Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
Why not?
Is Medicare wrong?
Is care for Veterans wrong?
These healthcare options are not perfect, but it goes a long way to help folks who likely would not have any other healthcare coverage.
Unfortunately, the private sector has failed her citizens-- similar to the way that the American auto industry had failed her citizens.
They failed when they put profits their profits above their morals.
Medicare is bankrupt and failing. Is the idea of taking care of seniors wrong?
Of course not, is taking that concept and creating a socialist structure that cannot be sustained to try to deal with the issue wrong? Absolutly!
Medicare is PROOF that we dont need to nationalized healthcare! What we need are free market solutions that deal with the issue. NOT more answers that fail to actually fix what is broken!
is the VA wrong? Dont get me started. I was in the military. I know what that means. It is JUST and RIGHT to take care of our military men and women. It is vastly wrong to take care of them with a system like the one we currently have where burecrates make the decicions on how they are taken care of.
THAT is what is wrong. the private sector has not failed. What has failed is the governement has createed draconian rules that have hamstrung the private sector, creating a monster that in untenable.
even as bad as it is 90% of Americans have health insurance and 80% of those like their coverage. And we know that with this insane approach the governemnt is taking, we will end up with worse insurance, and worse healthcare than we have now... all so the 10% without coverage can get some coverage.
I am sorry bro, but if the answer requires lessing of the care I recive, it isnt an answer.