Originally Posted by SoCaliUPC
Do you know the church?
Anyway...what people have been talking about for the majority of this thread is the ISSUE at hand....is it right for a pastor to unilaterally change the by-laws to state he, not the church body, choose the next pastor? This is the issue at hand.
Unless the By-Laws expressly give the pastor the authority to change them, he cannot unilaterally change them. That would be illegal especially if they are incorporated with the state. The By-Laws are the legal binding document of the "corporation" which spells out how the corporation will be governed etc.
If the By-Laws give the pastor carte blanc to change whatever he wants whenever he wants, then, IMO, the people who voted on them are indeed stupid with a capital "P!" And the pastor is maniacal with a capital "M!" And this would be nepotism with a capital "N!"
What's that spell? PMN!!!!!!