Originally Posted by mfblume
He said God is weird. (Shudder)
weird (wîrd)
adj. weird·er, weird·est
1. Of, relating to, or suggestive of the preternatural or supernatural.
2. Of a strikingly odd or unusual character; strange.
3. Archaic Of or relating to fate or the Fates.
Forgiving and not forgetting may not be that strange. Lots of
people do that, it seems. But the whole setup: forgiving every year, but pushing that forgetting/remitting out over and over (if that's what you're saying happened -- but I bet I'm not getting that, either!), planning to kill Moses just after giving him a job to do (
Exodus 4:24), commanding His army to kill everyone but the little girls and keep those for themselves, commanding His people not to mix types of thread in their clothing (and, I guess, repealing that one at some point?), etc. etc. etc.? Definitely odd and unusual and strange.
Unique among all sentient beings, probably. Don't you agree? His ways are not our ways, that's for sure!