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Old 11-20-2009, 10:29 AM
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Re: Pit Bull vs. Porcupine

Originally Posted by Ev. Duane Williams View Post
Dr. Brady Barr measured the bite force of a pit, a German Shepherd and a Rottweiler. The pit bull came in LAST. The Rott had the strongest bite followed by the GSD. What makes Pit Bulls potentially dangerous is their fight drive, not their jaws. They were bred to fight other dogs to the death, and they are most dangerous to other dogs. A German Shepherd(I own one-my beloved "Cassius") can be trained to attack a human more readily than a pit, but they also respond better to the command to stop attacking. Once a pit gets started, they go into gladiator mode, and they're hard to stop(probably why this one took so many quills). Having said all that, has anyone ever seen "The Dog Whisperer" and the pit bulls he has that act like precious little lapdogs? Training by the right person trumps breed related agression, period.

Not so sure about that take a look at these stats.


Pit bulls, Rottweilers, Presa Canarios, and their mixes account for 74% of attacks and 65% of deaths.

How many times do we hear about someone who has a pit and it just snaps and kills a child. The people stand there with awe on their face saying, "He never acted like this before."

There are some breeds of cats people shouldn't own either. I wouldn't want my neighbor to have a mountain lion is his back yard.
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Old 11-20-2009, 10:29 AM
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Re: Pit Bull vs. Porcupine

Originally Posted by Ev. Duane Williams View Post
Yeah, that's called animal cruelty and there is a room without a view and an orange jumpsuit that would fit those people quite nicely.
I agree!

There seems to be a lot here in our area - you see it on the news all the time!
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Old 11-20-2009, 10:40 AM
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Re: Pit Bull vs. Porcupine

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
So cute!
Thanks, and he was a precious dog. He has passed away, but I kept the picture. Such a sweet and loving dog. The Vet put him down and they brought him home to bury him in the backyard. Her husband sat by the grave for a couple of hours just crying. Poor thing!

They have another pit named "Stella". She is grey and so much fun to play with. She knows when I come over that I will toss the ball around with her in the backyard. And, Yes, they named her because of Streetcar Named Desire. Never having seen the movie, they thought it was funny for Brando to yell, "Stella"!!!

When they were on vacation they wanted me to run by the Vet to check and see how she was doing. I said, "When I walk in, I'm going to say - I've come to check on STELLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"

My son's dog has to have pit in him because he looks a lot like this!
That would honestly scare me, Renda. From all the studying my daughter has done on the Pit Bull, the mixed breeds are the ones that can show up with trouble at some point. You just don't ever know is what we have understood.

I saw an interview with Linda Blair who also confirmed that the mixed breed is the most dangerous.

My daughter has papers on both dogs. They want the pure bred.
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Old 11-20-2009, 10:43 AM
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Re: Pit Bull vs. Porcupine

I know, but they've had him for a year and he's gentle as a baby. He's white like that and has the pink around his eyes so that's why everyone thinks he has pit in him. They don't know for sure because he was a pound puppy.

Last year's pic:
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Old 11-20-2009, 10:57 AM
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Re: Pit Bull vs. Porcupine

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
I know, but they've had him for a year and he's gentle as a baby. He's white like that and has the pink around his eyes so that's why everyone thinks he has pit in him. They don't know for sure because he was a pound puppy.

Last year's pic:
He is cute!!!!!!! Hope he doesn't have the skin problems that Prince had. They normally do.

I think that people love having a dog, but don't realize the responsibility in training it up in the way that it should go!! LOL! It's like having another child!! Of course, I am speaking in general and not referring to your son and DIL.

That's when the trouble starts with a dog - no training - just feed it and give it a place to sleep. That's not what it is about. There is so much more involved. I know that more after having Roscoe and going through dog training.

On our first day meeting our Trainer, she told us to go home and study the history of our breed of dog so that we would know what to expect from him, health issues, etc. I didn't know so much was involved!
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Old 11-20-2009, 11:13 AM
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Re: Pit Bull vs. Porcupine

Yes, they have worked him really well and have sent him off for six weeks training too.

He's been a good dog so far!
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Old 11-20-2009, 11:14 AM
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Re: Pit Bull vs. Porcupine

Originally Posted by NewWine View Post
I am not fond of pits, but I wouldn't wish this on any animal. That is unless it was coming after me. In that case I would consider it a divine intervention.

Our city has enacted some strict guidelines (insurance, training etc) due to all of the children attacked and the severe damage done.
There may be other breeds that are dangerous but they sure don't make the "news".
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Old 11-20-2009, 11:14 AM
LadyCoonskinner LadyCoonskinner is offline
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Re: Pit Bull vs. Porcupine

In Salina, we have a city ordinance that it is against the law to have a pit bull. If you do, you have to jump through so many hoops to get to keep it. It is a pain..I do not like pit bull from a personal experience..when I was 4-5 my dad raised pure blood registered pit bulls...(yes he fought them) I went out one day to feed the dog and poured the "scraps" in the bowl and then leaned up and realized that there were more in the bowl and leaned back down to pour the rest in the bowl and I guess he thought I was going to take the food away and he reached around and bit me in the stomach right over my tummy button..I still have scars...Luckily he didn't do what they normally did, and clamp down...they have like 500 lbs of pressure in their jaws, it could have been fatal..

Anyways, needless to say, my dad was outside feeding the chickens and horses and happened to hear me scream, came running and I was bleeding EVERYWHERE!!! He almost died right there, he picked me up, took me into the house where my mom was and gave me to her and told her to wait a minute before taking me to the hospital, got the gun, loaded it, went out and shot the dog. This was like a $5000 dog, back 35 years ago...lots of money, but he wouldn't have a dog on the place that would do that....so, he got rid of all his pit bulls.

I, for one, am thankful..they can be good pets, but you just never know when they might snap and do something awful..I know any dog can do that, but they sure the rep and statistics...
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Old 11-20-2009, 11:17 AM
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Re: Pit Bull vs. Porcupine

LCS, I'm shocked you even want to be around ANY dogs after that!

How scary!!
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Old 11-20-2009, 11:30 AM
LadyCoonskinner LadyCoonskinner is offline
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Re: Pit Bull vs. Porcupine

I like Bassett hounds and all puppies, but when they get big, I just don't have much to do with them...I can outrun a puppy and a bassett, but the others....well...

I'm just not a dog lover...I like people much better!!!!:-)
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