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Old 07-10-2013, 12:24 PM
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Re: George Zimmerman's Ethnicity?

Originally Posted by Titus2woman View Post
Good points, especially about peers, which can be of paramount importance to pre-teen/teens and even beyond. Not my intention to compare POs neice to my grandaughter except to say that bi-racial kids can be well adjusted and even excel so the idea that maybe they should not ever be made is just not gonna fly in my world.
The zit comment was strictly intended to emphasize that kids can be sooo dramatic... the whole holding her hand up to her face as if to split herself in half just smacks of teen drama... Maybe I was a little hard on my kids but it made me want to go... "aww boo-freakin'-hoo, get over it there are kids without legs that aren't that whiney". Of course my kids did not have some undiagnosed underlying depression or something else either so I thought maybe the suggestion for counseling was a better idea.

Honestly, I just don't get it... we really are a single race really... to deny it is to deny science. We don't make sterile hybrids when we 'cross breed' like a donkey and a horse... we make other fully functioning, reproducing humans.

I am sometimes uncomfortable with other cultures as in I feel like an outsider... unknown languages, unfamiliar foods, different customs... but concerned about blending skin tones... nawww...

~Apache~German~Black~Hungarian~ = Godzchild

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Old 07-10-2013, 12:36 PM
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Re: George Zimmerman's Ethnicity?

Originally Posted by Titus2woman View Post
...and the facts, if anyone wanted to point them out, is that PO's neice is not half dark and half light... she is some creamy shade of caramel, I'm sure which is usually much more attractive than that nasty pasty color with all the green veins.... just sayin'.
So true. I'm quite jealous of the caramel colors. Too much Irish, German and French infusion; all the promising Indian blood has been sadly overcome by whiteness and freckles.
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Old 07-10-2013, 01:07 PM
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Re: George Zimmerman's Ethnicity?

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
So true. I'm quite jealous of the caramel colors. Too much Irish, German and French infusion; all the promising Indian blood has been sadly overcome by whiteness and freckles.
that's funny to hear you say whiteness and freckles....I look more Hispanic than Indian and I have no visual likeness of my German mother my skin is olive tone and in the summer it is almost a bronze tone, my eyes look almost Onyx and hair is almost black......but sometimes being of a darker skin color gets in the way of how some perceive and accept you. It sure got in the way at TB's church ..... we were the only "outsiders" there. And that is what is sad!
~Apache~German~Black~Hungarian~ = Godzchild

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Old 07-10-2013, 01:49 PM
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Re: George Zimmerman's Ethnicity?

Originally Posted by Godzchild View Post
that's funny to hear you say whiteness and freckles....I look more Hispanic than Indian and I have no visual likeness of my German mother my skin is olive tone and in the summer it is almost a bronze tone, my eyes look almost Onyx and hair is almost black......but sometimes being of a darker skin color gets in the way of how some perceive and accept you. It sure got in the way at TB's church ..... we were the only "outsiders" there. And that is what is sad!
And, isn't that sad being that Memphis is 75% black.
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Old 07-10-2013, 02:18 PM
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Re: George Zimmerman's Ethnicity?

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
And, isn't that sad being that Memphis is 75% black.
yes it is! But it was the black churches that turned us away and TB's church (majority Caucasian) shunned us as well
~Apache~German~Black~Hungarian~ = Godzchild

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Old 07-10-2013, 03:01 PM
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Re: George Zimmerman's Ethnicity?

Originally Posted by Godzchild View Post
yes it is! But it was the black churches that turned us away and TB's church (majority Caucasian) shunned us as well
The black churches did because you were a mixed couple?
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Old 07-10-2013, 05:07 PM
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Re: George Zimmerman's Ethnicity?

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
The black churches did because you were a mixed couple?
2 of them did. It was said that blacks should be with their "own kind" not a "Mexican or Indian" .... or white, blue or yellow I guess :/ the other black church got mad bc we did not want to become members and donate to the first lady and her birthday wish for a Mercedes , so the pastor told us after the service that day we need to "move on" and find another church. I am not Hispanic but that never bothers me when people assume that bc my dad looks like he is from across the border . He is darker than my husband who is black but my husband is light skinned. Both of my dads brothers look black but they are full blooded Apache. I just cant wrap my head around the concept of "your own kind" and what the heck do people think is "their own kind"....... just plain sick of hearing people say that and their excuses of really what is hidden racism. My husband and I have spoken in the past of what really would have happened to us and our family if we were to have been from the south and back in that era when people were like "Mississippi Burning" people ........ ignorant people who hate bc of skin color~ and that is a VERY SCARY thought!!!!!
~Apache~German~Black~Hungarian~ = Godzchild

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Old 07-10-2013, 06:09 PM
Titus2woman Titus2woman is offline

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Re: George Zimmerman's Ethnicity?

Racism is not confined to white folk. There are many, many blacks that do not like whites at all and discuss it openly among themselves. When a stable, employed black man marries outside his race it can be seen as a betrayal in a culture where many men are unemployed, drug addicted, and repeatedly incarcerated and the pool of good husbands and fathers appears smaller.

There are unhealthy mixed race relationships and because of that some people stereotype those who are in a mixed race relationship. Some successful black men see a white girlfriend or wife as a kind of trophy. Many chubby white girls date black men because 'thick' girls are considered sexy by many black men, whereas younger white men often prefer the girls they date to be very thin.

Of course none of this is may have anything to do with why any given couple are together. Many times they share a faith, common goals, love and all else that any healthy, happy relationship shares.

I knew that my husbands family was bigoted. We simply did not share my ethnic background with them. My family lived 2,000 miles away. Boy were they surprised when they found out later Funny thing is they are so trailer park trashy... it is beyond hilarious to see them attempt to elevate themselves above others by virtue of their skin tone. What a weak a pathetic thing to hold out as proof of superiority, ROFL.

My kids are all college educated and the darkest one is the Ph.D. just coincidentally. I noticed a lot of the people in our all white church were shocked at meeting my kids (they were grown when we joined)... presuming we were a white couple they couldn't figure out if we had something in the wood pile, if the kids were adopted, or if I'd been married before. Watching them try to slip in the questions was a riot. One lady admitted she thought it was Don, since he's Cajun... and most of them... well you know...
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Old 07-10-2013, 08:19 PM
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Re: George Zimmerman's Ethnicity?

Originally Posted by Titus2woman View Post
Racism is not confined to white folk. There are many, many blacks that do not like whites at all and discuss it openly among themselves. When a stable, employed black man marries outside his race it can be seen as a betrayal in a culture where many men are unemployed, drug addicted, and repeatedly incarcerated and the pool of good husbands and fathers appears smaller.

There are unhealthy mixed race relationships and because of that some people stereotype those who are in a mixed race relationship. Some successful black men see a white girlfriend or wife as a kind of trophy. Many chubby white girls date black men because 'thick' girls are considered sexy by many black men, whereas younger white men often prefer the girls they date to be very thin.

Of course none of this is may have anything to do with why any given couple are together. Many times they share a faith, common goals, love and all else that any healthy, happy relationship shares.

I knew that my husbands family was bigoted. We simply did not share my ethnic background with them. My family lived 2,000 miles away. Boy were they surprised when they found out later Funny thing is they are so trailer park trashy... it is beyond hilarious to see them attempt to elevate themselves above others by virtue of their skin tone. What a weak a pathetic thing to hold out as proof of superiority, ROFL.
My kids are all college educated and the darkest one is the Ph.D. just coincidentally. I noticed a lot of the people in our all white church were shocked at meeting my kids (they were grown when we joined)... presuming we were a white couple they couldn't figure out if we had something in the wood pile, if the kids were adopted, or if I'd been married before. Watching them try to slip in the questions was a riot. One lady admitted she thought it was Don, since he's Cajun... and most of them... well you know...
you would not believe what my 8 brother-in-laws say about girls in general.....and most all of them are with white girls. My 4 sisters in law are not married to white guys but they are with either Mexican or Asian.....but yes, blacks can be very racist. Whites do not have the take on that. As for my family, they never had an issue but the Reservation where my Gramma (Dads mum) was on, most of the elders told her I was a "throw back" bc I sold out to my Tribe and race. My husbands family loved me from the beginning bc I was from a well grounded and "fit" family/background. They were impressed from the beginning bc I did not drink, smoke, have a potty mouth, dress skanky or act like the girls that the brothers of his was with....street girls :/ I was from "good stock" lol As for the presumption of idiots every now and then.....that makes me ill! When our daughter was born she was very light skinned and people thought......well lets just say she was presumed ADOPTED bc she did not look like me or my husband or our skin tones. I had one white lady tell me (from church) "I did not know Indians married ni**ers" I just almost stopped breathing and looked at her without uttering a word and walked off! Our son was born with caramel skin and BLUE eyes after my Gramma (my mums side) that is Hungarian and was an Auschwitz survivor. So yea ..... im speechless most times~ this is exactly why my husband has not been back to church in almost 7 years heck, maybe we should start a church of our own for nothing but us mixed people of the darker persuasion.....
~Apache~German~Black~Hungarian~ = Godzchild

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Last edited by Godzchild; 07-10-2013 at 08:22 PM.
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Old 07-11-2013, 08:07 AM
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Re: George Zimmerman's Ethnicity?

Just as a point of reference, I have seen scholarly work that suggests kids who come from disparate genetic backgrounds tend to benefit from the expanded gene pool.
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