Let's be honest here,wasn't LW allowed to be on our platforms for years?
surely you don't believe that no one knew what was going on all those years do you.
Lets be honest here....we've let _________________behind our pulpits, pastoring our churches for years?
surely you dont believe that no one knew what was going on all those years, do you?
((Insert any number of names of preachers/pastors to left the UPC to come out of the closet)) ((Or to just divorce their wives and marry their LONG TIME girlfriend))
why pick on LW?? If I'm not mistaken, he's always denied the allegations.
but I dont think it was ALLOWED to go on for years and years as folks imply.....I really dont. I think when it was found out that something was really wrong....he was dealt with
I was in Jackson in 1979 too..and still in Jackson when all this mess hit the fan...
We didnt know. Sure, there were rumors and jokes..
BUT....any MAN with talent, especially musically, and education, was called "gay"...anyone who didnt SOUND like the southern man, was looked at funny..
we just chalked it up to the old north/south differences.
NO, we didnt really think he was gay...
and there was NEVER, EVER any fear he'd do anything IMPROPER with a child, the idea of that is just ludicrious to me
it may be to you. I just know what my sister has told me over the years. That doesnt mean there was any evidence of such. just that she was very leary.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
it may be to you. I just know what my sister has told me over the years. That doesnt mean there was any evidence of such. just that she was very leary.
Moms sometimes have the best "gut feelings" around!
it may be to you. I just know what my sister has told me over the years. That doesnt mean there was any evidence of such. just that she was very leary.
I dont deny LW has issues. Something bad was going on there...
I just cant accept that it was ALLOWED to continue for years.
WHO IS DEFENDING HOMOSEXUALITY? NO ONE! I'm trying to defend someone from the relentless false attacks against him!
Uhm, excuse me a moment. When the original incident took place with LW, it was in the public domain. I personally saw the arrest report. If he has repented since, I would think as public a figure as he was, he would go public with a statement.
So, of a truth, I hope he has repented, but unless I had heard he did, I wouldn't go across the street to hear him.
Not at all judgemental, just stating facts as they are.
Dr. Flemming
Certified L.O.O.N.
Truth is now under constant attack. I heard a UPC evangelist and pastor just tonight say that a man that had water poured on him was saved, the other one said that a man that was never baptized was saved. And you wonder why some men are pulling out?
If you heard what you said, that is a blow to many of us choosing to remain UPC. Because we have no intention of compromising anything. I know my DS doesn't desire to drop any standards, and he has been taken to task on this forum for supposedly dropping them. I have had two very long conversations with him recently, and find him to be committed to the truth, regardless of what others say or hear.
If the two men you heard say that did indeed say it, shame on them.
Dr. Flemming
Certified L.O.O.N.
I dont deny LW has issues. Something bad was going on there...
I just cant accept that it was ALLOWED to continue for years.
Theresa....I have heard over and over and over again how these things WERE allowed to continue for years because he was the "name" back then and the "draw" for JCM. It wasn't until the "public incident" is where they could not hide it anymore.
Uhm, excuse me a moment. When the original incident took place with LW, it was in the public domain. I personally saw the arrest report. If he has repented since, I would think as public a figure as he was, he would go public with a statement.
So, of a truth, I hope he has repented, but unless I had heard he did, I wouldn't go across the street to hear him.
Not at all judgemental, just stating facts as they are.
For the record, I have asked some that were very close to him if LW ever came out and denied the rumors. They said that they didn't know!
If those closest to him don't know, you can pretty safely assume that a statement was never made!
For the record, I have asked some that were very close to him if LW ever came out and denied the rumors. They said that they didn't know!
If those closest to him don't know, you can pretty safely assume that a statement was never made!
I never tell all I know, as you know , and I agree with what you say. I have known some of those closest to him at the time, and hear nothing of any public repentence.
Dr. Flemming
Certified L.O.O.N.