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Old 10-10-2012, 10:04 AM
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Re: Pedophilia in Kansas Church

By Jay : Television and video are not efficacious for the Christian due to the blatant immorality portrayed and lived by the stars of the programming and advertisements.
Jay, I agree with you on the subject of TV.
It destroys family life.
We kicked the TV out of our home
about 10 years ago and what a change
it brought to family relationships.

But listen, I know a lot of UPCI people and have good friends
among them. You should see there computer equipment!
Large giant screen and access to any thing they want....

My question to you is, what is the difference between
TV and internet?
If a person wants to, he can access more bad stuff on
the internet than he ever finds on TV.

I think it boils down to one thing: self control.
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Old 10-10-2012, 12:58 PM
Kevin1203 Kevin1203 is offline
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Re: Pedophilia in Kansas Church

Originally Posted by crakjak View Post
This is cultish, you are in denial. A spirit on rings???
In her defense, I think she probably meant the spirit of vanity that was perhaps the reason she wanted to wear the jewelry. Give this lady a break, you're smarter than that.
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Old 10-10-2012, 02:46 PM
houston houston is offline
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Originally Posted by crakjak View Post

This is cultish, you are in denial. A spirit on rings???
I believe that a spirit can be attached to anything NOT that a spirit is behind everything. It's cultural, I guess.
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Old 10-10-2012, 03:12 PM
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Re: Pedophilia in Kansas Church

My Precious!!! Anyone who read or watched Lord of the Rings knows there's evil in jewelry.
Originally Posted by Kevin1203 View Post
In her defense, I think she probably meant the spirit of vanity that was perhaps the reason she wanted to wear the jewelry. Give this lady a break, you're smarter than that.
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson

Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado

Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard

Definition of legalism- Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. TV
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Old 10-10-2012, 04:30 PM
houston houston is offline
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Originally Posted by tv1a View Post
My Precious!!! Anyone who read or watched Lord of the Rings knows there's evil in jewelry.
I have never heard of a spirit of vanity. In my culture we believe that there are spirits, good and bad. We don't attach names to them.

Hey. Does the spirit of vanity hang out with the spirit of smoking? Or is it the spirit of cigarettes? If I smoke a cigar, am I under the influence of the spirit of cigars? And do the spirits Cigar and Cigarette do the bidding of their lieutenant, the spirit named Tobacco????

All this stuff is so confusing.
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Old 10-10-2012, 05:23 PM
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Re: Pedophilia in Kansas Church

Been watching Bar Rescue. Plenty of spirits in the liquor cabinet.

Originally Posted by houston View Post
I have never heard of a spirit of vanity. In my
culture we believe that there are spirits, good and bad. We don't attach names to them.

Hey. Does the spirit of vanity hang out with the spirit of smoking? Or is it the spirit of cigarettes? If I smoke a cigar, am I under the influence of the spirit of cigars? And do the spirits Cigar and Cigarette do the bidding of their lieutenant, the spirit named Tobacco????

All this stuff is so confusing.
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson

Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado

Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard

Definition of legalism- Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. TV
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Old 10-14-2012, 01:19 PM
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Re: Pedophilia in Kansas Church

Originally Posted by AreYouReady? View Post
Some of these things are just good, sound advice. It should be advice and only advice, not mandatory.

I don't watch television, haven't for years. Although if a christian does watch television, that is between them and God. Many Holy Ghost filled people can and do listen when the Spirit tells them ....hey...this is not good to feast your eyes on. Turn it off.

I don't listen to rock or rap and care little for country. There are many contemporary christian music albums that are not fit for christians either.

However, I do wear slacks and trim my hair. I do not feel condemned over it. When I put on a dress, it has always been many inches below my knees. I have nice legs for an old woman, I am told. I do not wear 4 inch heels to show them off like many apostolic women do. I rarely put on makeup or enhance my eyes, but I see no harm if a woman wants to.

We got married by conservative pastors with a ring ceremony. The only reason we don't wear our rings now is that our fingers are considerably fatter than they were 28 years ago.

Sometimes people just need to be left alone and let the Holy Ghost convict them of things like hair, dress, rings and other jewelry, television music. If a person is honest with God and themselves, they will listen to what the Holy Ghost tells them.

My father performed the marriage ceremony for my cousin, and they used rings. However, when they arrived at that portion of the ceremony, it was performed by my Uncle who does not have an issue with the wedding ring. This kept all members of the family happy without requiring the compromising of anyone's standards.

I have found that standards take best when the Spirit convicts and establishes the standards. Then the Pastor can come and teach the reasons that the Spirit has lead in that direction. The churches that I have been in generally only taught on standards once or twice a year at most. Repentance was probably preached most, with Praise, Baptism in Jesus' Name, the Infilling of the Holy Ghost, Obedience, Loving God, the Oneness of God, and many other topics were covered more often. Standards of holiness might actually be taught every 18 months or so, mainly for the instruction of the youth, new converts, and those who were always wishing to walk on the edge. Television, movies, bars, etc. more often received treatment during messages.

Originally Posted by Dordrecht View Post
Jay, I agree with you on the subject of TV.
It destroys family life.
We kicked the TV out of our home
about 10 years ago and what a change
it brought to family relationships.

But listen, I know a lot of UPCI people and have good friends
among them. You should see there computer equipment!
Large giant screen and access to any thing they want....

My question to you is, what is the difference between
TV and internet?
If a person wants to, he can access more bad stuff on
the internet than he ever finds on TV.

I think it boils down to one thing: self control.

I agree with your statement in part. I believe that where computers and the internet are concerned, you have to use self control. However, with television, you have less control over what you see. This in many ways makes the television more dangerous than the internet. I sometimes become concerned when Apostolics want to have the latest and greatest gadgets in the biggest possible size. I fear that we are often too quick to follow the latest technological fad and subject ourselves to the same frivolously wasteful habits of the world. While I have nothing against new and better technology, I am convinced that a Christian should always be concerned with cost and practicality. If we focused more on these things rather than brand names, we might get more for our money, be healthier, wealthier, and have a better witness. We should not get attached to technology as we will one day have to endure with none of it.
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Old 10-14-2012, 06:49 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Pedophilia in Kansas Church

??Television and video are not efficacious for the Christian??

I love this and you have earned some questions for your teachings

I am now wondering why the internet (the single most common source of blatant immorality portrayed and lived by any moron with a mouse and keyboard) is apparantly and adequately efficacious for you sir Jay.

Do you to state unequivacally that you believe and affirm that violence, hate, porn, and sex should be a simple mouse click away for you and your family then:

Investigate why (1) you believe and affirm that television and radio are worse and (2) why you think that your opinions on sleeve lengths and hairlines, not in the bible at all, are more important than unplugging your box and removing an entire world of bad things from your home and your living room.

Lemme know how that worked out for you.

Originally Posted by Jay View Post
I believe and affirm that sleeves should be below the elbow for modesty, longer skirts on women, and long pants on men. I believe that a simple watch is the only thing that should be the only ornamentation that should be worn. Television and video are not efficacious for the Christian due to the blatant immorality portrayed and lived by the stars of the programming and advertisements. Rock, rap, R&B, and other styles of music are also not appropriate for the Christian to be listening to, and there is nothing Christian about these things, no matter what the label says.
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Old 10-14-2012, 07:01 PM
houston houston is offline
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Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
??Television and video are not efficacious for the Christian??

I love this and you have earned some questions for your teachings

I am now wondering why the internet (the single most common source of blatant immorality portrayed and lived by any moron with a mouse and keyboard) is apparantly and adequately efficacious for you sir Jay.

Do you to state unequivacally that you believe and affirm that violence, hate, porn, and sex should be a simple mouse click away for you and your family then:

Investigate why (1) you believe and affirm that television and radio are worse and (2) why you think that your opinions on sleeve lengths and hairlines, not in the bible at all, are more important than unplugging your box and removing an entire world of bad things from your home and your living room.

Lemme know how that worked out for you.
This is one of the very few great posts by WII ( عليه السلام )
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Old 10-14-2012, 10:27 PM
live4him live4him is offline
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Re: Pedophilia in Kansas Church

Originally Posted by crakjak View Post
This is cultish, you are in denial. A spirit on rings???
let me quote this for you to understand. if the Lord convicts you of something and you do not heed the call than I think your in rebellion. so let me clarify the rings are not a spirit but I do beleive they can bring a spirit on you with vanity, like lets say your going to buy a ring and you spend alot of money on them but you want more. so u go buy another one more money and more Goddy. is it necessary to do this i think it can bring a spirit upon you. thats why i got rid of them..
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