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Old 09-25-2009, 05:57 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Tragedy of the Manipulated

This was the Bible Study I put together for last Wendnesday night. Used a series of pictures from WWII, which were of Hitler and the Concentration Camps. The message was well receieved. I'm praying for a desperate awakening amongst our movement. The crop of manipulated people is flourishing now from years of taking advantage of the down and outers, and we are reaping its devestation.

“Tragedy of the Manipulated”

Acts 7: 54-60, 8:1-3

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. (George Santayana)

The historical accounts of yesterday become a faint memory, distanced by our lack of desire to revisit the past. (We get lazy. Lethargic. Don’t care. Now is enough to think about)

Another motive of why we don’t want to go there is because something in what we learn may threaten our “Moment,” our “Tradition,” the very purpose of our current life. Fear of what I may find, might change all that I’ve ever believed! (This is flat SCARY! Could I have been wrong all of these years? Think about Paul. How he felt.)

Tonight, we are going back, not to horrify you, but only to awake you! To show the grave error of man and the power that man has to “MANIPULATE” an entire World! (Cause people to think they are on the path to right, but they are completely deceived!)

Consider this. My Wife is almost full blooded German. She was born in 1961. Only a few years prior to her birth, about 30, the Country where her Grandmother lived was going through tremendous change. My wife believes her father was born in Germany. Betsy missed being born there by a mere sliver in history, or time! (I am also part German)

World War 1 had passed, and Germany had fallen economically. The Country’s money was all but worthless. Jobs were lost. The streets were full of the poor. People were desperate. Crime was growing. (Think of Germany as America. A group of people trying to survive.)

In this cry, a Nation was seeking for an answer! People wanted not only change, but something new, a vision, a leader, hope, a way to rise above their current woes and depression! (Sound familiar?)

Saints, this is the hour we are the most vulnerable as humans. We can make the worst choices, accept the wrong things, and believe absolute LIES in this time of distress!

(Show the pictures)

For us to think this can’t happen with Religion, you are entirely deceived! When we come to the Lord, we are in the exact place Germany was; IN DISTRESS! (Lack of money, relationships, our health, emptiness, can all lead us through the doors and into the arms of Religion or a Faith built by men).

Make no mistake about it, why do you think Great Religions go into Countries of destitution. People are “RIPE” to be manipulated, or what we call, indoctrinated! They will believe anything to get something better than what they have!! This is human nature!

Church, we mustn’t be manipulated! I don’t care who we claim to be! We must seek for answers that go beyond man’s power to twist your mind and make you think your way is RIGHT!! If we don’t, we will build our Country without knowing about the “Camps” of HELL! (The Scribes and Pharisees did this through their Holy Hypocrisy! Jesus dying on the Cross was like burning people in ovens, or putting them before a firing squad! And the PEOPLE WANTED THIS BLOODSHED! People like you and me!)

In my opinion, Christianity in this modern World does this to those who won’t follow our way. We banish them, rebuke them, hate them, and then burn them in HELL! We hang Nations and Peoples on Crosses in the name of our righteous pursuit, thinking we are doing the right thing! (Study the Civil War. Study England, during the Dark Ages.)

We have created a worldwide group of people who think they have the TRUTH, but in reality, just like History has proven time and time again, we are nothing but the “Tragedy of the Manipulated”. We grind our axes, and unsheathe our swords, all in the name of LOVE and proclaimed TRUTH! (Remember, the minute mercy leaves the right, IT becomes wrong!)

I’m encouraging everyone I know, research the past, know what your doing, and don’t accept something because a Nation, or a Religion, or a MAN is following that “WAY”! Because, if you don’t, Hitler may be the one leading the CHARGE! (You may be kissing the enemy and not even know it!)

People at the Top become “PAWNS” in the game! Power struggle, Money, and Fear, blind the best of heart! (Paul watched the brutal MURDER of a righteous man, doing nothing!)

Manipulation has been the Apostolic way for many years, just like other Religions. Don’t kid yourself. We are no different, and must stay on guard or the tragedy of History will poison us!
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Old 09-25-2009, 10:21 PM
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Re: Tragedy of the Manipulated

Most excellent message - you are to be commended.

Now, duck!
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Old 09-26-2009, 04:50 AM
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Re: Tragedy of the Manipulated

What is so excellent about this posting? It compares Apostolic Christians to Adolf Hitler? Where is the evidence we have "maniupulated" people with something evil? Do you consider the gospel of Jesus Christ evil?

When has anyone been put to death by us? When has anyone been sent to prison or labor camps at our will?

I cant believe the audacity of this writing.
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Old 09-26-2009, 07:44 AM
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Re: Tragedy of the Manipulated

And the moral of this story is what?
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Old 09-26-2009, 07:50 AM
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Re: Tragedy of the Manipulated

Excelant post any that cannot see the parrallel are blinded by their religion already. In the same position of the Pharisee they have searched the scripture and think they have found eternal life in their traditions and not in Christ.
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail
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Old 09-26-2009, 07:54 AM
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Re: Tragedy of the Manipulated

Originally Posted by Godsdrummer View Post
Excelant post any that cannot see the parrallel are blinded by their religion already. In the same position of the Pharisee they have searched the scripture and think they have found eternal life in their traditions and not in Christ.
WOW! Such a judgmental attitude! Kinda like the pharisees don't ya think?

We may think our own thoughts on the issues, I was trying to get the thoughts of the writer!
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Old 09-26-2009, 11:53 AM
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Re: Tragedy of the Manipulated

Originally Posted by NotforSale View Post
This was the Bible Study I put together for last Wendnesday night. Used a series of pictures from WWII, which were of Hitler and the Concentration Camps. The message was well receieved. I'm praying for a desperate awakening amongst our movement. The crop of manipulated people is flourishing now from years of taking advantage of the down and outers, and we are reaping its devestation.

“Tragedy of the Manipulated”

Acts 7: 54-60, 8:1-3

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. (George Santayana)

The historical accounts of yesterday become a faint memory, distanced by our lack of desire to revisit the past. (We get lazy. Lethargic. Don’t care. Now is enough to think about)

Another motive of why we don’t want to go there is because something in what we learn may threaten our “Moment,” our “Tradition,” the very purpose of our current life. Fear of what I may find, might change all that I’ve ever believed! (This is flat SCARY! Could I have been wrong all of these years? Think about Paul. How he felt.)

Tonight, we are going back, not to horrify you, but only to awake you! To show the grave error of man and the power that man has to “MANIPULATE” an entire World! (Cause people to think they are on the path to right, but they are completely deceived!)

Consider this. My Wife is almost full blooded German. She was born in 1961. Only a few years prior to her birth, about 30, the Country where her Grandmother lived was going through tremendous change. My wife believes her father was born in Germany. Betsy missed being born there by a mere sliver in history, or time! (I am also part German)

World War 1 had passed, and Germany had fallen economically. The Country’s money was all but worthless. Jobs were lost. The streets were full of the poor. People were desperate. Crime was growing. (Think of Germany as America. A group of people trying to survive.)

In this cry, a Nation was seeking for an answer! People wanted not only change, but something new, a vision, a leader, hope, a way to rise above their current woes and depression! (Sound familiar?)

Saints, this is the hour we are the most vulnerable as humans. We can make the worst choices, accept the wrong things, and believe absolute LIES in this time of distress!

(Show the pictures)

For us to think this can’t happen with Religion, you are entirely deceived! When we come to the Lord, we are in the exact place Germany was; IN DISTRESS! (Lack of money, relationships, our health, emptiness, can all lead us through the doors and into the arms of Religion or a Faith built by men).

Make no mistake about it, why do you think Great Religions go into Countries of destitution. People are “RIPE” to be manipulated, or what we call, indoctrinated! They will believe anything to get something better than what they have!! This is human nature!

Church, we mustn’t be manipulated! I don’t care who we claim to be! We must seek for answers that go beyond man’s power to twist your mind and make you think your way is RIGHT!! If we don’t, we will build our Country without knowing about the “Camps” of HELL! (The Scribes and Pharisees did this through their Holy Hypocrisy! Jesus dying on the Cross was like burning people in ovens, or putting them before a firing squad! And the PEOPLE WANTED THIS BLOODSHED! People like you and me!)

In my opinion, Christianity in this modern World does this to those who won’t follow our way. We banish them, rebuke them, hate them, and then burn them in HELL! We hang Nations and Peoples on Crosses in the name of our righteous pursuit, thinking we are doing the right thing! (Study the Civil War. Study England, during the Dark Ages.)

We have created a worldwide group of people who think they have the TRUTH, but in reality, just like History has proven time and time again, we are nothing but the “Tragedy of the Manipulated”. We grind our axes, and unsheathe our swords, all in the name of LOVE and proclaimed TRUTH! (Remember, the minute mercy leaves the right, IT becomes wrong!)

I’m encouraging everyone I know, research the past, know what your doing, and don’t accept something because a Nation, or a Religion, or a MAN is following that “WAY”! Because, if you don’t, Hitler may be the one leading the CHARGE! (You may be kissing the enemy and not even know it!)

People at the Top become “PAWNS” in the game! Power struggle, Money, and Fear, blind the best of heart! (Paul watched the brutal MURDER of a righteous man, doing nothing!)

Manipulation has been the Apostolic way for many years, just like other Religions. Don’t kid yourself. We are no different, and must stay on guard or the tragedy of History will poison us!
Thanks for this!!
Be content with what you have, for God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." So say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid." Hebrews 13:5,6

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- I Corinthians 13:4-8
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Old 09-26-2009, 03:22 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: Tragedy of the Manipulated

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
What is so excellent about this posting? It compares Apostolic Christians to Adolf Hitler? Where is the evidence we have "maniupulated" people with something evil? Do you consider the gospel of Jesus Christ evil?

When has anyone been put to death by us? When has anyone been sent to prison or labor camps at our will?

I cant believe the audacity of this writing.
My first question to you would be this; How long have you been exposed to the Apostolic/Christian movement, and how familiar are you with historical research involving the Bible and past civilizations?

This is vital in gaining understanding about who we are, and what we do. Your experience by sitting in church, dealing with all of the problems we face, and building relationships with people and pastors will lead to a more honest conclusion. If you don't have this in your past, I don't expect you to understand now.

An important friend told me once; Time is the greatest revelator. I would add to this, trials, marriage, failure, financial ruin, wealth, and most important, enduring these. To better know the human spirit, one must endure the seasons of life. If you've never sat under a Pastor who mis-led his entire congregation, your philosophy will be limited.

I did give points in the message that refer to the Religious, gone mad. Crucifying Jesus was an experience of "Righteous" indignation in its darkest form. Those who crucified the Lord were well learned in Scripture, and held the highest degree of knowledge in Holy Writ. Beating Jesus, trading him for a murderer, pounding spikes into his hands and feet, and then glorifying this by putting him before the whole world was beyond extreme!

I also used the experience of Stephen. People who were supposed to be "Holy", gnawed on this man with their teeth, then took him out and stoned him! For what??? Preaching? You tell me this isn't as bad as a concentration camp! These people were enraged, and they thought they were RIGHT! Paul stood by and watched this whole thing. Then he went and threw people into prison.

The minute we think we would never do this, is the minute we will. I've seen the darkest things done in Church, things I can't even mention in this post.

One day your eyes may be opened. When they are, I hope you remember this message, and that I will understand your tears.
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Old 09-26-2009, 04:19 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: Tragedy of the Manipulated

Originally Posted by TJJJ View Post
And the moral of this story is what?
Has a pastor ever taken advantage of you? Have you seen others manipulated by Religion? Do you consider other Faiths as being groups manipulated by false doctrine?

Have you been told to just be "Obedient"? Do it because the "Man of God" said so.

Are your questions about the Apostolic Church belittled, ignored, or explained away by bogus theology?

Do you believe your way of seeing Salvation in Scripture is the "Only Way"?

Does our method of holding services really reveal God's way (jumping, rolling on the floor, running the aisles, screaming out of contol, fanatical prayers, preachers telling people "God told me", all the claims of healing that never happened, and people supposably speaking in tongues)?

Did you know Jim Jones believed in the baptism of the Holy Ghost, that he apparently spoke in tongues, and held services in San Francisco that were very much like our own? Were these people manipulated? Were they down and outers, vulnerable to something "Better"?

Will people from this movement suffer for the rest of their life, unable to trust our dogmatic approach to God, His judgement, and our blantant call that "We've Got IT"? Look at this woman's face. Her pain, her violated trust, the devestation of this experience is beyond words.


Let me close this post by saying this. About 20 years ago, a Foreign Missionary from Africa came to our church. He told us about a young man that had no legs, and he prayed for him. The next morning, the boy awoke with legs, running through the village in histerics. The entire village was converted. 10 years later, the man was found to be a FRAUD!!! If I mentioned his name, you may know who it is. He was funded, licensed, and with UPCI. Was I manipulated in my Faith? You bet I was!!!!

He told several other stories, leading that Church of over 200 down the road of LIES and DECEIT! Many of those people do not serve God anymore, at least as what we count as serving God. What happened to their TRUST?
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Old 09-26-2009, 04:38 PM
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Re: Tragedy of the Manipulated

Heaven help us all!
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