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Old 10-27-2007, 05:48 PM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Originally Posted by philjones View Post
But what will I do when those big liberal bullies come a pickin' on me???
I think you can hold your own there Bro!!! Just preach at em!!! You preached at me and had me to tears!!! I am sure many on here think I am very liberal... (SHHHHHHHH let em keep thinkin it messes w their heads) LOL
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Old 10-27-2007, 07:08 PM
Truly Blessed Truly Blessed is offline
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Salvation, according to my understanding of Scripture, is a process that begins with God and ends with God and involves faith, repentance, baptism in water, the gift of the Holy Ghost, sanctification and walking in the Spirit, witnessing, and my eventual resurrection from the dead.

People who reduce the role of the Holy Ghost to an event in which someone speaks with other tongues, IMO diminish the work of the Spirit in this process of salvation.

To deny the transformational impact of the Word and the regeneration reality of someone who has placed their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation is absurd IMO. Legalist love to dissect everything and break things down into steps, but it's not really steps, it's process. If it was steps, God Himself could not deviate from the steps He has put in place. In other words, a person wouldn't be allowed to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost without first being baptized. If you believe the theology of SE for example and it's a matter of steps, God often baptizes folks with the Holy Ghost whose sins have not been remitted. That's like saying it would have been acceptable for the OT priests to bypass the laver and enter into the Holy of Holies, then go back later and wash their hands in the laver. Steps are steps. Salvation is process.
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Old 10-27-2007, 07:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Truly Blessed View Post
Salvation, according to my understanding of Scripture, is a process that begins with God and ends with God and involves faith, repentance, baptism in water, the gift of the Holy Ghost, sanctification and walking in the Spirit, witnessing, and my eventual resurrection from the dead.

People who reduce the role of the Holy Ghost to an event in which someone speaks with other tongues, IMO diminish the work of the Spirit in this process of salvation.

To deny the transformational impact of the Word and the regeneration reality of someone who has placed their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation is absurd IMO. Legalist love to dissect everything and break things down into steps, but it's not really steps, it's process. If it was steps, God Himself could not deviate from the steps He has put in place. In other words, a person wouldn't be allowed to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost without first being baptized. If you believe the theology of SE for example and it's a matter of steps, God often baptizes folks with the Holy Ghost whose sins have not been remitted. That's like saying it would have been acceptable for the OT priests to bypass the laver and enter into the Holy of Holies, then go back later and wash their hands in the laver. Steps are steps. Salvation is process.
I can wholeheartedly agree with you that it is a process. It don't stop with Belief. It don't stop with Repentance. It don't stop with Water Baptism. It don't stop with Spirit Baptism. And it don't even stop with Holiness living. It is a continual growth, and just like anything living thing, the moment growth is stopped, it usually indicates a death has occurred.
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Old 10-27-2007, 07:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Truly Blessed View Post
Salvation, according to my understanding of Scripture, is a process that begins with God and ends with God and involves faith, repentance, baptism in water, the gift of the Holy Ghost, sanctification and walking in the Spirit, witnessing, and my eventual resurrection from the dead.

People who reduce the role of the Holy Ghost to an event in which someone speaks with other tongues, IMO diminish the work of the Spirit in this process of salvation.

To deny the transformational impact of the Word and the regeneration reality of someone who has placed their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation is absurd IMO. Legalist love to dissect everything and break things down into steps, but it's not really steps, it's process. If it was steps, God Himself could not deviate from the steps He has put in place. In other words, a person wouldn't be allowed to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost without first being baptized. If you believe the theology of SE for example and it's a matter of steps, God often baptizes folks with the Holy Ghost whose sins have not been remitted. That's like saying it would have been acceptable for the OT priests to bypass the laver and enter into the Holy of Holies, then go back later and wash their hands in the laver. Steps are steps. Salvation is process.
TB I have NOT advocated steps just the opposite. Actually I agree with what you posted for once.
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Old 10-27-2007, 07:59 PM
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Will we all continue on this agreement if I throw in the occurance of justification as a process?
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Old 10-27-2007, 09:22 PM
Maple Leaf Maple Leaf is offline
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Originally Posted by stmatthew View Post
I can wholeheartedly agree with you that it is a process. It don't stop with Belief. It don't stop with Repentance. It don't stop with Water Baptism. It don't stop with Spirit Baptism. And it don't even stop with Holiness living. It is a continual growth, and just like anything living thing, the moment growth is stopped, it usually indicates a death has occurred.
Praise be to God! (And kudos to TrulyBlessed)

We're starting to walk on merger ground here.

I, being what this forum would call PCI, would say that a man is as saved when he repents from dead works and places his faith in the Living God as he will ever be this side of Glory, if he continues . . .

A PAJCer like StMatthew would say that a man is as saved as he will ever be this side of Glory after he completes Acts 2:38, if he continues . . .

StMatthew isn't saying that a life of holiness is not essential, and I'm not saying that baptism is optional; we are both expecting the same obedience from converts, and our difference is not found in how to be saved, but rather at what point salvation begins.
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Old 10-27-2007, 11:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
TB I have NOT advocated steps just the opposite. Actually I agree with what you posted for once.

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Old 10-27-2007, 11:30 PM
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Originally Posted by stmatthew View Post
I can wholeheartedly agree with you that it is a process. It don't stop with Belief. It don't stop with Repentance. It don't stop with Water Baptism. It don't stop with Spirit Baptism. And it don't even stop with Holiness living. It is a continual growth, and just like anything living thing, the moment growth is stopped, it usually indicates a death has occurred.
**faints again**

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~Felicity Welsh~

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Old 10-27-2007, 11:31 PM
Caston Smith

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Originally Posted by Maple Leaf View Post
Praise be to God! (And kudos to TrulyBlessed)

We're starting to walk on merger ground here.

I, being what this forum would call PCI, would say that a man is as saved when he repents from dead works and places his faith in the Living God as he will ever be this side of Glory, if he continues . . .

A PAJCer like StMatthew would say that a man is as saved as he will ever be this side of Glory after he completes Acts 2:38, if he continues . . .

StMatthew isn't saying that a life of holiness is not essential, and I'm not saying that baptism is optional; we are both expecting the same obedience from converts, and our difference is not found in how to be saved, but rather at what point salvation begins.
There is absolutely no salvation outside of Acts 2:38. The PCI were wrong back then at the merger, and anyone who still adheres to PCI doctrine concerning Salvation is wrong.

PAJCers say it best that a man is as saved as he will ever be this side of Glory after he completes Acts 2:38, if he continues . . .
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Old 10-27-2007, 11:32 PM
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I agree with TB and EE.
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