Originally Posted by meBNme
OK, so you make light of someone seeking truth in the rumors?
Do you not want truth?
Isnt that what every Christian should seek?
You are quick to deffend the rumors. Why are you not also seeking to deffend the truth?
Folks, I am not claiming those men are right or wrong. I am not saying the org is good or bad. I am simply challenging unfounded rumors.
Daniel, as a Christian, should we be backing the rumors or seeking the truth?
Originally Posted by meBNme
So now asking a question for clarification is "interrogation" to you?
No, I asked, he answered. That's called conversation.
You aren't doing so hot of a job though, and yeah, I am far closer to "interrogation" with you than I was with JM.
So come on Brother, step up, put out some substance to your claims.
You do a real good job at throwing jabs and making fun. You also post good stuff from time to time. So lets see you step to the plate on this "crusade" of yours. 
Surely there is a pecking order when it comes to verifying truth .... however your litmus test seems very flawed as you present it ...
I do not question the veracity of of JM's or VB's posts in this thread however to believe something said because the person claims to be an eyewitness is not the only indication that something is not rumor or speculation ... to me this approach seems simple-minded and foolish. For all we know that eyewitness could be fabricating, embellishing or simply reporting the events from their perspective and/or bias.
Historians, detectives and other truth detectors often rely heavily on primary documents, artifacts and eyewitness accounts to piece together the "truth" or analyze events. But is not all they look at ...
Corroborating circumstantial evidence has weight in courts of law and in the end game analysis of truth ....
to simply dismiss what authoritative people on this forum have heard from parents, pastors, relatives, good friends, and people in the know, can and should be submitted for truth analysis ...
My point is this ... to accept second hand knowledge from just one person would be silly and unwise .... yet any person w/ some common sense would know that we should take things said here w/ a grain of salt and test them against what others are saying.
The witness is still an essential part of finding out truth .... as is the
PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE. The authority of your source also should play a factor.
Imagine if those in the first century church held your litmus test for truth ... and said no I won't believe in Jesus Christ because well I haven't seen him or didn't speak one on one w/ him ... and I definitely won't believe a second hand account...
No one is advocating for rumors or backbiting ... but to run around this forum and say they are not factual, unsubstantiated or unfounded is well ... imo ... primitive and condescending.
Part of the value of this forum is information sharing and sharing our analysis of bits of information ... each one of us comes here w/ areas of expertise and unique life experiences that helps make sense of the stuff happening around us ....
also it's a place where folks are going to give opinions based on their bias and opinions ... and guess what ... that's what makes this place great ... at least to me.
We stifle thought, creativity and the discovery of truth... if we're in the business of censoring or suggesting folks are liars... which in turn discourages information sharing.
Of course, we should be careful and responsible in how we share information or our opinions ... and do so in a Christ-like manner ... but my goodness ....
to label every piece of second-hand information as fabrication or dubious ... especially if THE FACTS ADD UP ... or if folks are simply commenting on the events as presented to them .... ain't unChristlike ... or non-Christian ... it's just people being people and relaying information.
Give people a chance to share thoughts, ideas, information ... we're big enough to piece together the facts.
If you seek to challenge folks to presenting truth ... then expect to be challenged in various ways also. Welcome to the AFF.