Originally Posted by n david
You may contend what you will, but it does not make it so.
Correct that he wore a beard, which again was the law and custom for Jews. The second part is another assumption.
So, you're saying that those pastors who condemn beards and refuse to even allow the thought of having a bearded man on the platform would violate their precious "feelz" for Jesus, but not men whom Jesus died for???
I have a serious reality that I think we should consider...
Matthew 25:40
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Jesus has already been denied many platforms, and has been cast out, and made to feel unwelcome, in many congregations because of a beard. For in so much as they have done it unto any sincere, born again, Holy Spirit filled man... they have done it unto Christ Himself.
Of course, one must believe the Scriptures are greater than the traditions of man to truly grasp the seriousness of this reality. Souls have been lost, messages never permitted to be preached, souls that might have been saved as the result of a bearded man's ministry lost, all over this putrid tradition of man.