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Old 04-26-2007, 08:19 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Originally Posted by Michlow View Post
I don't know how many times and in how many ways I can say this. I am not catholic. I don't need a priest to be a mediator between me and Jesus. I have my own personal aspect. And I don't need a pope whose words are considered of equal authority as the bible to give me rules to live by.
Ya rebel!
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Old 04-26-2007, 08:21 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Originally Posted by Chan View Post
But why are these people (who are in rebellion against God by forsaking the assembling together as commanded against in Hebrews) hurt? Did the pastor step on their toes? Did he preach something that resulted in Holy Ghost conviction? Did his wife fail to come to someone's baby shower (I know a couple that left a church for that very reason)? Did the pastor fail to coddle them and make them feel good about themselves? Why are they hurt? More often than not the reason people think they've been hurt in the church by their pastors or other saints is because of their own pride and selfishness.
How about if the pastor turned out to be a bold faced liar?
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Old 04-26-2007, 08:22 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
Since you asked, I will give some examples. (Some, not all, from personal experience.) You let me know, please, if they are worth "whining" about.

1. Whole family of teen and pre-teen siblings sexually abused by a prominent man in the church, over many years. When it's discovered by pastor's wife and some others, nothing is done about it. The man was never brought to justice. Died of old age.

2. Church member is denied permission to travel for grandmother's funeral. Not an acceptable excuse to miss church.

3. Pastor misappropriates church funds. Good ole boys in section leadership do nothing.

4. Brother (same mom and dad type brother) has cancer. Preacher prophesies divine healing. Brother dies from cancer.

5. From pulpit, pastor calls people out by name for sexual sin. Incorrectly, at that.

6. A wife is beaten by her husband. Knocked to the floor. Pastor does nothing, blames the wife.

Not to single you out, Chan, but would anyone here face these folks and tell them to just "Get over it!"?
I have one word for you, SUBMIT.
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Old 04-26-2007, 08:31 PM

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Originally Posted by Rico View Post
How about if the pastor turned out to be a bold faced liar?

Rico ~ This passage of (Hebrews 10:25) is so taken out of context and been abused by the church it not even funny!

"Forsaking not the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as you see the day approaching" .

Once again, we are not told WHERE to assemble the local church. We are not told WHEN to assemble Sunday morning. We are not told HOW OFTEN to assemble three services a week, prayer on Tuesday, youth group on Thursday. Taking this verse by itself, it simply tells us to make the most of every opportunity we have for encouraging one another face-to-face. Yet it gives no direction about where, when, or how many times a week this is to take place.
And if you don't come to church every time the doors are open and if you don't participate in every program we have available for you then you are forsaking the assembling of yourselves together!" is that really what this verse means? When you read the verses preceding this one it becomes apparent that the Spirit of God is not trying to get us to be more faithful to attend church services. In fact, when this was written, Christians did not have "church services" or church buildings, for that matter.

So what does it mean? If you read the entire chapter better yet, the entire letter, you find that we are being encouraged to draw near to God without fear, by a "new and living way", through Jesus Christ our High Priest, Who has already assembled us together as the house of God in order to lead us into the Holy of Holies.

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Old 04-26-2007, 09:00 PM
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I feel you should keep going to church and trusting God regardless of what happens to you but I do think that there are some things that can happen to people that they are just not going to over come right then and there.There are other churches than the one you were hurt at.I can understand having a
lot of hurt or doubt but then I was never raped or molested or done anything evil in the church by anyone in authority.It does and can happen.People do disapoint us but Jesus never does and there is going to be judgement day.
It is a shame though that when people know that they are backslidden and perverse in their hearts that they don't give up ministries and positions and
get some help and deliverance.I would never want to do anything to anyone that would cause them to be scarred for life emotionally and go to hell over.
Sadly we live in a world that is imperfact.I am reminded of the watery grave of Baptism and how some people never die to self in that watery grave.We need to stay buried and let Christ live in us.That can sometimes be hard when flesh wants to rule.Things don't happen to someone overnight.That is why it is of upmost importance to have a daily bible reading and prayer life and fast on a regular basis along with church attendance.Go for the children or just for Jesus if you have to but don't let the ugliness and sinfulness of another keep you out of fellowship.It is so good when the church can be a healing place.
There are churches that the Lord has established that are healing houses for the soul.They may not be the deepest bible churches but there is a time that people just need arms around them and a shoulder to cry on.I don't know if its the mama in me or the Jesus in me but I love people regardless.I hate to see anything done to anyone that hurts them.
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Old 04-27-2007, 12:39 AM
berkeley berkeley is offline
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Originally Posted by Hot Coffee Ms. View Post
It’s time to get over it and pray through this situation. Aren’t you people adults? So stop acting like a child who wants sympathy, and a pat on the back, and you want someone to tell you that it’s ok. You know it‘s not ok not to have a church. You say you’ve been hurt by your pastor, and pulled out of the UPC, or all church attendance anywhere. You hate all pastors everywhere because they are all liars you say. And now you can’t trust anyone else to pastor you, so find a church that teaches truth. All Pastors are not cut from the same mold. You need a church and you need a pastor. So stop being so childish and grow up. We can’t hold grudges folks. It’s time to get over whatever the problem is. After all, aren’t you people adults? You sound so childish by starting all these silly threads demeaning the UPC and all Pastors too. It’s time to get over it and Get In A Church Somewhere.

It’s OK with most people if your boss dictates what we should wear. I know plenty who dress in uniform in order to hold a job, but He’s paying us to do this. That makes all the difference. It’s ok if our Boss expects us to report to work on time, and follow some form of standard. And we tolerate it if he gets on our case occasionally, after all he pays our salary, and that makes all difference in the world. We are willing to do lots of things we may not like in order to hold a job, but you will not allow our Pastor to lead you to Jesus.
Did Rico and Coop get this???
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