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Old 07-08-2009, 03:54 PM
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Holiness and the Facebook Generation


Though some of what we see on Facebook and the religious world at large would seem to communicate that the current generation of ministry has lost its desire or ability to maintain a life of consecration and separation, I am of the opinion that there is a hunger in this generation for men and women of God who will continue to contend for those things that speak to the very essence of true christian spirituality.

True Christian Spirituality is found in the clarion call of Christ for those who would be disciples. Denial, Cross Bearing and Following Christ.

So much of what we hear today is a message of "Love" and "Grace" which are ideals and concepts, however have no meaning without the confines of Christian Discipline. These words outside of the framework of discipline lose their definition and meaning.

Like Paint spilled on the ground. Grace and Love are only fully appreciated by structure that hold them up. The Love of God is beautiful, because it is exemplified in the structure of the cross that holds it up. Grace is beautiful because we see it displayed through the words of forgiveness. Words without action are worthless. Ideals without virtuous examples are empty and trite.

In the Bible, the greek used three words for love. Eros, Phileo and Agape. So much of what we see in the Christian world is a concept of Friendship and Sensual "love". However, Agape love is one of sacrifice and self denial.

When one speaks of holiness what you will hear so often is what begins with, "I think... " "I don't think..." "I Feel... " It begins with the personal pronoun to justify or rectify why it is they have chosen not to live a separated and sanctified life. However, Holiness... the idea of holiness from a Biblical concept is a concept of personal sacrifice and denial of what our own sensual pleasures prefer.

When our concepts of holiness reflect what we think we have the right and liberty to do this speaks of self and flesh paradigms. Self and flesh have always refused the higher calling of discipline and the simplicity of biblical sanctification. The fact that so many don't even know understand the difference of righteousness and holiness and what sanctification is hearkens to the fact we have devolved into a sensual concept of our responsibility to Jesus Christ.

The idea of forsaking all, has evolved into going back and picking up things that basic moral people realize the evil in. There is a discussion over coffee and crumpets of what matters. Sadly this happens in the context of individual feelings and opinions ... rather than in the confines of prayerful seeking and biblical study.

Anytime our beliefs flow from conversation with peers, rather than consecration to God, we are on a path away from righteousness and entering into a religious system of sensuality and carnality.

How could the Jews Worship Jehovah and Sacrifice and Worship Idols at the same time? While reading the torah, sacrificing thier children to Molech. Because they got Confused. They begin to think that God included the rationalization of flesh into an evolving equation and though at one time he demanded singularity of worship.

They rationalized because he became to them more of an idea... a system... a concept... rather than a person and a relationship... they worshiped at their leisure and did what seemed right to them.

The ultimate rejection of Israel started with Solomon. The smartest man who ever lived and built the great Temple, also built other temples to other God's. Married women of other religions and the offspring of all this confusion that sprung from the musings of a wise fool produced a split kingdom and generations of strife and heartbreak because of a divided loyalty and worship.

Coffee House Musings are great. However, be careful that this does not become the seedbed for your identity and moral compass. Let us for a season begin to seek the face of God for days and weeks. Let us unplug from the social circle and begin to ask Jesus what he expects from us, understanding and considering the high price he paid for our salvation and redemption from carnality, sensuality and sin.

If we would do that... we might find our ideas of holiness would get stronger, rather than weaker. Our identity in our world would become more recognizable. More than, but not excluding standards of holiness. We need to quit winking and nodding at our forebears and think that we know something they didn't. Maybe, just maybe some of the things they passed down to us were found in the prayer room, and we lost them in our lack of prayer and consecration.

While our forebears sought God on Saturday night, many are given to shows & sports & recreation. I see more sports updates than I see scripture musings. I see more interest in American Idol than I see about biblical study. And I am just talking ministry facebook people.

Don't get me wrong, I understand the distraction, because I have partaken in my share of things that have distracted me from what matters. In our prosperity we find ourselves impoverished in the areas of virtue and depth.

Technology, Marketing and Talent don't build a church. Consecration. Prayer. Biblical Patterns, Study and Preaching do.

Holiness. It is still a Biblical Ideal.

Holiness Is still a Biblical Mandate.

Holiness is still the identity to any real apostolic.

I challenge the facebook generation. Preachers, Ministry, Saints and Young People.

Let us be sure our prayer life is equal to our elders before we think we know more than they did about living holy and godly lives.

In so many ways our generation is a Solomon Generation. We have been given the material in our heritage, physical and financial blessings that we did not fight for. We have been granted wisdom, talent and favor with our generation.

If we are not careful, we will begin to think all of this gives us some license to stray from a singular focus and fervency on Jesus and will begin to align ourselves with other spirits and agendas.. and we will be the beginning of a nation being rejected by God, rather than reconciled.

We have been given so much, we must not fritter it away because we think we are so smart, gifted and talented. Let us forget what we have, what we can do and begin to seek God and a life of discipline, sacrifice and holiness.

Today I stand in your way.

I ask for something from you.

The Old Paths in this Facebook Generation.


Last edited by Papabear; 07-08-2009 at 03:59 PM.
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Old 07-08-2009, 04:14 PM
mizpeh mizpeh is offline
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Re: Holiness and the Facebook Generation

Facebook? this is AFF.
His banner over me is LOVE.... My soul followeth hard after thee....Love one another with a pure heart fervently. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?

To be a servant of God, it will cost us our total commitment to God, and God alone. His burden must be our burden... Sis Alvear
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Old 07-08-2009, 04:22 PM
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Re: Holiness and the Facebook Generation

People love to throw around the word 'holiness' and insist that we need to stick with it. Well, I don't think anyone would deny that. The problem comes when we start defining 'holiness'. My preference is to use the Bible, and the Bible only, to do that. Many others prefer to use the Bible with heavy doses of tradition.

The Old Paths... which old paths? The paths that were used back when the UPC was first formed? Or the more recent old paths? Or the BIBLICAL old paths???
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Old 07-08-2009, 04:24 PM
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Re: Holiness and the Facebook Generation

The women must not cut there hair paths AQP...LOL
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Old 07-08-2009, 04:25 PM
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Re: Holiness and the Facebook Generation

Biblical Ones are sufficient for me.
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Old 07-08-2009, 04:25 PM
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Re: Holiness and the Facebook Generation

All about being separated from the world in looks....
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Old 07-08-2009, 04:25 PM
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Re: Holiness and the Facebook Generation

The bible teaches and speaks directly to the hair issue, but ... who cares what the bible says... we can rationalize it away.
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Old 07-08-2009, 04:27 PM
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Re: Holiness and the Facebook Generation

separated from the world in looks is part of the whole idea of separation,

You can not separate separation from appearance... in trying to illustrates a basic and fundamental misunderstanding of what the word means... from a biblical and logical definition.
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Old 07-08-2009, 04:28 PM
GrowingPains GrowingPains is offline

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Re: Holiness and the Facebook Generation

Originally Posted by Papabear View Post

Though some of what we see on Facebook and the religious world at large would seem to communicate that the current generation of ministry has lost its desire or ability to maintain a life of consecration and separation, I am of the opinion that there is a hunger in this generation for men and women of God who will continue to contend for those things that speak to the very essence of true christian spirituality.

True Christian Spirituality is found in the clarion call of Christ for those who would be disciples. Denial, Cross Bearing and Following Christ.

So much of what we hear today is a message of "Love" and "Grace" which are ideals and concepts, however have no meaning without the confines of Christian Discipline. These words outside of the framework of discipline lose their definition and meaning.

Like Paint spilled on the ground. Grace and Love are only fully appreciated by structure that hold them up. The Love of God is beautiful, because it is exemplified in the structure of the cross that holds it up. Grace is beautiful because we see it displayed through the words of forgiveness. Words without action are worthless. Ideals without virtuous examples are empty and trite.

In the Bible, the greek used three words for love. Eros, Phileo and Agape. So much of what we see in the Christian world is a concept of Friendship and Sensual "love". However, Agape love is one of sacrifice and self denial.

When one speaks of holiness what you will hear so often is what begins with, "I think... " "I don't think..." "I Feel... " It begins with the personal pronoun to justify or rectify why it is they have chosen not to live a separated and sanctified life. However, Holiness... the idea of holiness from a Biblical concept is a concept of personal sacrifice and denial of what our own sensual pleasures prefer.

When our concepts of holiness reflect what we think we have the right and liberty to do this speaks of self and flesh paradigms. Self and flesh have always refused the higher calling of discipline and the simplicity of biblical sanctification. The fact that so many don't even know understand the difference of righteousness and holiness and what sanctification is hearkens to the fact we have devolved into a sensual concept of our responsibility to Jesus Christ.

The idea of forsaking all, has evolved into going back and picking up things that basic moral people realize the evil in. There is a discussion over coffee and crumpets of what matters. Sadly this happens in the context of individual feelings and opinions ... rather than in the confines of prayerful seeking and biblical study.

Anytime our beliefs flow from conversation with peers, rather than consecration to God, we are on a path away from righteousness and entering into a religious system of sensuality and carnality.

How could the Jews Worship Jehovah and Sacrifice and Worship Idols at the same time? While reading the torah, sacrificing thier children to Molech. Because they got Confused. They begin to think that God included the rationalization of flesh into an evolving equation and though at one time he demanded singularity of worship.

They rationalized because he became to them more of an idea... a system... a concept... rather than a person and a relationship... they worshiped at their leisure and did what seemed right to them.

The ultimate rejection of Israel started with Solomon. The smartest man who ever lived and built the great Temple, also built other temples to other God's. Married women of other religions and the offspring of all this confusion that sprung from the musings of a wise fool produced a split kingdom and generations of strife and heartbreak because of a divided loyalty and worship.

Coffee House Musings are great. However, be careful that this does not become the seedbed for your identity and moral compass. Let us for a season begin to seek the face of God for days and weeks. Let us unplug from the social circle and begin to ask Jesus what he expects from us, understanding and considering the high price he paid for our salvation and redemption from carnality, sensuality and sin.

If we would do that... we might find our ideas of holiness would get stronger, rather than weaker. Our identity in our world would become more recognizable. More than, but not excluding standards of holiness. We need to quit winking and nodding at our forebears and think that we know something they didn't. Maybe, just maybe some of the things they passed down to us were found in the prayer room, and we lost them in our lack of prayer and consecration.

While our forebears sought God on Saturday night, many are given to shows & sports & recreation. I see more sports updates than I see scripture musings. I see more interest in American Idol than I see about biblical study. And I am just talking ministry facebook people.

Don't get me wrong, I understand the distraction, because I have partaken in my share of things that have distracted me from what matters. In our prosperity we find ourselves impoverished in the areas of virtue and depth.

Technology, Marketing and Talent don't build a church. Consecration. Prayer. Biblical Patterns, Study and Preaching do.

Holiness. It is still a Biblical Ideal.

Holiness Is still a Biblical Mandate.

Holiness is still the identity to any real apostolic.

I challenge the facebook generation. Preachers, Ministry, Saints and Young People.

Let us be sure our prayer life is equal to our elders before we think we know more than they did about living holy and godly lives.

In so many ways our generation is a Solomon Generation. We have been given the material in our heritage, physical and financial blessings that we did not fight for. We have been granted wisdom, talent and favor with our generation.

If we are not careful, we will begin to think all of this gives us some license to stray from a singular focus and fervency on Jesus and will begin to align ourselves with other spirits and agendas.. and we will be the beginning of a nation being rejected by God, rather than reconciled.

We have been given so much, we must not fritter it away because we think we are so smart, gifted and talented. Let us forget what we have, what we can do and begin to seek God and a life of discipline, sacrifice and holiness.

Today I stand in your way.

I ask for something from you.

The Old Paths in this Facebook Generation.

Inspiring and indeed wise words. I like what you said about Love and Grace. My concern is that it was all abtract. Having a conversation about regulations of holiness is and should be a noble thing. Acts 15 was part of that equation.

You don't think it's right for us to say "I think...", but rather mimmick another decades earlier that said "I think...", what then, do we no longer think? Do we know longer reason through the scriptures?

What truth do you have on the differences between righteousness and holiness (and what sanctification is)? Would you mind expounding?

Many of us believe strongly in Holiness and of being separated by this culture according to our mind, ideas, values, etc. I also couldn't agree with you more about marketing and technology, but understand these are simply just tools that we would be wise to take advantage of.
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Old 07-08-2009, 04:29 PM
GrowingPains GrowingPains is offline

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Re: Holiness and the Facebook Generation

Originally Posted by *AQuietPlace* View Post
People love to throw around the word 'holiness' and insist that we need to stick with it. Well, I don't think anyone would deny that. The problem comes when we start defining 'holiness'. My preference is to use the Bible, and the Bible only, to do that. Many others prefer to use the Bible with heavy doses of tradition.

The Old Paths... which old paths? The paths that were used back when the UPC was first formed? Or the more recent old paths? Or the BIBLICAL old paths???
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