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11-03-2020, 06:19 AM
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Re: Trump or Biden will win?
The first link tells us the majority of Repubs oppose abortion. I accept that most politicians if they are not already will eventually turn into liars. What is a saved Republican? A Republican that is saved.
Are any of their leaders saved? I dont know of any but there are leaders among them who are the would be policy makers who oppose what I oppose such as abortion sodom, Islam, ect.
Mystery Babylon in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints, and of all who have been slain on earth. When did the United States do this? What Old Testament prophet was killed in the United States? What Martyr of Jesus was killed in the United States? When speaking to the Pharisees didn't Jesus tell them, "upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar."
Few have been killed for Christ at the present time. Revelation speaks of the time just before Jesus comes. It is still future.
I realize you believe Jesus Christ already came for the resurrection of the dead and the gathering of his elect and that the new heavens and the new earth are already here so what Im saying is hard for you to accept.
But, I'm will to understand what you actually believe, so please tell me if the United States hasn't turned into the Mother of All Whores, who exactly will she be committing whoredom with? Remember she also makes the comment in Revelation 18:7 that she sits and queen and is no widow. Mike, who is she in covenant with? Must be a king, because she believes herself to be not just a queen, but one that is married. Who is this adulterous whore, committing adultery AGAINST?
She is committing whoredom with the kings of the earth. Rev. 18:3
She is a queen and not a widow can mean she lives in luxury rather than poverty. She boasts therefore she will see no sorrow.
Mike, Revelation 2,000 years ago gave a strict command. COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE! The reasons are given to not share in her sins. It is a prohibition, like touch not the unclean thing.
As the righteous are commanded to come out from among the wicked.
2 Cor. 6 14:17
14Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 15And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
16And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
17Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
It does not in all cases have to be a literal coming out any more than Pauls command to the saints is literal.
For the Roman Catholic Mystery Babylon folks, they take it as not a hide within the Catholic Church. But a warning that one must leave the Catholic Church because it's Mystery Babylon. The Revelation says you need to vamoose, due to a warning of her sudden destruction will happening suddenly.
So if you think Revelation is already fulfilled how is the RCC relevant to this? Will all Catholics burn up in fire at some point all around the world? The ten kings will simultaneously kill all of them? Rev. 18:8?
But also let us not minimize the power of God to protect his people.
Zephaniah 2:5
3Seek ye the LORD, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the LORD'S anger.
Mike, of course he has His way. But it seems what you are implying it isn't found within the verses of the New Testament?
As I would say concerning your idea that the resurrection and coming of Christ occured in 70ad.
Ok, who will be this Moses who will lead you, your wife, and the rest of the Christians out of the United States?
It is not yet revealed to me.
I see, so it isn't a Moses, or a Jesus, but it is "ministries" plural. Ok, how will one know who these "ministries" are? Also you injected a very interesting word into your explanation. IF. This would lead me to believe that the above may not happen, or you aren't thoroughly convinced if it will ever happen? Instead of me guessing could you explain this? Still the Revelation warns its readers to vacate, or else they will be involved in the sins of the whore.
"If" means IF I am alive when the time comes. We will know these ministries like Israel knew Moses. They will be vindicated by signs and wonders as well as of course true doctrine.
There will be a place prepared of God to feed the women in the wilderness when the time comes so whoever is the faithful saints at the time will be led there. Rev. 12:6

11-03-2020, 06:43 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
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Re: Trump or Biden will win?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
The Bible mentions a country which seems to be the most powerful in the entire world in the end time.
Mystery Babylon isn’t mentioned to have an army. Why is that?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
That country will no more be named "Mystery Babylon" than Israel is named "Sodom and Gommorha". It is a spiritual identification that those living at the time would know who she is.
You mean like the people who were living when the document was first delivered to them? The people who were told they would be blessed if they read it, and cursed if they misinterpreted it? By adding or subtracting from it? The individuals who were told if they had the wisdom that they would figure out the number name of the man called the beast? Oh, I forgot the document was a total scroll of cryptic unintelligible meaningless scribble to those living 2,000 years ago. But to you living today because you are armed with a Strong’s, an Elizabethan English Bible, a Newspaper, and the Internet, you are dead on. Well, if that ain’t logic I don’t know what is.
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Rev 18 portrays end time Babylon as a physical and tangible entity. One that makes the merchants of the earth rich buy buying their merchandise.
Yep, and God knows that has never happened before in human history.
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
If he comes with real signs and wonders along with what I would consider true foundation doctrine
So anyone who agrees with your Flying Satan Saucer, and God’s Logos Space Suit, is the End Time Moses fit to follow? Good job Mike. I’ll pay for your case of grape Kool Aid.
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
I will be at the front of the bus.
The one sailing right off the cliff.
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Could be all three. Newspapers? TV?
There you go boys and girls. The peep stone and top hat of the Dispensationalist.
Newspaper, Television and YouTubes. The Book of Revelation could of never been understood until the advent of Wikipedia. Jesus’ return live streamed! But not everyone on the planet has access to television, smartphones, computer, or able to read their own language. So every eye should of been every eye with a TV. Good job Mike. Tell us how that bus ride is working out for you.
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Paul said long ago our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.
He wrote those words to people living 2,000 years ago? Why didn’t he just write that it was further as expected? My Lands, doesn’t time language have any impact? The guy is writing a letter to churches in his time. He was telling a group who believed it was still far off. Yet he is correcting them that it was nearer than they thought. Not 2,000 years.
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
We are closer but I cant say definitively we are at the very end time.
Thank God you aren’t taking me on a road trip and I have to go to the bathroom.
“Are we there yet Mike, I gotta go! Yeah Dom we are close, but I can’t say for sure.” Mike, it would be hilarious if it wasn’t so stinking sad. There ARE none so blind who will not see.
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
If this is not the end time America may fall and vanish away and some other country may wind up fulfilling the role of MB. I have said that all along.
There you go fellas another dead end brought to you by the ever guessing as we go along end time teacher. Satan’s Space Ship is flying over your house Mike.
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
If those indicators I mentioned earlier happen simultaneously in my lifetime I will believe the coming of Jesus is imminent.
If a Bullfrog had wings it wouldn’t bump its rear end every time it hopped.
Mike, what you got going for you is that because it isn’t happening the way it is played out in you hippy religion head it can’t be explained with scripture. It needs current events or some super charismatic leader who agrees with your theology. Well that’s why the Rabbis went after Jesus. He didn’t fit there eschatology, so therefore He wasn’t their Christ. Mike first on the bus? First get it off the train tracks.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

11-03-2020, 07:39 AM
Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 793
Re: Trump or Biden will win?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
The Bible mentions a country which seems to be the most powerful in the entire world in the end time. That country will no more be named "Mystery Babylon" than Israel is named "Sodom and Gommorha". It is a spiritual identification that those living at the time would know who she is.
Rev 18 portrays end time Babylon as a physical and tangible entity. One that makes the merchants of the earth rich buy buying their merchandise.
If he comes with real signs and wonders along with what I would consider true foundation doctrine I will be at the front of the bus.
Could be all three. Newspapers? TV?
Paul said long ago our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. We are closer but I cant say definitively we are at the very end time. If this is not the end time America may fall and vanish away and some other country may wind up fulfilling the role of MB. I have said that all along.
If those indicators I mentioned earlier happen simultaneously in my lifetime I will believe the coming of Jesus is imminent.
I think the RCC is last days Babylon in Rev 18.

11-03-2020, 07:43 AM
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Re: Trump or Biden will win?
There you go boys and girls. The peep stone and top hat of the Dispensationalist.
Newspaper, Television and YouTubes.
You took me out of context. I was referring to how one would HEAR ABOUT ministry taking place. Not how it should be understood.
Last edited by Michael The Disciple; 11-03-2020 at 08:20 AM.

11-03-2020, 08:14 AM
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Re: Trump or Biden will win?
Will they be in the United States or Jerusalem? Will they physically spew fire from their mouths and kill people?
For 42 months they will minister judgment. The place where they will be killed is Jerusalem. The context does not limit them to never being anywhere else. We are not given to know the details of everywhere they might be. Only that at the end they are in Jerusalem.
As to fire coming out of their mouths it probably refers to them speaking the word and judgment falling. It has happened in a literal way in the Bible.
The prophet Elijah killed 100 Israeli soldiers just by speaking words from his mouth. Fire fell from Heaven and consumed them. Read 2 Kings 1:9-14
It is a light thing for the great and dreadful God of Heaven to destroy his enemies in like manner.
So, if this never happens in your lifetime then what?
It means it was not yet time. The next generation will preach the message and maybe it will come in their time.
Great move of the Spirit? Then an Apostasy? Didn't that already happen? I mean Paul and the crew were the ones who had the original truth. Fresh, baked bread from Jesus Himself. They understood it pretty plain, it was during their time, their events, their culture, their language. No need to learn Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, or Latin. No Strong's or some preacher butchering the Greek from the pulpit. They were the first audience. They are THE TRUTH. If an apostacy happened it would of needed to happen to the original unperverted truth? Makes sense right? I mean not 2,000 years down the line where the apostacy morphed into about 50,5609 version of the original apostasy. But please, please explain the GREAT OUTPOURING and the GREAT APOSTASY in our far off future.
So you dont believe there can be moves of Gods Spirit in any given time? Ok I get it. Since Jesus came and resurrected the dead saints and took the living saints to be with him there would not need to be any future move of God.
For those of us living NOW we could use a great move of God where Jesus would be MANIFEST in glorious power and the whole counsel of God would be revealed. New Covenant Churches such as at the beginning could spring forth!
Then as usually happens many of those who partake of such moves fall away.
Quite simple and Biblical.
MIKE!!! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME. Who will build this temple? There isn't a lineage of the Zadokite priesthood anywhere on the planet? Ezra 2:59-62, plainly says that if they can not show DOCUMENTATION of their GENEALOGY they are to be put from the priesthood as polluted. If God is going to bypass His Holy Scripture so a temple in the far off future can be constructed, then what verses do you use that God will have a High Priest with the Urim and Thummim appear 2,000 years after the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ?
For hundreds of years Bible scholars taught that Israel was done never to rise again. A few here and there held Israel would be restored in the end time.
In 1948 the scholars were shown to have missed it. They could not figure out how it happened. Yet it did. It will be the same way with a temple.
Hmm, who will be martyrdered?
Apostles, Prophets and saints. Rev. 18:20 and 24.
Last edited by Michael The Disciple; 11-03-2020 at 08:18 AM.

11-03-2020, 08:34 AM
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Re: Trump or Biden will win?
Till the last week or 2. I would have predicted Biden. But Winds are blowing Trumps way.
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!

11-03-2020, 08:43 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood
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Re: Trump or Biden will win?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
For hundreds of years Bible scholars taught that Israel was done never to rise again. A few here and there held Israel would be restored in the end time.
In 1948 the scholars were shown to have missed it. They could not figure out how it happened. Yet it did. It will be the same way with a temple.
Regarding the bolded above: those "few" were historicists, by the way, who came to that conclusion as a result of their historicist approach.
I would also point out (not to you, but the other readers) that the prophecy expositors predicting a return or restoration of Israel all had it happening either because of a mass conversion of Jews to Christianity or as part of a mass conversion of Jews to Christianity.
So the "few who got it right" apparently didn't.
Never mind the fact that "Israel" over in Palestine today isn't the Israel described in the Bible, but are another group of people altogether.
As for "never figure out how it happened" I guess you didn't pay attention to history class. Everyone knew and knows the Jews established a state as a result of a grant from Great Britain at the end of WW2. Something Hitler was trying to do as well, by the way.
Last edited by Esaias; 11-03-2020 at 08:45 AM.

11-03-2020, 01:57 PM
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Re: Trump or Biden will win?
I would also point out (not to you, but the other readers) that the prophecy expositors predicting a return or restoration of Israel all had it happening either because of a mass conversion of Jews to Christianity or as part of a mass conversion of Jews to Christianity.
So the "few who got it right" apparently didn't.
They DID get it right. It happened. And even if no one got it right it was still a mighty fulfillment of Gods word. Thus far it has been the most literal fulfillment of Bible prophecy I know of.
Never mind the fact that "Israel" over in Palestine today isn't the Israel described in the Bible, but are another group of people altogether.
That would be highly contested by many.
As for "never figure out how it happened" I guess you didn't pay attention to history class. Everyone knew and knows the Jews established a state as a result of a grant from Great Britain at the end of WW2. Something Hitler was trying to do as well, by the way.
So you believe that things just happen naturally? God does not move behind the scenes to bring his will to pass? The Bible is full of events that disprove that.

11-03-2020, 02:06 PM
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Re: Trump or Biden will win?
Get out and vote for Trump, ya filthy deplorables!

11-03-2020, 03:08 PM
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Re: Trump or Biden will win?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
They DID get it right. It happened. And even if no one got it right it was still a mighty fulfillment of Gods word. Thus far it has been the most literal fulfillment of Bible prophecy I know of.
That would be highly contested by many.
So you believe that things just happen naturally? God does not move behind the scenes to bring his will to pass? The Bible is full of events that disprove that.
God does not always push his wisdom and will when it comes to politics. That is why Israel ended up with a King.
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