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Old 11-12-2007, 04:01 PM
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Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
Hmmm...start asking folks to give of their time, effort, and sweat, and see where that gets you. Most folks would RATHER throw money in the offering and leave work to others. JMO.

Look, my Daddy pastored a home missions church at one point, and there were many times when he HAD to get up and let the church folks know that if they didn't get a certain amount in the offering, the lights would be turned off. That is just a practical matter. I also have known my parents to turn around and put half (or more) of their scant tithes right back into the church to keep it running, not once, but on countless occasions.

Running a church requires addressing practical matters, and the church is supposed to have all things in common...aren't they? If there is a bill to be paid, it SHOULD be brought before the church and worked out TOGETHER. The pastor shouldn't have to bear that burden alone. I, quite frankly, would be upset if there was a need in our church, and we weren't informed, and therefore allowed to contribute or help, monetarily or otherwise.

Some of ya'll act like talking about money is wrong. They certainly discussed it and addressed it in the New Testament church.

Then shame on them for their unchristian attitudes and lack of generosity. Funny you should make excuses for wealthy saints. Ironic, almost.

The pastor shouldn't have to pander to the "wealthy" in order to pay bills and take care of his family. Those who withhold funds as a way of controlling their pastor and the church...well, they are going to answer to God for their ungodliness.
You make all valid points. But talking about money every week gets old to many.
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Old 11-12-2007, 04:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Monkeyman View Post
We were in Bangor, Maine 2 weekends ago and I saw TBN. We don't get that channell in our area...I watched an entire show that talked about money, a mercedez-benz donated to the preacher and how God was making him rich!!!! Then telling folks to give for their own rewards....I was sick to my stomach, not 1 mention of the Cross, repentence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was soooo mad.
Yes, I do believe in giving...but when that is the whole focus? Sheeesh! Thas wacked!
They have created a "Spiritual Lottery" give and you might get the golden ticket.....I agree with you ...
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Old 11-12-2007, 04:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Esther View Post
A pastors heart is reflected in how he gives back to his people. Unfortunately, Bishop Kilgore has given ALL of his savings away. Has given his cars away, so now his son has to put them in his name.

People take advantage of good hearted people! I am ALL for the pastor giving when the need is truly there. In fact, IF he has it and doesn't give it I think he will be held accountable. At least for the widows and orphans. Don't know about anyone else.

But NEVER in my opinion should a pastor give to the point his own family suffers.

God blesses those that give with a CHEERFUL heart.
I agree. I want my pastor to be well taken care of...
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Old 11-12-2007, 04:08 PM
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Originally Posted by revrandy View Post
They have created a "Spiritual Lottery" give and you might get the golden ticket.....I agree with you ...
I agree. One minister commented on Tithe on what you want to make in the future.

I have not heard one minister telling folks to be careful about giving to much to a ministry.

They have seminars to help people to stay out of debt.

Because if a person has a payment on something they want to own.

Then that gives them less expendable cash to give.

Being debt free is a great idea.

Having a car and nice house is cool as well...
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Old 11-12-2007, 04:16 PM
Pragmatist Pragmatist is offline
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Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post

Look, my Daddy pastored a home missions church at one point, and there were many times when he HAD to get up and let the church folks know that if they didn't get a certain amount in the offering, the lights would be turned off. That is just a practical matter. I also have known my parents to turn around and put half (or more) of their scant tithes right back into the church to keep it running, not once, but on countless occasions.

Running a church requires addressing practical matters, and the church is supposed to have all things in common...aren't they? If there is a bill to be paid, it SHOULD be brought before the church and worked out TOGETHER. The pastor shouldn't have to bear that burden alone. I, quite frankly, would be upset if there was a need in our church, and we weren't informed, and therefore allowed to contribute or help, monetarily or otherwise.

Some of ya'll act like talking about money is wrong. They certainly discussed it and addressed it in the New Testament church.
I completely support bringing financial needs to the church and asking people to give sacrificially when there is a need.

What I have a problem with is asking poor people to give sacrificially (and I mean beyond usual tithe and offering) to increase the lifestyle of their pastor. I don't think this is common, but it DOES happen and it makes me ill.
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Old 11-12-2007, 04:18 PM
Coonskinner Coonskinner is offline
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Originally Posted by Neckstadt View Post
Saints feel the pressure when the pastor talks about money every sunday as well.

Well, that brings no conviction my way, because I don't mention it very often.

I had a saint tell me the other day that they wished I would teach on giving more often.

I think I have probably allowed the money fleecing televangelists to make me self-conscious about teaching on this subject.
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Old 11-12-2007, 04:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Coonskinner View Post
Well, that brings no conviction my way, because I don't mention it very often.

I had a saint tell me the other day that they wished I would teach on giving more often.

I think I have probably allowed the money fleecing televangelists to make me self-conscious about teaching on this subject.
This is probably true in many cases...you get a little gunshy when aren't aiming when they are shooting...

There are definite Principles in the Word as to Giving... and when taught people thrive and are balanced...
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Old 11-12-2007, 08:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Coonskinner View Post
Well, that brings no conviction my way, because I don't mention it very often.

I had a saint tell me the other day that they wished I would teach on giving more often.

I think I have probably allowed the money fleecing televangelists to make me self-conscious about teaching on this subject.

I feel the same.

There is no topic I avoid like I avoid money.

I still preach Biblical giving and tithing, but it is difficult at best. And not often.
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Old 11-12-2007, 08:55 PM
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Where does the idea come from that a Pastor should have a salary? Did the Apostles get one? Did they get a life insurance policy too?
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Old 11-12-2007, 09:07 PM
PastorD PastorD is offline
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Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
Where does the idea come from that a Pastor should have a salary? Did the Apostles get one? Did they get a life insurance policy too?
Ever read anything from the Apostle Paul? He certainly talked about it.
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