Originally Posted by Nitehawk013
I would argue the pathetic stance is the one that says others should have to work and pay for someone elses problems. If one chooses to give to help another then they will be blessed. That is God's plan. To embrace the idea that anyone should be forced to give of thier income to another person simple because the Fed deems it "right" or "fair' is not only disgusting but troubling. Troubling that the people in this country have become so perverse that they think someone else has a right to someone elses money and goods.
This is not a communist block. This is a capitalist system. You want something...earn it.
Not to mention it violates fifth amendment constitution rights
"nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. "
My earnings are MY private property, yet I go home every payday with less than I earned.
THinking like this gives us the greedy awful insensitive BAD GUY label from the socialists and leftists. They accuse of of hating the poor, being against family, being cruel to children and animals and blah blah blah.
I want to be able to help the Christinas of my community. The ones who want to do better. But many of the "Christinas of the country are perfectly fine with the gravy train and have no desire to change their circumstane. State pays rent, food stamps keep food in the fridge... life is good.
Redistribution of wealth pure and simple. If I and my wife make 70,000 a year and the family down the road only makes 25,000, well the "just and fair" thing is for the state to come along and take some of mine and give it to them.
Never mind the fact that their daddy works one menial job and comes home to smoke dope every evening and has no desire whatsoever to better his and his families circumstance and mommy sleeps till the soaps and/or talk shows come on.
Socialists sure do love spending my money and yours.