressure that is in the room you are in) weighs less than the same air tank in the same room filled to 3000 p.s.i. and there is actually a noticable difference.

Would a magnetic 1 weigh more or less than a magnetic 0? I have no idea but it is a question worth asking.

If a 1 is an electrical or magnetic charge and a zero is an absence of a charge, is it possible that they weigh differently (given my analogy above of compressed air weighing more than non-compressed air).

Any physics gurus that know whether electricity or magnetism has weight? We know that light has weight...
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Old 10-22-2007, 09:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Sheltiedad View Post
Not exactly... an air tank filled with air but at 0 p.s.i ( or the same pressure that is in the room you are in) weighs less than the same air tank in the same room filled to 3000 p.s.i. and there is actually a noticable difference.

Would a magnetic 1 weigh more or less than a magnetic 0? I have no idea but it is a question worth asking.

If a 1 is an electrical or magnetic charge and a zero is an absence of a charge, is it possible that they weigh differently (given my analogy above of compressed air weighing more than non-compressed air).

Any physics gurus that know whether electricity has weight? We know that light has weight...
I was going to say something really neat about protons and electrons then relized that would related to postitive and negative charges...

but you make a good point, a one or the other might have more or less protons.... that could cause one to weigh more than the other.
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Old 10-22-2007, 09:50 PM

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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
I was going to say something really neat about protons and electrons then relized that would related to postitive and negative charges...

but you make a good point, a one or the other might have more or less protons.... that could cause one to weigh more than the other.
I frequently find myself asking questions where the actual answer is over my head and I wouldn't be able to understand it anyway. lol.
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Old 10-22-2007, 09:52 PM
SDG SDG is offline

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Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
Daniel posted some personal and supportive comments in response to his sister's post about her move.

Other posters did not appear to understand that Dan was speaking to a family member via the forum and seemed to have taken umbrage at Daniel's tone of familiarity as being somehow smarmy.

They posted some digs that in another context may have been considered playful but in this context appear to have been hurtful.

The ninjas armed themselves with household appliances and commenced slicing and dicing. Carpenter felt his forearm to have been pureed over a misunderstanding and so brought out kitchen appliances to his aid. While he was toasting Dan, Dan himself seems to have realized that the matter was not worth the dust up and so offered to bury the Cuisinart.

Even as Dan was kicking it into the hole in his back yard, Carp's toaster burst into flames startling Dan who went into the garage for an upgrade to lawn and yard equipment. Now, with the combatants ducking behind the pitiful armor of garden wheel barrows revving the engines of their respective leaf blowers, weed eaters and hedge trimmers, the AFF community watches as Thad burns a bag of popcorn initiating another and unrelated war in the kitchen.

POTD ... WAY TOO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 10-22-2007, 09:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Sheltiedad View Post
I frequently find myself asking questions where the actual answer is over my head and I wouldn't be able to understand it anyway. lol.
I frequently find myself answering questions where I actually dont even know what I am saying. LOL!

guess we make a great team. you can out question yourself, and I can out answer myself!
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