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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks.

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Old 01-05-2008, 10:55 AM

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Originally Posted by jrLA View Post
Jim, therein lies the probelm, the issue is NEVER the issue. It seems to me that many who have leaving on their mind, had that on their mind long before the TV issue was the "issue"!
I disagree. The TV issue is HUGE among the UPCI. Is this not some small issue, this is one of the core items of being holy or practicing "holiness" is keeping separate from the world.

There are many that have left because of this issue and more to come...over the issue of TV advertising.
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Old 01-05-2008, 11:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Broken View Post
This is so sad anyone would feel these old standards as weights- I would pray we all get a spirit of giving it ALL to Christ no matter the cost. Not just standards per say but our lives- i.e. our walk and talk. Using his name with great esteem and his children with great respect and love.

I walk in the fear and reverance of God now. Not the fear and freight of Standards.

These standards are not a result of a deeper consecration to God as you preach.

They are for the minister who does not take the time to get to know folks.

It is an easy outward view so the pastor can know who is following me...

It is not about who is following God.

That is the reason for the pulpit standards.

If you go to movies, cut your hair, have a TV etc then you can't sing in the choir.

Because you have shown outwardly that you do not respect my standards...

What it does is make sinners out of many.

Because they still do have a TV, go to movies and the woman trim their hair...

I went to a church for 30 years..

I heard my wife and her friends growing up...

100% of them including the pastor's kids and grandkids all thrimmed their hair..

It was just like the Clinton military policy don't ask - don't tell....

Those are not the standards that we need to force ourselves to do so we can feel closer to God.

You might want to start by picking up the phone and helping out someone in need...

That person in need is not in need of seeing how long you can go without cutting your hair if you are a woman......................
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Old 01-05-2008, 11:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Walkbyfaith7 View Post
I disagree. The TV issue is HUGE among the UPCI. Is this not some small issue, this is one of the core items of being holy or practicing "holiness" is keeping separate from the world.

There are many that have left because of this issue and more to come...over the issue of TV advertising.

No one is forcing anyone to do anything! Just pure overreaction!
Oh well, that's the way I see it!
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Old 01-05-2008, 11:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW View Post
Bro Haney is the current leader of the UPCI. What kind of leader would watch as some men are pulling out and trying to pull as many other preachers as they can with them, and not address this in some way.

Putting a positive look or "spin" on something isn't wrong. It's not like he's covering up some sin by putting a "spin" on it. Sometimes we look for fault too much.

For those who don't care for Bro Haney's letter... please tell me what you would say if you were leader of the UPCI.
Not to mention the money these men and their churches pull away from the UPCI. His letter was the same type of damage control you see in any company losing it's grip....
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Old 01-05-2008, 11:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Neckstadt View Post
I walk in the fear and reverance of God now. Not the fear and freight of Standards.

These standards are not a result of a deeper consecration to God as you preach.

They are for the minister who does not take the time to get to know folks.

It is an easy outward view so the pastor can know who is following me...

It is not about who is following God.

That is the reason for the pulpit standards.

If you go to movies, cut your hair, have a TV etc then you can't sing in the choir.

Because you have shown outwardly that you do not respect my standards...

What it does is make sinners out of many.

Because they still do have a TV, go to movies and the woman trim their hair...

I went to a church for 30 years..

I heard my wife and her friends growing up...

100% of them including the pastor's kids and grandkids all thrimmed their hair..

It was just like the Clinton military policy don't ask - don't tell....

Those are not the standards that we need to force ourselves to do so we can feel closer to God.

You might want to start by picking up the phone and helping out someone in need...

That person in need is not in need of seeing how long you can go without cutting your hair if you are a woman......................

My outward standards as well my wife's are unto God--not man! I preach this all the time! I don't live the way I do to please any man, I am only interested in pleasing God. However, obedience to the man of God DOES please God.

I pastored for several years, did not hold a standard against wedding rings. I still do not believe that is a 'holiness' issue. I still do not preach that as a standard. However, right now we are assisting another pastor until God moves us else where or opens a door for us to pastor again. He does have a standard against the wearing of wedding rings, so in obedience to him (which God honors), we took our rings off--not to God but to man. My obedience to the man of God is unto God.

I believe this all has to be placed in the right place! Kept in balance. But--Seperation from the world is definatly pleasing to God!
Oh well, that's the way I see it!
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Old 01-05-2008, 11:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Lafon View Post
".....for MORE are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the LORD." - Isaiah 54:1

As I read your remarks, comparing the growth of the UPCI to that of the AOG, immediately the words of this scriptural passage came to the forefront of my thoughts.

As one who has been "born again" of the "water and of the Spirit," and am therefore a member of the "church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood," (as you also publicly profess to be), I hold firm to the belief that unlike those who hold allegiance to the teachings of the AOG, as well as a host of other religious organizations which form the worldwide "professing Christian" community, we are "children of the "married wife" (the virgin Bride of Christ).

I believe it utterly absurd for one to use the growth of those organizations, which MUST be construed as "children of the desolate," to the steady increase of the UPCI, as well as other groups which make up the worldwide Oneness Apostolic Pentecostal movement, albeit that growth is not as rapid as many of us would desire.
How long have you been around? It was proclaimed at the 1975 General Conference of the UPCI that the UPCI in 7 years would overtake the AOG in membership.

Since that conference in 1975 the AOG has almost grown to twice their size.

UPCI by very little.

So because you read one scripture that a few will be saved.

We should stand by and let folks go to hell.

No wonder the UPCI can think it is doing a great work year after year...

They have an answer to the reason why God wants them to remain small....

It has been about lack of vision and leadership for the past 40 years plain and simple.

No vision....

I am not the one who compares the UPCI to the AOG, it is the letters and men of the General Board who make claims about the UPCI being the fastest growing pentecostal organization.

That simply has never been the truth...
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Old 01-05-2008, 11:12 AM

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Originally Posted by jrLA View Post

No one is forcing anyone to do anything! Just pure overreaction!
If only you knew....I'm from Oregon and our secretary, Brother Langley from your neck of the woods has been crying for years that you guys in your state have been losing your holiness standards.

It goes WAY beyond TV but the TV resolution is a huge part of it.
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Old 01-05-2008, 11:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Walkbyfaith7 View Post
If only you knew....I'm from Oregon and our secretary, Brother Langley from your neck of the woods has been crying for years that you guys in your state have been losing your holiness standards.

It goes WAY beyond TV but the TV resolution is a huge part of it.
I am sorry, but LA is far from loosing our standards. There are still men who believe in seperation. I really wish people were a little careful about pronouncing Lousiana as being so loose. We are progressive, but we do still adhere to seperation. This really gets old!
Oh well, that's the way I see it!
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Old 01-05-2008, 11:19 AM
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Originally Posted by jrLA View Post
My outward standards as well my wife's are unto God--not man! I preach this all the time! I don't live the way I do to please any man, I am only interested in pleasing God. However, obedience to the man of God DOES please God.

I pastored for several years, did not hold a standard against wedding rings. I still do not believe that is a 'holiness' issue. I still do not preach that as a standard. However, right now we are assisting another pastor until God moves us else where or opens a door for us to pastor again. He does have a standard against the wearing of wedding rings, so in obedience to him (which God honors), we took our rings off--not to God but to man. My obedience to the man of God is unto God.

I believe this all has to be placed in the right place! Kept in balance. But--Seperation from the world is definatly pleasing to God!
Break one of the standards and see how folks look at you in your church. That is not unto God but unto man. Plain and simple.

How many times have you commented on someone in your church that you have seen in pants at the mall.

Or one of the young ladies has trimmed their hair...

It is judgement first thought...

You know exactly what I mean.

Many of these folks you may never have talked to one on one at all....
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Old 01-05-2008, 11:19 AM

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Originally Posted by jrLA View Post
I am sorry, but LA is far from loosing our standards. There are still men who believe in seperation. I really wish people were a little careful about pronouncing Lousiana as being so loose. We are progressive, but we do still adhere to seperation. This really gets old!
Do you know the Pastor I am talking about? He has been around the UPC before you were born and has personally seen the church start to sleep with the world.
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