04-25-2007, 05:23 AM
Wouldn't Take Nothin' For My Journey Now!
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 7,358
When is enough...enough?
Originally Posted by LadyCoonskinner
I know EXACTLY how you feel. We are in a period of transition right now. Don't know exactly how God's gonna work it, but I KNOW He's gonna do it. I may get frustrated to the point I make my self sick, but I KNOW that he's gonna take care of me. I am to the point where I can't FEEL, I just KNOW that God is there and He DOES care for me and He KNOWS where I am!!!!
I can say that with assurance because that's what He's been telling me. I was so upset the other day, and said (actually screamed) "God you've got to give me a word," and I opened the Bible and it fell to the 40th chapter of Isaiah. I was sooooo whacked out that I didn't realize what chapter I was reading and got to the 31st verse.....They they WAIT on the Lord SHALL renew their strength, they SHALL mount up with wings as eagles, they SHALL run and not be weary, they SHALL walk and not faint.
SHALL mean it WILL happen. It may not be happening right now, but it WILL come to pass.
Rhoni, hold to that scripture. Don't let anyone or anything detract you from HIS purpose. HIS purpose is ALL that really matters. You are here for HIS purpose, not yours.
REST in HIM and HIS purpose.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding and He shall direct they path.
Love ya girl, just felt like the Lord wanted me to say that to ya. I hope it helps. Feel free to pm and I'll give you my number if you need to talk.
Great Post, Sis. LadyCoonskinner!