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Old 06-20-2009, 03:11 PM
Dedicated Mind Dedicated Mind is offline
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If The Religous Right Had Their Way...

What would America look like? Death penalty for homosexuals? Mandatory prayer in schools? Jail time for women who have abortions? We would be an American style Iran with Republican mullahs telling us how to dress and live.

please read the following article from a religous right convert...

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Old 06-20-2009, 03:21 PM
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Re: If The Religous Right Had Their Way...

Well no wonder there are so many Blacks who are Christian and politically registered Democrat.

For better or for worse, for a long time in the recent past, there really wasn't much of a choice.

The part about, "the worst is yet to come" is sad and I hope it does not include the assassination of our President, or anything akin to those two idiots in the Memphis area that wanted to start racist mayhem.

However, calling Republicans hypocrites without admitting to the hypocrisy of the Democrat Party is hypocritical.
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Old 06-20-2009, 03:48 PM
HopePreacher HopePreacher is offline
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Re: If The Religous Right Had Their Way...

Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind View Post
What would America look like? Death penalty for homosexuals? Mandatory prayer in schools? Jail time for women who have abortions? We would be an American style Iran with Republican mullahs telling us how to dress and live.

please read the following article from a religous right convert...

Frank Shafer (sp?) exposes a side to religion that is not pretty - and it is religion, not Christianity. I am not personally acquainted with any Christian, conservative or otherwise, who espouses the ideas that strike fear in you - We are not in favor of outlawing homosexuality or people living in immoral heterosexual relationships - our kingdom is not of this world and the governments of this world cannot put into the heart of man what God's law could not put into the heart of man.

The answer to the problems this world faces is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and a commitment to live under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

With that being said there are some things that cause me concern:
- Using my tax dollars to kill pr-born babies is immoral.

- Using my tax dollars to educated our children in a socialist driven view and allowing those same tax dollars to go toward educating my children in values I hold dear is wrong and immoral.

- And yes, using my tax dollars to bail out corporations that were bankrupted by greed driven directors is wrong and immoral.

- I do not believe the government has the right to impose their moality upon me any more than I have the right to impose my morality upon others. An example is that the government does not have the right to tell me that I am not a good citizen of the world if I don't support their view the greenhouse effect on global warning. The government does not have the right to tell me where and when I can worship my God and with whom I can speak about my God.

MOre to be said as we go along....
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Old 06-20-2009, 04:01 PM
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Re: If The Religous Right Had Their Way...

Originally Posted by HopePreacher View Post
Frank Shafer (sp?) exposes a side to religion that is not pretty - and it is religion, not Christianity. I am not personally acquainted with any Christian, conservative or otherwise, who espouses the ideas that strike fear in you - We are not in favor of outlawing homosexuality or people living in immoral heterosexual relationships - our kingdom is not of this world and the governments of this world cannot put into the heart of man what God's law could not put into the heart of man.

The answer to the problems this world faces is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and a commitment to live under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

With that being said there are some things that cause me concern:
- Using my tax dollars to kill pr-born babies is immoral.

- Using my tax dollars to educated our children in a socialist driven view and allowing those same tax dollars to go toward educating my children in values I hold dear is wrong and immoral.

- And yes, using my tax dollars to bail out corporations that were bankrupted by greed driven directors is wrong and immoral.

- I do not believe the government has the right to impose their moality upon me any more than I have the right to impose my morality upon others. An example is that the government does not have the right to tell me that I am not a good citizen of the world if I don't support their view the greenhouse effect on global warning. The government does not have the right to tell me where and when I can worship my God and with whom I can speak about my God.

MOre to be said as we go along....

There are plenty Christians that I know of personally that either hint at or have verbally expressed violence towards homosexuals.

I am glad that open homosexuality is not tolerated in the military. Most Christians I know would just as soon prohibit this abomination.

That ugliness is there, in part due to homosexuals trying to force the acceptance and justification of their behavior on heterosexuals unnecesarilly.

As far as interracial stuff and recent American Christianity, many folks still have hang ups that can not be Biblically backed up.

Denying that there are Christians that were glad to see that abortion Dr die recently is just not honest.

And for those who don't like their tax dollars going here and there, don't pay taxes!

Don't pay and rebel against the clear teaching of scripture: "Render unto Caesar which is Caesar and unto God which is God's."

But Jesus said this because the Holy Roman Empire was Holy and a shining light of righteousness and morality for its time!

"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."

Last edited by Jermyn Davidson; 06-20-2009 at 04:24 PM.
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Old 06-20-2009, 04:57 PM
Newman Newman is offline
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Re: If The Religous Right Had Their Way...

Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind View Post
What would America look like? Death penalty for homosexuals? Mandatory prayer in schools? Jail time for women who have abortions? We would be an American style Iran with Republican mullahs telling us how to dress and live.

please read the following article from a religous right convert...

No. What the liberals don't get is that the religous right is in the middle. Nobody wants to hang homosexuals but for the fanatical Muslims who are able to take over countries where the Christian God is but a distant memory.

The lack of religion in society creates a vacuum for anarchy. And surprisingly the gay agenda doesn't win. Instead, another religion or ism steps up to fill the void with much more devestating consequences.

Case in point. Amsterdam's red light district is certainly at opposite ends of Christian ideals. Homosexuality was flourishing. However, it seems that things are not so out in the open now that there is a very large Muslim population and roving gangs who beat up openly gay men.

Indeed, Christianity is the light and salt of the earth. The glue keeping the factions from destroying each other and themselves. Be careful what kool aid you drink from the liberal troth. It may not lead to the utopia expected.

Last edited by Newman; 06-20-2009 at 05:01 PM.
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Old 06-20-2009, 05:21 PM
HopePreacher HopePreacher is offline
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Re: If The Religous Right Had Their Way...

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
There are plenty Christians that I know of personally that either hint at or have verbally expressed violence towards homosexuals.

I am glad that open homosexuality is not tolerated in the military. Most Christians I know would just as soon prohibit this abomination.

That ugliness is there, in part due to homosexuals trying to force the acceptance and justification of their behavior on heterosexuals unnecesarilly.

As far as interracial stuff and recent American Christianity, many folks still have hang ups that can not be Biblically backed up.

Denying that there are Christians that were glad to see that abortion Dr die recently is just not honest.

And for those who don't like their tax dollars going here and there, don't pay taxes!

Don't pay and rebel against the clear teaching of scripture: "Render unto Caesar which is Caesar and unto God which is God's."

But Jesus said this because the Holy Roman Empire was Holy and a shining light of righteousness and morality for its time!

I do believe in rendering to caesar what belongs to caesar and I am not protesting taxes - But it is not only my right it is also my responsibility to speak out on issues that affect me in which the government is involved.

There are Christians who make ignorant satements about homosexuals, trinitarians, pentecostals and any other group you can think of - but that doesn't it is the prevailing attitude of the Christian community.
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Old 06-20-2009, 05:41 PM
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Re: If The Religous Right Had Their Way...

Originally Posted by HopePreacher View Post
I do believe in rendering to caesar what belongs to caesar and I am not protesting taxes - But it is not only my right it is also my responsibility to speak out on issues that affect me in which the government is involved.

There are Christians who make ignorant satements about homosexuals, trinitarians, pentecostals and any other group you can think of - but that doesn't it is the prevailing attitude of the Christian community.

I agree with you.

However, when it comes to taxes, Jesus miraculously placed a coin in a fishes mouth so that they could pay taxes to that beyond corrupt Roman government.

When people protest their tax dollars going towards funding somethnig they don't agree with, it's their right to protest-- but they don't realize all that is involved in that one miracle with Jesus, Peter, the fish and the coin.

The politicizing of Christianity should never happen.

The Christianizing of politics is not sustainable in human hands alone.

We should leave religion and politics as separate issues to be openly discussed, but not to be synthesized like my fellow Republicans like to do.

All of this, IMO.

Great discussing this with you HP.
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Old 06-20-2009, 05:50 PM
HopePreacher HopePreacher is offline
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Re: If The Religous Right Had Their Way...

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
I agree with you.

However, when it comes to taxes, Jesus miraculously placed a coin in a fishes mouth so that they could pay taxes to that beyond corrupt Roman government.

When people protest their tax dollars going towards funding somethnig they don't agree with, it's their right to protest-- but they don't realize all that is involved in that one miracle with Jesus, Peter, the fish and the coin.

The politicizing of Christianity should never happen.

The Christianizing of politics is not sustainable in human hands alone.

We should leave religion and politics as separate issues to be openly discussed, but not to be synthesized like my fellow Republicans like to do.

All of this, IMO.

Great discussing this with you HP.
You think on your feet and that makes dialogue with you interesting.
I do believe we are coming from the same foundation but have differences in the way we communicate it.

On the issue of Roman taxes Jesus did address the issue speaking to Zacheus that he should not exact more taxes from people than was fair. Also, under that regime there was no vehicle for protest.

Jesus spoke out against the unjust treatement of the weak by the pharisees who were allowed to be the civil authority under Roman rule.

I do not agree with protesting in front of Abortion clinics, waving signs that insult the staff or the client, and I certainly do not in way condone violence of any kind - we do have a responsibility to speak out on the subject in the arena where it has the chance to be heard.
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Old 06-20-2009, 06:49 PM
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Re: If The Religous Right Had Their Way...

Geneva in the days of John Calvin.

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Old 06-20-2009, 08:02 PM
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Re: If The Religous Right Had Their Way...

Several years ago I was part of a Bible Study group at GE and Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority were pretty strong and the Ayatollah Khoumeini was running Iran under Muslim law. I alienated some of my Christian brothers and sisters in the Bible study group when I said I would not like the "Moral Majority" dictating our laws and I compared it to the Muslim law under the Ayatollah.

I would not like any religious group, Christian, Muslim, or whatever telling my child or grandchild in school that he has to pray and then prescribing a certain prayer that has to be prayed. I do not believe in programmed prayer in school if it is anything other than a time of silence to allow people to pray or not pray as they wish. I do not agree with religious instruction in public schools whether that instruction is Christian, Muslim, Secular humanist or whatever.
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