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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks.

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Old 11-08-2011, 11:08 AM
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Re: WPF back to UPCI

Originally Posted by trialedbyfire View Post
I can 100% assure you Bishop CE Johnson is on his way out, and a few others. I can't speak for Sherman Merritt, and some of the other conservative Bishops, but I know Bishop CJ has had his foot out the door for years, and this year our congregation is preparing mentally for the very real possibility that we're leaving. The org is hanging on to dear life. The fact is the majority of P.A.W.'s hardest and most passionate workers come out of the conservative districts (where people are actually living holy) if they leave the organization crumbles, the libs don't realize it but the mega-church members that just come to church for entertainment really aren't interested in the well being of what we know as the "mother church".
I pleaded with Bishop Melvin Boyd years ago to leave. He was a great new birth preacher and for the PAW had a holiness church. I have no idea what Micheal believes?
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Old 11-08-2011, 12:58 PM
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Re: WPF back to UPCI

Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
I pleaded with Bishop Melvin Boyd years ago to leave. He was a great new birth preacher and for the PAW had a holiness church. I have no idea what Micheal believes?
You're refering to District Elder Melvin Boyd of Nashville?

Believe it or not there are still a lot of good Water and Spirit preachers in the PAW that don't compromise on the New Birth. I'm under one of them.
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Old 11-08-2011, 09:44 PM
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Re: WPF back to UPCI

Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
I pleaded with Bishop Melvin Boyd years ago to leave. He was a great new birth preacher and for the PAW had a holiness church. I have no idea what Micheal believes?
Sorry I got confused because Elder Michael Boyd now pastors Bishop Melvin Boyd's church and Bishop Melvin Boyd's oldest son who carries his name has his own church. As far as I know District Elder Melvin Boyd (Bishop Boyd's eldest son) still preaches water and spirit. I can't say that I know for a fact that Elder Michael Boyd does.
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Old 11-08-2011, 10:19 PM
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Re: WPF back to UPCI

Originally Posted by trialedbyfire View Post
This is true. This added to the Bishops who no longer believe in Acts 2:38 being the plan of salvation and those who no longer believe that tongues is the evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.

Never thought I'd see the day when Apostolic churches were leading new converts in the sinners prayer and then telling them they're saved...

I do not like saying this, but if that is all they are doing, then they are no longer Pentecostal, much less Apostolic.
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Old 11-09-2011, 09:38 AM
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Re: WPF back to UPCI

Originally Posted by Jay View Post
I do not like saying this, but if that is all they are doing, then they are no longer Pentecostal, much less Apostolic.
I totally agree. From what I've heard there's only one Bishop that doesn't believe tongues is the evidence of the Holy Ghost. Of course, nobody named who that individual is and there's no count for how many believe that baptism is necessary and how many don't either.
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Old 11-09-2011, 02:43 PM
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Re: WPF back to UPCI

Hopefully, it is only a rumor and has no truth in it. Not saying that there is not any, but one must always hope for the best.
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Old 11-17-2011, 12:06 PM
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Re: WPF back to UPCI

Originally Posted by trialedbyfire View Post
Believe it or not there are still a lot of good Water and Spirit preachers in the PAW that don't compromise on the New Birth. I'm under one of them.
Oh yes, cause when I go home to visit mom in Nashville TN, I regularly go to morning and evening worship with Bishop Merritt Greater Christ Temple, and when I lived in Charlotte NC, I use to go all the time to Calvary Christian Church of the Apostolic Faith Bishop Edward C. Roberts (now deceased). Lawd knows they were straight up Apostolic and told you in every service "Jehova Jr. does not exist neither is anyone playing musical chairs for the one throne in heaven....its Jesus Only that sits on the throne". Man I sure do miss him. Bishop Sherman Merrit is letter the congregation go wayward a bit, but I can only tell you from a visitors perspective. I know Bishop Johnson out of the DC area is sho nuff bonifide Apostolic....There are a few left that keep The Whole Truth near and dear to their heart....
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Old 12-26-2011, 12:21 AM
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Re: WPF back to UPCI

I can't imagine that many would return to the Mother, as many cords were broken and many bridges burned. I would like to see it happen, but I believe the Cons out weigh the Pros.
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Old 01-02-2012, 04:18 PM
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Re: WPF back to UPCI

Originally Posted by PraiseHymn View Post
Oh yes, cause when I go home to visit mom in Nashville TN, I regularly go to morning and evening worship with Bishop Merritt Greater Christ Temple, and when I lived in Charlotte NC, I use to go all the time to Calvary Christian Church of the Apostolic Faith Bishop Edward C. Roberts (now deceased). Lawd knows they were straight up Apostolic and told you in every service "Jehova Jr. does not exist neither is anyone playing musical chairs for the one throne in heaven....its Jesus Only that sits on the throne". Man I sure do miss him. Bishop Sherman Merrit is letter the congregation go wayward a bit, but I can only tell you from a visitors perspective. I know Bishop Johnson out of the DC area is sho nuff bonifide Apostolic....There are a few left that keep The Whole Truth near and dear to their heart....
I'm under Bishop Johnson, I can assure you we're still holding on to the truth with no intentions of letting go. I can't say anything about Merrits church because I've never been there, I hear him preach every year though because he comes to the DC area often. I loved watching Bishop Roberts preach before he passed. I know the Diocesan of North Carolina's council still teaches Water and Spirit... and my favorite North Carolina Apostolic preacher Dist. Elder Reddgo Long still holds on to the faith.
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Old 01-02-2012, 05:41 PM
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Re: WPF back to UPCI

The WPF, and to a lessor extent the UPC, suffers from the shallow teaching of the oneness sect in general and the people follow blindly and suffer for it.

Honestly, the only minister I know who takes the bible verse by verse and teaches is Arnold Murray of Shepherd's Chapel. While I may not agree with everything he teaches, it's refreshing to actually hear verse after verse of the bible being taught instead of a preacher taking one or two verses and preaching from them.

The WPF is just another of thousands of Christian organizations which preach allegiance to an organization instead of God. No, the WPF will never return to the UPC for there's too much power to be had in those man-made organizations and they'll continue their shallow teaching least the people hear and reject an organization based sect.
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