Psalm 127:3-4, “Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a (His) reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth.”
Your children are God’s most serious assignment in your life.
“Gift/ heritage” = that which may be passed on as a permanent inheritance, but an inheritance in the sense of a trust. In law = ‘the confidence reposed in a person by giving him nominal ownership of something, which he is to keep, use and or administer for another’s benefit (in this case God’s). Something that belongs to another but has been entrusted to you for you to care for, for you to teach, for you to love, for you train up, for you to protect… but in accordance with the instructions of the giver… the true owner: God the creator…Steward or managers of that which belongs to another: God.
“Arrows” --- Children are like arrows and parents are like the bow. Parents are to make sure their children are aimed toward the right destination not just to do with what we please. Parents you are setting the direction of your children’s lives. BE CAREFUL WHERE YOU AIM!