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Old 02-19-2012, 08:45 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Whitney Houston - Link to LIVE Funeral Coverag

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
How do people here know she went to heaven?
I don't know that she went to heaven. I also don't know she went to hell. Why do so many want to ........ her soul to hell? It's sad that so many are quick to ........ her soul to an eternity in hell. I'm not saying you were, but many I've spoke with about Whitney's death....about the first words out of their mouth is about Whitney in hell.

Truth is none of us know. God is the only, righteous Judge. We've seen what the media has bombarded us with, but many of the speeches yesterday spoke of Whitney starting to turn her life around. Her bodyguard and others talked about how she was trying to do better and was looking forward to a comeback with "Sparkle," a movie whose producers include Bishop TD Jakes.
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Old 02-19-2012, 09:44 AM
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Re: Whitney Houston - Link to LIVE Funeral Coverag

Originally Posted by n david View Post
I don't know that she went to heaven. I also don't know she went to hell. Why do so many want to ........ her soul to hell? It's sad that so many are quick to ........ her soul to an eternity in hell. I'm not saying you were, but many I've spoke with about Whitney's death....about the first words out of their mouth is about Whitney in hell.

Truth is none of us know. God is the only, righteous Judge. We've seen what the media has bombarded us with, but many of the speeches yesterday spoke of Whitney starting to turn her life around. Her bodyguard and others talked about how she was trying to do better and was looking forward to a comeback with "Sparkle," a movie whose producers include Bishop TD Jakes.
Haven't read where one person placed her in hell, but some have plaved her in heaven.

I would expect nothing but positivee speeches at a funeral. We tend to be that way at funerals.
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Old 02-19-2012, 01:46 PM
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Re: Whitney Houston - Link to LIVE Funeral Coverag

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
How do people here know she went to heaven?

Truthseeker, I have no way of knowing if even you are going to Heaven! It's not ours to judge anybody, for we do not know the heart! I don't know where Whitney went except in the ground. I do know that a lot of people heard some gospel Saturday that they probably did not plan on hearing. And I also understand there are some who feel if you didn't hear it from their mouth you haven't heard it, (like the late Bishop S. C. Johnson use to preach!)

I have no stones to throw!
Joh 8:7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

Been Thinkin
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Old 02-19-2012, 03:03 PM
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Re: Whitney Houston - Link to LIVE Funeral Coverag

Funny how its consider judging if one says a person went to hell but its not judging if we say they went to heaven.
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Old 02-19-2012, 03:42 PM
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Re: Whitney Houston - Link to LIVE Funeral Coverag

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
Funny how its consider judging if one says a person went to hell but its not judging if we say they went to heaven.
I pray right now in Jesus Name for this beautiful woman. I pray that all her suffering will cease and she will find undescribable joy in the arms of Jesus. I also pray this prayer for myself and everyone who are here laboring over who will or won't go to heaven. I pray Lord, that all those You have called to You, come to You, that none which are given to You will be lost. You are able. You are able, when we are not. We do not know all Your ways. Let my will be as Your Will....that none should perish. Let me open my lips to Praise you and let my 'judgement' toward others always be: "I need to tell this person about Jesus"! Let no condemnation come from my lips. Let only 'invitation' be spoken by me instead of cursing people into hell. If it be my will, let it be my will that the gates of Your Kingdom are OPEN....to all that you would invite. Thank You Jesus. Amen.
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Old 02-19-2012, 09:19 PM
Barb Barb is offline
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Re: Whitney Houston - Link to LIVE Funeral Coverag

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
How do people here know she went to heaven?
I have no way of knowing that, and neither does anyone else. But this I DO know...

I know that Ron Winans, the late brother of Marvin and the rest, was baptized in Jesus Name. This is not wishful thinking, or "they are looking our way," or any other such nonsense.

Those words came straight from the mouth of Ron Winans.

I know that RW and family have been Spirit filled.

Now, how much of this they shared with WH, I don't know. Was she baptized? Don't know.

Did she ever receive the Holy Ghost? I don't know that she did, but I don't know that she didn't.

Thankfully, Whitney Houston and everyone else who has ever walked the topside of this earth are in the hands of a JUST God.
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Old 02-19-2012, 09:41 PM
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Re: Whitney Houston - Link to LIVE Funeral Coverag

Originally Posted by Barb View Post
I have no way of knowing that, and neither does anyone else. But this I DO know...

I know that Ron Winans, the late brother of Marvin and the rest, was baptized in Jesus Name. This is not wishful thinking, or "they are looking our way," or any other such nonsense.

Those words came straight from the mouth of Ron Winans.

I know that RW and family have been Spirit filled.

Now, how much of this they shared with WH, I don't know. Was she baptized? Don't know.

Did she ever receive the Holy Ghost? I don't know that she did, but I don't know that she didn't.

Thankfully, Whitney Houston and everyone else who has ever walked the topside of this earth are in the hands of a JUST God.
Right, no us know. That's my point.
Today pull up the little weeds,
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Old 03-04-2012, 06:47 AM
Donna1152 Donna1152 is offline
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Re: Whitney Houston - Link to LIVE Funeral Coverag

I taped this whole funeral. The other night I coudn't sleep, so I got up and watched it in full. The world was astounded that her funeral was in her home church, I was not. She new where she came from, and the Devil wouldn't leave her alone, doesn't he always want the brightest and the best? Commentators could not grasp the "HOMEGOING SERVICE", I heard the words, inspiring, uplifting, I have seen nothing like this, they had to have a black reporter explain what a "HOMEGOING SERVICE" was. You saw the rich to the very poor and WOW! DID they have CHURCH! Donnie McClurkin started it off with, "STAND", and I am telling you it rocked the house....yes, her mother sang back-up for Elvis and other entertainers, but I have seen U. P. C
Preachers, preach some of the very best singers of our time OUT of U.P.C. I loved Whitney Houston,,,she had a 5 octive range..amazing talent, and demons chasing her everywhere. The one thing that was said at her funeral, which was covered all over the world was that her, "DEATH", brought the WORLD to CHURCH,,,,and I thought she sure did,,,it was amazing, yes it was sad, she had a lot of life left to live, but it just wasn't to be. Bro, Winans who brought the message said, if i start speaching in an unknown language don't think anything about it, it's meant for me, not you! Millions upon Millions were touched that day, I don't know how they couldn't be. Maybe "GOD", was saying, "Wake Up World, I'm coming soon, and if this is the way I have to go about speaking to you, this is how it will be. I say, rest in peace whitney, you will forever live in my heart.
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Old 03-04-2012, 07:03 AM
Donna1152 Donna1152 is offline
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Re: Whitney Houston - Link to LIVE Funeral Coverag

I am sure the Winans shared with Whitney their faith and she was baptized in the Jordan River, and let me tell you I know in my heart that she knew about the "Holy Ghost", she new her life was a mess at times, and she would talk to her friends and tell them her problems, and then say, but God can help me with this, I had coverage from all over the map, to her last interview with Oprah, and the facts about her failed comeback. She could no longer maintain that 5 octive range, because of the ravages of drug abuse. I feel for her daughter, who was her whole life. We need to pray that she does not go down the path of drugs and alcohol. She was hospitalized twice before the funeral, her mother is gone, and her father I think is a danger to her, in the sense that he has and still does have drugs in his home life. 18 and your anchor is gone, I pray that she turns to God, and stays with Cissy Houston, her Grandmother, and that she herself does not become a victim of this sensless death. I thought I would hear that she had died of an overdose of illegal drugs, and they are saying they are perscribed. I myself have had to take zanex, but I have never tasted alcohol..according to the M.E. this is what does it. We will have to wait and see the strength and how many she took, and I know they already know, they knew what was in her system the next day. It's just standard practice that they wait 6 weeks. If you saw the Winans you know they were tight with Whitney, especially Be Be and Ce Ce, she wanted to go on tour with them and sing back up, when she was famous, everyone laughed. She was an amazing Talent and will be missed at least by me.
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