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Old 09-15-2009, 10:46 PM
virtuouswoman1 virtuouswoman1 is offline
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Misleading the Saints????

I am seeking spiritual input from those that have something fruitful to say.

For a few years I have been going to one church and my pastor was considered to the an Apostle and Prophet. Over the past year, I have become very uneasy about "his dealings." We have been subject to very strong teachings on tithing and giving. In fact, it is not uncommon for us to collect multiple offerings in one service. In addition to the love offerings, poor offerings, regular offerings, we also had a "expense revival" each month that was for the sole purpose of collecting more money.

My level of discomforted elevated when I discovered that a few things:

1. Tithing was a biblical principle that applied to the Old Testament and Malachi 3 was being preached out of context.

2. My pastor was using some or all of the tithe money for his personal salary and not for "storehouse" purposes. In fact, the ministry does not have outreach ministries and all things that are required of the church are the saints' responsibility, i.e. we have to personally chip in for toilet paper, soap, etc.

3. In addition to his salary, he receives love offerings twice monthly. It is not common church knowledge that he receives a salary, and many poor people are giving of their substance because they believe he is getting no compensation.

I feel betrayed and fully disagree with the operations that are going on. But before I get away with my feelings, I need some biblical perspective as to what is right and wrong. I also need to know what should I do as a believer regarding these issues. I do not want to out of the will of Lord and I do not want to "lean to my own understanding." I am considering finding another church, but I am afraid of all the "mess" that is out there.

I have been in much prayer for well over a year regarding these things, and I feel extremely lost because this is the only church I know. I was baptized and filled in this church.

Any godly advice is very welcomed as I am troubled in my heart.

Thanks in advance.
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Old 09-15-2009, 11:03 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Re: Misleading the Saints????

If these things are so, I would find a new church quickly. And I don't mean to doubt you by using the conditional "IF", but this is the internet.
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Old 09-15-2009, 11:06 PM
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Re: Misleading the Saints????

It appears that you have valid concerns. You have a dose of guilt because you don't want your reputation to be of someone who was rebellious and abandoned her church family.

You have prayed about this situation for a year and still feel trapped in a bad situation.

I say listen to the still small voice and follow your heart and instincts with much prayer. Wherever you end up, remember that THE DEAL IS STILL ON! You're still a child of God!
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Old 09-15-2009, 11:30 PM
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Re: Misleading the Saints????

First and foremost, hello, and I understand your situation, and I have only one solution for you and I pray that this proves to be fruitful and beneficial. The first thing I would do is pray and seek the Holy Ghost on this matter. I agree with your premise concerning tithes, especially since the tithe as instituted by the law was intended to be provision for the Levites who had no other means of support as they were a priestly division and where concerned with spiritual matters rather than dealing with the land and hunting (Numbers 18:21-24) and not once in scripture does the word of God deal with tithing when it comes to MONEY, only cattle and flocks, crops, etc.

I grew up under a ministry that demanded tithes from it's congregants. My foster-father is a pastor at a church with a pretty decent attendance, around 400. He demanded tithes from his congregants, but he didn't take any as income, he had a job to provide for his household. I not only was his adopted son and faithful congregant but I preached under this ministry as a minister, all at the same time I never believed in tithing as being for God's people today. When God sent me to the ministry I preach under now as an ordained Minister and Elder-Elect, I was so confused and conflicted at first because the church itself teaches and preaches some things I don't neccesarily agree with. I agree with the basic premise however, Acts 2:38 salvation, holiness, second comming, oneness of God, etc. There are some things God called me to submit to, that I simply don't agree are neccesary, though. Growing up Apostolic this is something my foster-father always taught, submition to the house in which God has placed you. And yes the church I preach under now STILL preaches tithe. Thing about it is I understand that I am under Godly authority and the traditions that I'm following I am doing so submitting myself under Godly authority and God will reward me for the sacrifices I make and honor my obedience to the authority God has placed over me. THAT'S the determination you in your spirit have to make. The Holy Ghost is here for a reason, to guide us in situations like these.

You sound like a spiritually sound, saved individual who is able to discern what thus saith the Lord for your life. Ask yourself, is my pastor still preaching the truth about salvation? Am I seeing deliverance and the power and anointing of God within this ministry? Does God want me to be a part of this ministry? Do I feel the same power when I walk through the doors? Do I feel connected to this ministry spiritually anymore? Sometimes you have to be willing to submit to Godly Authority, I will tell you that. I'm under a ministry now that enforces a strict dress code for women, stricter then what I grew up with (I'm used to no jewelry and no pants). My wife has had to submit to wearing a headcovering which neither of us agree with, and I've had to submit to other traditions as well, but so that I could follow what God wants me to do within this church under the pastor she submitted and through the Holy Ghost I've spoken blessings over her life, that have come to pass. God has blessed us both tremendously, because we have let HIS will draw out through our lives. It is not about us or our pastors it is about JESUS. Just picking up and leaving might sound easy and running to another ministry might sound great and wonderful, but with all honesty that's why the church is in the state it is now. Folk leave for the slightest changes and things, music, choir, schedual changes, or just "I don't like so-and-so", and now what's going on? There's no deliverance, people aren't getting saved, set free, and are bound by poverty, sickness, adn disease.

Believe me, if God has called you to stay you will know, and if he has, do not rebel against the leadership of the church. God rewards faithfulness, whether it's in scripture or not. God will ALWAYS accept Godly sacrifice. And IF it comes into light that your pastor IS misusing the funds, when you give with righteous intent you are not held accountable for the usage of the funds you give. Humility brings forth blessings.
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