Location: In two of the most beautiful states in the U.S.A
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Re: Obama kicks pirate "booty"
Originally Posted by Praxeas
I told him before, American society does not reflect Christianity and we are it's biggest critics.
I don't think he was listning. He has two counts against him. He is a Texan gone bad!! He's like former UPC people. When they leave they become UPC's greatest critics.
I'm not sure what he is trying to prove. If I loved it over there so much as he says does I'd be sure to burn my birth certificate and never look back. I actually think he is unhappy and trying to convince himself he didn't make a mistake. If he really loves his wife he he needs to take her somewhere where she can scrap all that unsightly garb she has to wear and buy her a nice dress and treat her like a woman rather than a possession. I've see these guys and their wives on the street. It's hot and she is covered from head to toe with just her face sticking out, if that eve and he has on aT-shirt and cut offs. If my wife has to suffer I want to share in that suffering. God did not make women beautiful to be hidden in a gunny sack .
Prove? Who knows you're right though? All my birth certificate does is ensure I still have to pay taxes bleh.
At any rate my next vacation certainly isnt back to the US....
My wife dresses how she wants to dress. Only a complete moron tells his wife how to dress.
OH, and as for your sympathy, keep it. Save it for your friends, neighbors, and bankrupt, mortgaged country. I'll do my part for you (see above, taxes) otherwise you guys have some work to do and some debt to pay to your owners (for the most part Chinese I think). Best of luck with that one. They really do not care for imaginary future money the way you guys do. I suspect one day they'll just dump your treasuries and then you WILL learn to focus on home and quit worrying about how the rest of the world lives or what the rest of the world does. As advised earlier, it might be a good idea to be proactive and start doing that soonest.
Nobody wishes bad to you. Everyone but you knows it is just a matter of time before you implode from within. I suspect after all the cards are dealt it will become evident that the worst of your enemies were simply blonde, blue, and greedy. They also live in your neighborhoods, attend your churches, go to your ball games, drive on your roads, and probably hate the same people you hate (laughing - SO much in common, some of them might make the "right-wing" list be careful!)
Best of luck!
Originally Posted by SOUNWORTHY
I don't think he was listning. He has two counts against him. He is a Texan gone bad!! He's like former UPC people. When they leave they become UPC's greatest critics.
I'm not sure what he is trying to prove. If I loved it over there so much as he says does I'd be sure to burn my birth certificate and never look back. I actually think he is unhappy and trying to convince himself he didn't make a mistake. If he really loves his wife he he needs to take her somewhere where she can scrap all that unsightly garb she has to wear and buy her a nice dress and treat her like a woman rather than a possession. I've see these guys and their wives on the street. It's hot and she is covered from head to toe with just her face sticking out, if that eve and he has on aT-shirt and cut offs. If my wife has to suffer I want to share in that suffering. God did not make women beautiful to be hidden in a gunny sack .
hey my wife loves and respects her husband, she values my opinion, i dont tell her how to dress, she asks my opinion and will not wear something if i dont like it, not that i dont like stuff onher since she is gorgeous, lol,,dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
In this, I confess agreement (laughing) Well said!
Originally Posted by DividedThigh
hey my wife loves and respects her husband, she values my opinion, i dont tell her how to dress, she asks my opinion and will not wear something if i dont like it, not that i dont like stuff onher since she is gorgeous, lol,,dt