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Old 06-20-2010, 02:40 PM
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Al Queda's conditions for peace?

Al Qaeda's American-born spokesman has repeated the terror group's conditions for peace with America, calling on President Barack Obama to withdraw his troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, end support for Israel, stop intervening in the affairs of Muslims and free Muslim prisoners.

Eh, We should offer them our demands too. Get out of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Get out of Iraq. Get out of Lebanon. Hand over Osama Bin Laden. Stop supporting the Palestinians. Stop all jihad, stop it in the Philippines, Russia, Kashmir, India, Sudan etc etc, stop the anti Semitic hate talk by Iran...etc etc etc
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Old 06-20-2010, 03:05 PM
seekerman seekerman is offline

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Re: Al Queda's conditions for peace?

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Al Qaeda's American-born spokesman has repeated the terror group's conditions for peace with America, calling on President Barack Obama to withdraw his troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, end support for Israel, stop intervening in the affairs of Muslims and free Muslim prisoners.

Eh, We should offer them our demands too. Get out of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Get out of Iraq. Get out of Lebanon. Hand over Osama Bin Laden. Stop supporting the Palestinians. Stop all jihad, stop it in the Philippines, Russia, Kashmir, India, Sudan etc etc, stop the anti Semitic hate talk by Iran...etc etc etc
There will never be peace in the middle east, IMO. The region has suffered violence for several thousand years now, mainly because of religious differences, and will continue to do so. Al-Qaida can't offer peace. They don't have the authority to do such a thing. If they stop their terrorist activities some other group of religious nuts will organize. It's a never ending thing.

But, I'm all for getting out of Iraq and Afghanistan. The conflict there cannot be won because of the religious mindset of the region. Sending Americans there to die for a situation that cannot be won is very very wrong. We're not offering freedom to anyone because those folks don't understand the concept of freedom. We're not conquering Muslim religious extremists. We'll not conquer Muslim religious extremists. The governments are corrupt and cannot be trusted.

What we should do is spend the billions here in America strengthening our borders and sending the illegal aliens back to where they come from. Properly protecting our borders and properly administering the aliens in our country would do FAR more to secure America than sacrificing our men and women in the middle east.

Oh, and somehow stop buying oil from over there. We're giving them wealth beyond measure to finance those religious nuts. If there wasn't the oil situation, we wouldn't be over there.
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