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Old 04-19-2007, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
Then Friend, why did you use television as the lightning rod? Why not mention ALL of those things that steal our time and energy? Like internet forums?
Because Television is my battle!! and probaly a few others here too!!

As Coonskinner said...the Story hit a Nerve and by the response here it seems that some have been blessed by it and others angered by it...

But I will tell as sure as I the Lord spoke to me last night... the principle of the Story or moral of it is imbedded in my heart... I have a responsibility to the Two Young Men God Gave me to raise.. to do right by them Boys!

and truelly there is a tear in my eye as I type this...
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Old 04-19-2007, 01:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
I respect that. Did you write this story?
Yes... I wrote it...
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Old 04-19-2007, 01:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
I am not angry at all. I respect your decision to not have or watch television.
PP... I know your not angry... but I appreciate your responding.. and I do consider you a friend...

I am not against video... or making responsible decisions on what we look at or see... but for me personably I don't want to get to a place of being detached from my family as to not be able to recognize where they are at and where I need to be...
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Old 04-19-2007, 01:19 PM
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Psalms 132:1

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Originally Posted by revrandy View Post
The family had just sat down to dinner and there was an excited knock on the door. Dad got up from the table and answered. There was some whispers back and forth and when he came back to the table his face was ashen. He said to those sitting at the Table "we need to pack" for we are leaving Egypt soon. His wife scoffed abit and said, " Isn't this just another ruse like the last few times we have packed and then had to upack?"

The Dad's face became more sullen when he announced that there was going to be something happening on a scale as had not happened before.
He told them there was an angel of death coming to take the first born of every family that did not have the blood of a lamb applied to the Entry of every home. Then he got up from the table and went to work leaving a family with shocked looks on their faces.

After work he was stopped by a freind and asked if he had got the lamb yet. He said no. There was plenty of time to find one later. He had some things to do. He knew that time was somewhat short but he figured he could do what needed to be done and then get the lamb. As he passed by others on the way home from work he could see they had already bought their lamb but he said to himself I've got plenty of time to get what I need and be ready.

They were sitting at Dinner that night and his wife asked him.."Did you get the lamb today?"
He got somewhat angry that she should question him.."No" he replied.. "But I will soon"..

His oldest son looked at him but didn't say a word. He knew not to cross dad when he got home from work. He trusted that Dad would provide for them when it was time. He trusted that Dad would make the right decisions for them. He didn't have any doubt that his father would let him down. He loved his Dad and Dad loved his time.

Dad left the Dinner table and told the family I'm heading down to the Inn.
Dad always did this after dinner. He would leave Mom to clean up and the kids to play. He needed his time alone and the Inn had other things to offer that his family couldn' t provide. The Inn was a bustling place of entertainment, things to watch and people to see. There often was a fight and often women who would tell off color jokes. The Inn was a source of rest for Dad who worked long hours and when he didn't want to deal with the wife and the kids he would head for the Inn. He was enjoying his time at the Inn so much he somewhat would forget or could forget what was real and time would fly by. Soon it would be night and then his youngest son Eli would come and at times would have to drag his Dad by the hand out of there. Other Times Dad would be startled and rush his little guy who had come to get him out the room for what was going on there was too much for the child to see. But the child saw.

Dad would get home that night somewhat pleased by the night's happenings. He saw things at the Inn he never saw at home. He just considered it his guilty pleasure but things never went as far as to cause him to join in. He just liked to watch. He told himself he would never do the things he saw at the Inn. He walked thru the door as usual and his little guy went to his room and fell asleep. He went up to where his wife was laying tried to rouse her but she was fast asleep. Just another night of the same he thought. Tomorrow he would get up and go down to the where the Elders gathered and forget the night.

The first scream troubled him while he slept. He thougth he was dreaming then there was a second scream. A terrible blood curling scream in the night that when from two to a thousand. He awoke and listened to the screams. Then his wife woke up beside him and said to him, "Thank you for getting our lamb"..

He broke out in a cold sweat and could feel pain running thru his body. He jumped out of bed and threw his clothing on as fast as he could. His wife sensed something was wrong. He looked at her with despair and said,"I forgot to get the lamb" She screamed at him,"HOW!!"

He said he didn't know. He had been down at the Inn and while there it made him forget all his troubles.

"YOU GO TO THAT INN EVERY NIGHT!!" she screamed... "How could you forget?"

Their yelling woke up the kids....
He didn't have time to explain. He knew the corral was a mile away from where they lived. He didn't have time to talk or explain. He ran as fast as he could all the while his wife was sreaming.."WHY?"

As he was running he begin to curse all the time he spent at the Inn. All the hours wasted. The time with his son's would come to get him and he told them to leave, that he wasn't ready to go yet. All the time he had missed out on games his family had played. All the times he had to shoo the kids out because of what they would see at the Inn. He cursed the Inn in the night loudly.

He got to the corral and there many lambs there but he couldn't see in the dark. He had to squint just to make the lambs. He just picked one that didn't have spots and began to run as fast as he could back home. While he ran he began to cut the lambs' throat he knew that if he could just get his hands bloody he could apply the blood to the door post of the home and get back into bed and everything would be alright.

He heard the screams getting nearer and nearer and could see his wife standing at the door screaming for him to run. He ran for all he was worth but he wasn't very fast. His time of sitting and eating at the Inn had placed a toll on his body. He was fat and out of shape. He had gotten fat at the Inn. He cursed his time there. He screamed out against the Inn.

He got to the house and threw his bloody hands against the door post of the home raking them and cutting them by the rough hewn wood. He made it and he would get into bed and wake up and everything would be okay.

He walked into his home and his wife was strangely quiet and tears were dripping down her face. His oldest son was laying on the bed barely breathing looked up and him and said, "Dad, you were to late to save me"..

The man dropped to his knees to beg God for mercy but mercy never came.

and the next night the man was back at the Inn and his family was at home but the oldest boy's bed was empty.

Fathers Don't be Too Late... Make right Decisions Now....

What Television can provide for you today may Cost you Tomorrow..

Just some thoughts...

Very sobering and yes the application fits tv and serveral other things that could be mentioned.

Thanks for taking the time to post and please pay no attention to the nay sayers.

DOCTOR Old Paths for all your spiritual needs.

STILL believing the same after all these years
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Old 04-19-2007, 01:27 PM
AGAPE AGAPE is offline
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Awesome RevRandy...
can I email this to my church??????
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Old 04-19-2007, 01:31 PM
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Originally Posted by AGAPE View Post
Awesome RevRandy...
can I email this to my church??????
Yes.. if you feel too..
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Old 04-19-2007, 01:35 PM
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I have to say this is a good story and RevRandy has hit on a vital nerve.

Hollywood has a way of desensitizing us until finally we think everything is ok with TV. TV promotes everything that is ungodly.

But, we can control it.

And it kills our kids.

And, maybe even us.

to RevRandy.
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Old 04-19-2007, 01:36 PM
Actaeon Actaeon is offline
Some people could make a statue weep

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A well trained dog cares not for the context of the command he only responds to the command: "Sit" you beautiful thing' gets the same response as "Sit" you flea-bitten mutt.' It's only the "sit" that he hears ......... and his response is always the same. Sound failimar?
---> Your Lack of Understanding is Your Own Fault <---
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Old 04-19-2007, 01:41 PM
Actaeon Actaeon is offline
Some people could make a statue weep

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Psalm 127:3-4, “Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a (His) reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth.”

Your children are God’s most serious assignment in your life.

“Gift/ heritage” = that which may be passed on as a permanent inheritance, but an inheritance in the sense of a trust. In law = ‘the confidence reposed in a person by giving him nominal ownership of something, which he is to keep, use and or administer for another’s benefit (in this case God’s). Something that belongs to another but has been entrusted to you for you to care for, for you to teach, for you to love, for you train up, for you to protect… but in accordance with the instructions of the giver… the true owner: God the creator…Steward or managers of that which belongs to another: God.

“Arrows” --- Children are like arrows and parents are like the bow. Parents are to make sure their children are aimed toward the right destination not just to do with what we please. Parents you are setting the direction of your children’s lives. BE CAREFUL WHERE YOU AIM!
---> Your Lack of Understanding is Your Own Fault <---
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Old 04-19-2007, 01:45 PM
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Good words Elder.
If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
My Countdown Counting down to: Days left till the end of the opressive Texas Summer!
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