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Old 12-26-2011, 10:28 AM
houston houston is offline
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Re: Any other farmers/homesteaders out there

Originally Posted by Titus2woman View Post
I sent you a PM.

I wasn't so much worried about what anyone thinks of the actual website, we are doing a huge revamp anyway. This one was my Daughter in law's project for her capstone class for computer graphics and it way more complicated than it needs to be for what it does.

My main concern was for contact information. There seem to be some kind of high strung personalities on this board, being a farm girl I'm used to a more mellow crowd.
Yes, the people here are ...special.
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Old 12-26-2011, 10:35 AM
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Re: Any other farmers/homesteaders out there

I am seeing seas of red. j/k

I grew up in a family where I was the only guy not inclined to hunting and fishing due to a strong aversion to the sight of blood, guts, etc. I have over time gotten better about some things, but I am still adverse to my hand being the one to take the life, and I doubt that will ever change. However, I have always enjoyed the end results of the kill. I am not predator, but scanvenger. Someone has to do that job I suppose.

I hope that you enjoyed several excellent chicken dinners from the event. May things go even better the next time.
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Old 12-26-2011, 10:36 AM
Titus2woman Titus2woman is offline

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Re: Any other farmers/homesteaders out there

Originally Posted by Jay View Post
I could not handle that. You go buy an animal, care for it for a while, and then it is a member of the family. I enjoy meet, but not the thought of killing a creature that I have had for several months. Chickens on the other hand are a different story (I can not stand to actually kill, pluck, or gut them, but if you want help cooking them sign me up ).
Jay, one of the biggest reasons that we raise our food animals is to be assured that animal cruelty is not involved in feeding us. Please take the time to watch 'Food Inc.' (available on Netflix) or any one of the other recent exposé films on the commercial food production industry for a better idea of where your food really comes from and what really goes into it. I will not have animals tortured to feed me.

My livestock live very peaceful lives. They get great care and love and when it is time to die they are offered a humane death. I know what they were fed and what I am eating and feeding my family. I never enjoy killing my food and have been sad for days over certain animals but I am not ready for the kind of denial that comes with picking all my meat from a freezer case in shrink wrapped packages.

If one can not farm themselves, they can at least support local farmers and buy quality home-raised food either directly or through farmers markets thereby knowing where and how their food is raised and grown.
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Old 12-26-2011, 10:44 AM
Titus2woman Titus2woman is offline

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Re: Any other farmers/homesteaders out there

Originally Posted by TJJJ View Post
Love those dexters. If i had more land i would have some dexters. They are nice cattle and easy to handle.

There is a fad right now with the black angus but they are harder to handle, very unruly. One old farmer who had raised herefords for years was talking about having to have 4 men on foot and 1 horseman to herd black angus'. With the gentler breeds one man can handle them.
The nicest thing about the Dexters is personality. My bull is 5 years old and is so mellow. He will not invade my space even if I am carrying a feed bucket but I can walk up to him and handle anywhere on his body. Almost all my cows will let me put a halter on them in the field and walk them anywhere. I handle their babies on day one without having to restrain the mamas.

We had a few Lowline Angus... crazy beasties!
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Old 12-26-2011, 10:47 AM
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Re: Any other farmers/homesteaders out there

Originally Posted by houston View Post
Yes, the people here are ...special.

C rides the short bus, C is special!

Lord Bless
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Old 12-26-2011, 10:47 AM
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Re: Any other farmers/homesteaders out there

Originally Posted by Titus2woman View Post
Jay, one of the biggest reasons that we raise our food animals is to be assured that animal cruelty is not involved in feeding us. Please take the time to watch 'Food Inc.' (available on Netflix) or any one of the other recent exposé films on the commercial food production industry for a better idea of where your food really comes from and what really goes into it. I will not have animals tortured to feed me.

My livestock live very peaceful lives. They get great care and love and when it is time to die they are offered a humane death. I know what they were fed and what I am eating and feeding my family. I never enjoy killing my food and have been sad for days over certain animals but I am not ready for the kind of denial that comes with picking all my meat from a freezer case in shrink wrapped packages.

If one can not farm themselves, they can at least support local farmers and buy quality home-raised food either directly or through farmers markets thereby knowing where and how their food is raised and grown.

I refuse to eat at KFC because of their practices. My family tends to eat deer that was shot in the field as long as possible. We do eat, but we try to eat meat that has not had the artificial additives that cause misery in animals. We do not agree withy PETA, but there are some things that should not be done even if it is possible to do it.
I am an Apostolic Pentecostal. Apostolic in teaching, and Pentecostal in experience.

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Old 12-26-2011, 10:51 AM
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Re: Any other farmers/homesteaders out there

Originally Posted by Jay View Post
I refuse to eat at KFC because of their practices. My family tends to eat deer that was shot in the field as long as possible. We do eat, but we try to eat meat that has not had the artificial additives that cause misery in animals. We do not agree withy PETA, but there are some things that should not be done even if it is possible to do it.
We had our own chickens but they do not taste the same as store bought. The store bought are not free range thus they are tenderer but they are all cage raised.

Some of those chickens can't even walk, but they make good nuggets.
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Old 12-26-2011, 10:55 AM
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Re: Any other farmers/homesteaders out there

We do not go to KFC because of the hormones that makes so many of the chickens so big in the breast that they can not hardly walk. We do not approve of that, and try to avoid that if possble. Cages do not bother us, but we do not like deliberate torment to force animals to acheive an unnatural size/flavor.
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Old 12-26-2011, 10:55 AM
Titus2woman Titus2woman is offline

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Re: Any other farmers/homesteaders out there

Originally Posted by Jay View Post
I refuse to eat at KFC because of their practices. My family tends to eat deer that was shot in the field as long as possible. We do eat, but we try to eat meat that has not had the artificial additives that cause misery in animals. We do not agree withy PETA, but there are some things that should not be done even if it is possible to do it.
You are exactly right... game meat is the best thing going. Most deer populations are seriously overstocked, the meat is free and even grass raised beef is not quite as healthful as venison, nor pastured domestic hog as healthful as wild hog.
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Old 12-26-2011, 11:12 AM
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Re: Any other farmers/homesteaders out there

Originally Posted by Titus2woman View Post
You are exactly right... game meat is the best thing going. Most deer populations are seriously overstocked, the meat is free and even grass raised beef is not quite as healthful as venison, nor pastured domestic hog as healthful as wild hog.

My family also grinds our own meat so that we avoid the added fat. I do help with that part of things. It is unfortunate that we are reliant on government permits for hunting, as well as the 'good graces' of certain farmers who think that hunters are just horrible (I know that not all farmers feel this way and that not all hunters are honorable, but I have heard the stories of farmers who heard the game onto their properties and will not allow hunters on during the hunting season).
I am an Apostolic Pentecostal. Apostolic in teaching, and Pentecostal in experience.

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