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Old 11-21-2007, 11:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
I was wondering about that - I didn't think RB would advertise against the rules. but then again, some have had OTHERS do it, so i know it's been done by Other methods.
it's no secret that the said preachers have done some joint missions efforts.
also, I think the crux of the issue is about those who are leaving UPC over the TV issue and no longer wanting to fellowship w/those who are deemed liberal yet by most conservative measuring sticks, Pontiac would certianly be catagoized as very Liberal. make sense ?
I don't think RB is the Pastor anymore. He's the "Bishop"
half of the church board is ALJC (which DOES allow TV advertising) and the other half is UPC
The Church stays involved in both organizations. I think it originally was a ALJC Church .
Because the Church isn't afiliated I don't think the UPC can do anything about it if they would've wanted to.
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Old 11-21-2007, 11:52 AM
Barb Barb is offline
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Originally Posted by coloradorockies View Post
I can't imagine someone who preaches there often or even once; getting on the internet and talking out about it. Furthermore, I know the horse too but I don't know anything about TV advertizements. Carry on.
Same here...my brother, who is a member of that wonderful church, will be here shortly and I will ask him about it.
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Old 11-21-2007, 11:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
I was wondering about that - I didn't think RB would advertise against the rules. but then again, some have had OTHERS do it, so i know it's been done by Other methods.
it's no secret that the said preachers have done some joint missions efforts.
also, I think the crux of the issue is about those who are leaving UPC over the TV issue and no longer wanting to fellowship w/those who are deemed liberal yet by most conservative measuring sticks, Pontiac would certianly be catagoized as very Liberal. make sense ?
No...re of anyone's opinion, they are NOT very liberal or even liberal.

I agree with Michael...moderate might be a better term.
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Old 11-21-2007, 11:57 AM
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I have never heard of RBs church advertising- in fact, i was told from someone that attends there(not on the forum) that they have not advertised on TV.

having said that, we have a group that is splitting off from the UPC and starting a new org. and seperating from the UPC. why fellowship or want to have any joint efforts with the group that you are leaving ???
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Old 11-21-2007, 11:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Barb View Post
No...re of anyone's opinion, they are NOT very liberal or even liberal.

I agree with Michael...moderate might be a better term.
that depends where you are geogrpahically located Barb.

I know some CA. Cons who went to IBC conf. and took one look at the saints there and said they'd never step foot in that church again.
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Old 11-21-2007, 11:59 AM
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Originally Posted by ChicagoPastor View Post
I don't think RB is the Pastor anymore. He's the "Bishop"
half of the church board is ALJC (which DOES allow TV advertising) and the other half is UPC
The Church stays involved in both organizations. I think it originally was a ALJC Church .
Because the Church isn't afiliated I don't think the UPC can do anything about it if they would've wanted to.
Bishop RB is more than just "bishop," and the same for Bishop P...

The pastor said that regardless of who may be scheduled to preach for a given service, if the Sr. Bishop walks in and says, "I'm preaching..." everyone steps aside.

So from what I gather, this is not a divided leadership or power struggle...just my view from the front row...
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Old 11-21-2007, 12:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
I have never heard of RBs church advertising- in fact, i was told from someone that attends there(not on the forum) that they have not advertised on TV.

having said that, we have a group that is splitting off from the UPC and starting a new org. and seperating from the UPC. why fellowship or want to have any joint efforts with the group that you are leaving ???
My opinion, for what it may be worth to anyone...it is indeed the missions and outreach side of this.

That, and the fact that the elders of the assembly mentioned are tremendous men of God...worthy of anyone's fellowship.
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Old 11-21-2007, 12:07 PM
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Even if Pontiac has not advertised on TV, are they okay with it????
are they in support of it ??? will they ever do it in the future ???

If yes to any of those, that would jeperdize fellowship with most cons
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Old 11-21-2007, 12:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post

Even if Pontiac has not advertised on TV, are they okay with it????
are they in support of it ??? will they ever do it in the future ???

If yes to any of those, that would jeperdize fellowship with most cons
I can't answer these questions, but I can tell you I do not care.

That is not meant to be flippant, Thad, and my head is not in the clouds...it's just that there is so much there that is right, I don't care if they advertise on tv...and why NOT do it anyway?!

This is getting so old...the ALJC has advertised and had televisions forever, and the church one of my brothers attends in IN, and that is pastored by one of our posters, is as conservative in many areas as they come.

This "tv breeds carnality" idea doesn't hold water with me...

Now I need to run and make two apple pies...
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Old 11-21-2007, 12:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Barb View Post
I can't answer these questions, but I can tell you I do not care.

That is not meant to be flippant, Thad, and my head is not in the clouds...it's just that there is so much there that is right, I don't care if they advertise on tv...and why NOT do it anyway?!

This is getting so old...the ALJC has advertised and had televisions forever, and the church one of my brothers attends in IN, and that is pastored by one of our posters, is as conservative in many areas as they come.

This "tv breeds carnality" idea doesn't hold water with me...

Now I need to run and make two apple pies...

Ooooh so you ARE PRO TV!!!!! ummmmmmm
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