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Old 07-09-2007, 05:55 PM
mizpeh mizpeh is offline
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Originally Posted by Eliseus View Post
Ah, but brother Strange, we DO know "what of the night" for the Lord spoke it many many centuries ago.

There is a long wait from Pentecost to Tabernacles... and we must pass through both Atonement and Trumpets first...
Hmmmm.... I can't put these together.

Do you have the time to expound where 'what of the night' fits in with the Jewish feasts?
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Old 07-09-2007, 06:04 PM

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Originally Posted by mizpeh View Post
Hmmmm.... I can't put these together.

Do you have the time to expound where 'what of the night' fits in with the Jewish feasts?
Sorry, I'm just flying by the seat of my pants here... lol

Are we in a night season? I think so. And the night comes before the daylight time. Interestingly, there is no solid, black and white, hardcore line between one day and the next, or between the "evening" and the "morning".

For example, the "day" begins with the evening. But not when it is completely DARK, but as the sun sinks below the horizon. Thus, the day begins with some fading daylight. Then the nighttime sets in...

The feasts were a yearly recurring calendar. The SACRED year began with the spring, and ended with the fall. Thus, Passover occurs in the first part of the "day" (the night time), just as it did in Egypt when it was at night that death came to Egypt (bringing deliverance to Israel)... and Tabernacles occurs in the "daytime" part of the year - fall...

BUT... the CIVIL calendar was reversed - where the year began in the fall... highlighted by Tabernacles... then moving into the spring and Passover...

Interesting how the CIVIL calendar is the REVERSE of the SACRED calendar...

MAN'S time is backwards from God's... God said we must begin with Passover season... but MAN says we must begin with Tabernacles and HARVEST season...

Perhaps what I am trying to express is my impression that manmade religion is getting the cart before the horse... wanting the presence of God dwelling with them but not starting where God said to start - DEATH and the Passover, the BLOOD, and the WEEK of Unleavened Bread... with the Wave-offering of the early Firstfruits in the midst of it... and thus being sustained through the long time of LABOR until Tabernacles came upon the horizon...

Or it might be the peanut butter and jelly sandwich I ate a few hours ago giving me trouble...
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Old 07-09-2007, 06:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Brother Strange View Post
Good ol' Kim.

Unless things change directions, we'll be hearing form the likes of ol' Kim within the Apostolic movement as seen here. Why with any luck, we might even be hearing form Jeanie Dixon. Now wait! She's dead, right? Oh, well, we might even hear from her anyway.
"ol' Kim used to be a part of the "apostolic movement." He went to Mike Hayes church in TX for a while. The fact is that me may have better things to say to this movement than you do.
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Old 07-09-2007, 06:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
Ain't that the truth in more than one way. I was born way toooooooooooo late. Not much of what I see in contemporary Pentecost excites me. Libs and Cons alike just a big hoop and very little substance. A real move of the Holy Ghost would be foreign to the majority of Pentecost. All bells and whistles and trinkets. Most of their power is blown out the whistle and no power in the engine it is stalled out but who cares the whistle works.
Epley born too late?? Yes you were. There is not too many like you out there Elder. I do not agree with you on much except this.
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Old 07-09-2007, 07:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Brother Strange View Post
Not far down the line, they are going to have to pull a long hill. I don't know if they are going to make it or not.

Early the other morning, I heard a voice, "Watchman what of the night." It stirred me. I've been mostly in tears. To be honest, I just don't know what of the night. THAT stirs me up too. Why don't we KNOW what of the night?
I appreciate your burden, but it sounds as if you are too concerned with what happened one night lastweek as opposed to what of the night.
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Old 07-09-2007, 07:47 PM
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Originally Posted by JTULLOCK View Post
Epley born too late?? Yes you were. There is not too many like you out there Elder. I do not agree with you on much except this.
Yes my breed is becoming extinct.
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Old 07-09-2007, 08:10 PM
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If you never spent time with this man and truly knew his burden and walk with the Lord then you should have refrained from your commentary. This man of God wrote only what he discerned in the Spirit at camp and was flogged with all manner of unduly questionable assaults on his character. I was with this man yesterday and I witnessed first hand more than one gift of the Spirit in operation during that time.

At the "Houston AFF Reunion", there were liberals, moderates and conservatives basking in the presence of our Father and enjoying such wonderful fellowship with each other. Too many people have allowed themselves to become so judgmental that they couldn't except such an experience in their own lives. How the heart of our Father must break when His own children cannot demonstrate love and respect toward one another!

Well, I said my peace and hopefully others would find peace and allow BroS the same courtesy.

Blessings to you -


Isaiah 53:5: "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."(KJV)

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Old 07-09-2007, 08:56 PM
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Originally Posted by chosenbyone View Post
If you never spent time with this man and truly knew his burden and walk with the Lord then you should have refrained from your commentary. This man of God wrote only what he discerned in the Spirit at camp and was flogged with all manner of unduly questionable assaults on his character. I was with this man yesterday and I witnessed first hand more than one gift of the Spirit in operation during that time.

At the "Houston AFF Reunion", there were liberals, moderates and conservatives basking in the presence of our Father and enjoying such wonderful fellowship with each other. Too many people have allowed themselves to become so judgmental that they couldn't except such an experience in their own lives. How the heart of our Father must break when His own children cannot demonstrate love and respect toward one another!
Well, I said my peace and hopefully others would find peace and allow BroS the same courtesy.

Blessings to you -

Nice words. But the highlighted portion says what all of us have been trying to say. Respect one for another goes in many directions. All of us have spoke up on behalf of MB since he is not on here to stick up for himself. When Bro Strange calls out a man as basically being a false prophet and someone steps up to the defense then we are the ones ostrisized for being judgemental and for not "having the heart of God." What kinda sense does that make?

Everyone is entitled to their opinions Bro Strange included. But giving ones opinion and attacking a mans spiritual gift....

The bible says to judge prophecies, but has is ever occured to you and Bro Strange that maybe there was a judge there at the service that night that felt MB was on the mark?

You said in your opening statement that if we have spent time with Bro. Strange that we would speak differently. Well all I can say is proofs in the pudding here. I have no qualms with Bro Strange personally, but the attitude being shown here is not one of a person I would love to hang with.
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Old 07-09-2007, 09:00 PM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Originally Posted by JTULLOCK View Post
Nice words. But the highlighted portion says what all of us have been trying to say. Respect one for another goes in many directions. All of us have spoke up on behalf of MB since he is not on here to stick up for himself. When Bro Strange calls out a man as basically being a false prophet and someone steps up to the defense then we are the ones ostrisized for being judgemental and for not "having the heart of God." What kinda sense does that make?

Everyone is entitled to their opinions Bro Strange included. But giving ones opinion and attacking a mans spiritual gift....

The bible says to judge prophecies, but has is ever occured to you and Bro Strange that maybe there was a judge there at the service that night that felt MB was on the mark?

You said in your opening statement that if we have spent time with Bro. Strange that we would speak differently. Well all I can say is proofs in the pudding here. I have no qualms with Bro Strange personally, but the attitude being shown here is not one of a person I would love to hang with.
It is difficult to judge without being judgemental...isn't it?
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Old 07-09-2007, 09:01 PM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Originally Posted by chosenbyone View Post
If you never spent time with this man and truly knew his burden and walk with the Lord then you should have refrained from your commentary. This man of God wrote only what he discerned in the Spirit at camp and was flogged with all manner of unduly questionable assaults on his character. I was with this man yesterday and I witnessed first hand more than one gift of the Spirit in operation during that time.

At the "Houston AFF Reunion", there were liberals, moderates and conservatives basking in the presence of our Father and enjoying such wonderful fellowship with each other. Too many people have allowed themselves to become so judgmental that they couldn't except such an experience in their own lives. How the heart of our Father must break when His own children cannot demonstrate love and respect toward one another!

Well, I said my peace and hopefully others would find peace and allow BroS the same courtesy.

Blessings to you -

Bro. Chosen,
Well spoken and I wholeheartedly agree!:sshhh

Blessings, Rhoni
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