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Old 03-06-2008, 10:55 PM
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Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne

Originally Posted by Pianoman View Post
Griffmiester, I missed your post before I wrote my post. This case puzzles me.

I'm trying to think why a judge would take a child away from a mother just because she was religious, and for that opinion be upheld by higher courts.

I'm thinking that when the mother had custody, she didn't allow the father his rights by not allowing the daughter to spend much time with her. The daughter went with them on numerous missions trips, so she was rarely available to spend time with her father. This may have been documented by the father.

All I know is that I would be really upset if my ex-wife kept my child away from me in direct defiance of a court order! If she defied a court order for visitation, she rightfully lost custody of the girl!

Of course I'm speculating here!
It's my understanding the mother never lost custody per se. The father was granted primary custody in the original divorce. Once again, it's 60/40, mom still gets girl 40% of the time. Mom is trying to change original decree to 60/40 mom. But agreed, if during the time of pending divorce mom kept daughter out of the country on mission trips most judges would probably be more inclined to grant dad primary custody. And mom trying to modify the original decree would be an uphill battle.
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Old 03-06-2008, 11:09 PM
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Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne

As far as the homeschooling case, I believe this is another "rest of the story" type case.

The father was under investigation by the juvenile court. (This in and of itself means nothing!!) The parents did have the children enrolled in a distance learning Christian school, but the child advocate (who may or may not have had a private agenda) felt the kids needed more one on one personal attention.

The parents appealed on freedom of religion grounds and lost. While I understand the concern of home schoolers in California, I do not think this case (so far) stands for the proposition that home schoolers are banned OR that they cannot be taught by distance learning with qualified teachers.

Nor does it sound like a particularly activist judge when the case precedent cited goes back to 1953 and has so far been upheld by the appellate court.
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Old 03-06-2008, 11:18 PM
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Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne

Originally Posted by James Griffin View Post
As was posted earlier, the father has had primary custody since Libby was 6, nearly six years. The mother still has custody 40% of the time. So the child was not taken from the mother. The judge initially listed part of the reason for the primary custody being to the father as being mom and step dad spending so much time aboard on mission trips.

As to the video: Having been a prosecutor I have come across many cases of the child being coached and even false memories implanted. (Which watching this video cannot be 100% ruled out).

On the other hand I have also come across unbelievable stupidity on part of certain child protective agencies as far as not fulfilling their duty to defend the child!!!!!!

Having been involved in dozens of these type cases (from the criminal/juvenile side) my gut sides with the mom. However, once custody has been established it is very very difficult to change.
I have not been involved or worked cases like you but, likewise, my gut feeling sides with the mom.
George - as in curious
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Old 03-06-2008, 11:50 PM
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Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne

Originally Posted by LadyChocolate View Post
A couple of years ago, we had some voting to do concerning the same sex marriage issue. We knew that is was for sure going to pass and we had almost accepted that. It did not pass, thank God. The mayor was speaking with my pastor and told him that soooo many of the amish people came out and voted that it changed the whole thing. The amish did not usually come and vote but they felt so strongly about this that their efforts made a change and it made the difference at that time. I know that prayer does many many wonders..........but sometimes, we need to put some legs to our prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So very true, sister
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Old 03-07-2008, 01:11 AM
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Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne

This is why God hates divorce ... he knows what it does to families.
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Old 03-07-2008, 01:33 AM
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Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
I agree with this. I've seen too many children not get the education they need and deserve. The parents were well-meaning but not disciplined or educated enough to help their children. Now, I know this sounds biased, and it may be...but I have seen too many carbon copies of Mom and Dad who live off the sytem or off the church who could not hold down a secular job if their life depended on it.
On the contrary...a lot of kids go to school with credentialed teachers and not get an education and a lot of kids get home schooled by your average joe parent and get a good education.
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Old 03-07-2008, 03:07 AM
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Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne

Originally Posted by DividedThigh View Post
hey rico what does that mean, does that mean that if she is divorced she cant get remarried, hmmmm, dt
No comment. LOL! My mind is very made up that I am not going to allow myself to fall into the trap of debating issues around here.
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Old 03-07-2008, 03:08 AM
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Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne

Originally Posted by James Griffin View Post
Hopefully this is totally TIC, but nonetheless she remarried BEFORE converted.
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Old 03-07-2008, 03:23 AM
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Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne

Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea View Post
Huh ?????????

Huh? Did I stutter?
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Old 03-07-2008, 08:02 AM
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Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne

Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea View Post
The church encourages its parishioners to dress modestly, so Libby's closet is filled with skirts that fall below the knee.

Libby's mom, like other women in the church, doesn't wear makeup or swim in public. When they do swim, they don't wear swimsuits, instead they wear long dresses that Libby shows INSIDE EDITION.

They shun popular culture, so Libby doesn't watch much TV. She's heard of teen idol Hannah Montana but says she has never listened to her music.
Interesting to me that some people make it sound like conservative OP's are the only ones with such convictions about modesty in dress, etc. But obviously there are even some Trinitarians who do .

The anti-OP's seem to conveniently forget about "other folks" who have similar convictions. I guess demonizing and marginalizing these others wouldn't quite fit into their agenda.
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